module Brief module DSL extend ActiveSupport::Concern def config(options = {}, &block) Brief::Configuration.instance.instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end # Define a view of the briefcase. Pass a block # which returns a hash that displays the desired # content def view(name, &block) Brief.views[name.to_sym] = block end def href_builder(&block) Brief.href_builder = block end # Register a new command for this briefcase. # # Pass the name of the command, options, and a block. # # The block will get called with the briefcase, and any arguments # # currently doesn't accept any options def command(name, options={}, &block) Brief.commands[name.to_sym] = { options: options, handler: block } end # Extends an existing class def extend(*args, &block) options = args.dup.extract_options! name = args.first type_alias = options.fetch(:type_alias) { name.downcase.parameterize.gsub(/-/, '_') } namespace = Brief.configuration.model_namespace || Brief::Model klass = namespace.const_get(type_alias.camelize) rescue nil if !klass return define(*args, &block) end klass.definition.instance_eval(&block) if block_given? klass.definition.validate! end # defines a new model class def define(*args, &block) options = args.dup.extract_options! name = args.first type_alias = options.fetch(:type_alias) { name.downcase.parameterize.gsub(/-/, '_') } namespace = Brief.configuration.model_namespace || Brief::Model klass = namespace.const_get(type_alias.camelize) rescue nil klass = namespace.const_set(type_alias.camelize, do |k| k.send(:include, Brief::Model) k.definition ||=, args.extract_options!) ||= name k.type_alias ||= type_alias Brief::Model.classes << k end if klass.nil? klass.definition.instance_eval(&block) if block_given? klass.definition.validate! end # defines a method on the model instance named after the identifier # and then creates a CLI command matching that, so for example: # # given a model called 'Post' and an action named 'publish' the # brief CLI executable will respond to: # # brief publish posts PATH_GLOB # # this will find all of the Post models from the documents matching PATH_GLOB # and call the publish method on them def action(identifier, _options = {}, &block) Object.class.class_eval do command "#{identifier}" do |c| c.syntax = "brief #{identifier}" c.description = "run the #{identifier} command" c.action do |args, opts| briefcase = path_args = { |arg| arg.is_a?(String) && arg.match(/\.md$/) }! do |arg| path = briefcase.repository.root.join(arg) path.exist? end! { |p| briefcase.repository.root.join(p) } models = { |path| }.map(&:to_model), models, opts) end end rescue nil end end end end