Sufia::Engine.routes.draw do match 'single_use_link/generate_download/:id' => 'single_use_link#generate_download', :as => :generate_download_single_use_link match 'single_use_link/generate_show/:id' => 'single_use_link#generate_show', :as => :generate_show_single_use_link match 'single_use_link/show/:id' => 'single_use_link#show', :as => :show_single_use_link match 'single_use_link/download/:id' => 'single_use_link#download', :as => :download_single_use_link match 'batch_edits/clear' => 'batch_edits#clear', :as => :batch_edits_clear # add batch edit routes Hydra::BatchEdit.add_routes(self) # Route path-less requests to the index view of catalog root :to => "catalog#index" # "Recently added files" route for catalog index view match "catalog/recent" => "catalog#recent", :as => :catalog_recent # "Notifications" route for catalog index view match "users/notifications_number" => "users#notifications_number", :as => :user_notify # Generic file routes resources :generic_files, :path => :files, :except => :index do member do get 'citation', :as => :citation post 'audit' post 'permissions' end end # Downloads controller route resources :downloads, :only => "show" # Login/logout route to destroy session match 'logout' => 'sessions#destroy', :as => :destroy_user_session match 'login' => 'sessions#new', :as => :new_user_session # Messages match 'notifications' => 'mailbox#index', :as => :mailbox match 'notifications/delete_all' => 'mailbox#delete_all', :as => :mailbox_delete_all match 'notifications/:uid/delete' => 'mailbox#delete', :as => :mailbox_delete # User profile & follows match 'users' => 'users#index', :as => :profiles match 'users/:uid' => 'users#show', :as => :profile match 'users/:uid/edit' => 'users#edit', :as => :edit_profile match 'users/:uid/update' => 'users#update', :as => :update_profile, :via => :put match 'users/:uid/follow' => 'users#follow', :as => :follow_user match 'users/:uid/unfollow' => 'users#unfollow', :as => :unfollow_user # Dashboard routes (based partly on catalog routes) match 'dashboard' => 'dashboard#index', :as => :dashboard match 'dashboard/activity' => 'dashboard#activity', :as => :dashboard_activity match 'dashboard/facet/:id' => 'dashboard#facet', :as => :dashboard_facet # advanced routes for advanced search match 'search' => 'advanced#index', :as => :advanced # Authority vocabulary queries route match 'authorities/:model/:term' => 'authorities#query' # LDAP-related routes for group and user lookups match 'directory/user/:uid' => 'directory#user' match 'directory/user/:uid/:attribute' => 'directory#user_attribute' match 'directory/group/:cn' => 'directory#group', :constraints => { :cn => /.*/ } # Batch edit routes match 'batches/:id/edit' => 'batch#edit', :as => :batch_edit match 'batches/:id/' => 'batch#update', :as => :batch_generic_files # Contact form routes match 'contact' => 'contact_form#create', :via => :post, :as => :contact_form_index match 'contact' => 'contact_form#new', :via => :get, :as => :contact_form_index # Resque monitoring routes namespace :admin do constraints Sufia::ResqueAdmin do mount Resque::Server, :at => "queues" end end # Static page routes (workaround) match ':action' => 'static#:action', :constraints => { :action => /about|help|terms|zotero|mendeley|agreement|subject_libraries|versions/ }, :as => :static end