include('../background.js'); /** * Adds a div with colored rows to dom * * @class */ uki.background.Rows = uki.newClass(new function() { var proto = this, cache = [], packSize = 100; /**#@+ @memberOf uki.background.Rows.prototype */ proto.init = function(height, colors) { this._height = height || 20; this._colors = uki.isArray(colors) ? colors : colors.split(' '); this._packSize = CEIL(packSize/this._colors.length)*this._colors.length; this._renderedHeight = 0; this._visibleExt = 200; if (this._colors.length == 1) this._colors = this._colors.concat(['#FFF']); }; proto.attachTo = function(comp) { this._comp && this.detach(); this._comp = comp; if (!this._container) { this._container = uki.createElement( 'div', 'position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;z-index:-1' ); } this._layoutHandler = this._layoutHandler || uki.proxy(function(e) { this.layout(e.rect, e.visibleRect); }, this); this._comp.dom().appendChild(this._container); this._comp.bind('layout', this._layoutHandler); }; proto.layout = function(rect, visibleRect) { var height = visibleRect ? visibleRect.height + this._visibleExt*2 : rect.maxY(); while (this._renderedHeight < height) { var h = packSize * this._height, c = uki.createElement('div', 'height:' + h + 'px;overflow:hidden;width:100%;', getPackHTML(this._height, this._colors)); this._renderedHeight += h; this._container.appendChild(c); } if (visibleRect) { = CEIL((visibleRect.y - this._visibleExt)/this._height/this._colors.length)*this._height*this._colors.length + 'px'; } }; proto.detach = function() { this._comp.dom().removeChild(this._container); this._comp.unbind('layout', this._layoutHandler); this._comp = null; }; /**#@-*/ function getPackHTML (height, colors) { var key = height + ' ' + colors.join(' '), rows = [], html = [], i, l = colors.length; if (!cache[key]) { for (i=0; i < l; i++) { rows[i] = ['
'].join(''); }; for (i=0; i < packSize; i++) { html[i] = rows[i%l]; }; cache[key] = html.join(''); } return cache[key]; } });