# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com)
# This file is part of Ronin Support.
# Ronin Support is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ronin Support is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Ronin Support.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

require 'ronin/network/mixins/mixin'
require 'ronin/network/http'

module Ronin
  module Network
    module Mixins
      # Adds HTTP convenience methods and connection parameters to a class.
      # Defines the following parameters:
      # * `host` (`String`) - HTTP host.
      # * `port` (`Integer`) - HTTP port. Defaults to `Net::HTTP.default_port`.
      # * `http_vhost` (`String`) - HTTP Host header to send.
      # * `http_user` (`String`) - HTTP user to authenticate as.
      # * `http_password` (`String`) - HTTP password to authenticate with.
      # * `http_proxy` - HTTP proxy information.
      # * `http_user_agent` (`String`) - HTTP User-Agent header to send.
      module HTTP
        include Mixin, Network::HTTP

        # HTTP host
        parameter :host, :type => String,
                         :description => 'HTTP host'

        # HTTP port
        parameter :port, :default => Net::HTTP.default_port,
                         :description => 'HTTP port'

        # HTTP `Host` header to send
        parameter :http_vhost, :type => String,
                               :description => 'HTTP Host header to send'

        # HTTP user to authenticate as
        parameter :http_user, :type => String,
                              :description => 'HTTP user to authenticate as'

        # HTTP password to authenticate with
        parameter :http_password, :type => String,
                                  :description => 'HTTP password to authenticate with'

        # HTTP proxy information
        parameter :http_proxy, :description => 'HTTP proxy information'

        # HTTP `User-Agent` header to send
        parameter :http_user_agent, :type => String,
                                    :description => 'HTTP User-Agent header to send'


        # Resets the HTTP proxy settings.
        # @api public
        def disable_http_proxy
          @http_proxy = nil

        # Connects to the HTTP server.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   Additional options
        # @option options [String, URI::HTTP] :url
        #   The full URL to request.
        # @option options [String] :user
        #   The user to authenticate with when connecting to the HTTP
        #   server.
        # @option options [String] :password
        #   The password to authenticate with when connecting to the HTTP
        #   server.
        # @option options [String] :host
        #   The host the HTTP server is running on.
        # @option options [Integer] :port (Net::HTTP.default_port)
        #   The port the HTTP server is listening on.
        # @option options [String] :path
        #   The path to request from the HTTP server.
        # @yield [session]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passes the new HTTP session
        #   object.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP] session
        #   The newly created HTTP session.
        # @return [Net::HTTP]
        #   The HTTP session object.
        # @api public
        def http_session(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)

          super(options) do |http,expanded_options|
            print_info "Starting HTTP Session with #{host_port}"

            if block.arity == 2

            print_info "Closing HTTP Session with #{host_port}"

        # Connects to the HTTP server and sends an HTTP Request.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   Additional options.
        # @option options [Hash{String,Symbol => Object}] :headers
        #   The Hash of the HTTP headers to send with the request.
        #   May contain either Strings or Symbols, lower-case or
        #   camel-case keys.
        # @yield [request, (options)]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the HTTP request object.
        #   If the block has an arity of 2, it will also be passed the
        #   expanded version of the given options.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Request] request
        #   The HTTP request object to use in the request.
        # @yieldparam [Hash] options
        #   The expanded version of the given options.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_session
        # @api public
        def http_request(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP #{options[:method]} #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Returns the Status Code of the Response.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   Additional options.
        # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:head)
        #   The method to use for the request.
        # @return [Integer]
        #   The HTTP Response Status.
        # @see #http_request
        # @since 1.1.0
        # @api public
        def http_status(options={})
          options = http_merge_options(options)

          if (result = super(options))
            print_debug "HTTP #{result} #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return result

        # Checks if the response has an HTTP OK status code.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   Additional options.
        # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:head)
        #   The method to use for the request.
        # @return [Boolean]
        #   Specifies whether the response had an HTTP OK status code or not.
        # @see #http_status
        # @since 1.1.0
        # @api public
        def http_ok?(options={})
          options = http_merge_options(options)

          if (result = super(options))
            print_debug "HTTP 200 OK #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return result

        # Sends a HTTP Head request and returns the HTTP Server header.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   Additional options.
        # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:head)
        #   The method to use for the request.
        # @return [String]
        #   The HTTP `Server` header.
        # @see #http_request
        # @since 1.1.0
        # @api public
        def http_server(options={})
          options = http_merge_options(options)

          if (result = super(options))
            print_debug "HTTP Server: #{result}"

          return result

        # Sends an HTTP Head request and returns the HTTP X-Powered-By header.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   Additional options.
        # @option options [Symbol, String] :method (:get)
        #   The method to use for the request.
        # @return [String]
        #   The HTTP `X-Powered-By` header.
        # @see #http_request
        # @since 1.1.0
        # @api public
        def http_powered_by(options={})
          options = http_merge_options(options)

          if (result = super(options))
            print_debug "HTTP X-Powered-By: #{result}"

          return result

        # Performs an HTTP Copy request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_copy(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP COPY #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Delete request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_delete(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP DELETE #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Get request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_get(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP GET #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Get request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [String]
        #   The body of the HTTP Get request.
        # @see #http_get
        # @api public
        def http_get_body(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP GET #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Head request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_head(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP HEAD #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Lock request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_lock(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP LOCK #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Mkcol request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_mkcol(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP MKCOL #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Move request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_move(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP MOVE #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Options request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_options(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP OPTIONS #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Post request.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   Additional options.
        # @option options [String] :post_data
        #   The `POSTDATA` to send with the HTTP Post request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_post(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP POST #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Post request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [String]
        #   The body of the Post request.
        # @see #http_post
        # @api public
        def http_post_body(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP POST #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Propfind request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_prop_find(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP PROPFIND #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Proppatch request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_prop_patch(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP PROPPATCH #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Trace request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_trace(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP TRACE #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)

        # Performs an HTTP Unlock request.
        # @yield [response]
        #   If a block is given, it will be passed the response received
        #   from the request.
        # @yieldparam [Net::HTTP::Response] response
        #   The HTTP response object.
        # @return [Net::HTTP::Response]
        #   The response of the HTTP request.
        # @see #http_request
        # @api public
        def http_unlock(options={},&block)
          options = http_merge_options(options)
          print_info "HTTP UNLOCK #{http_options_to_s(options)}"

          return super(options,&block)


        # Merges the HTTP parameters into the HTTP options.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   The HTTP options to merge into.
        # @return [Hash]
        #   The merged HTTP options.
        # @since 1.0.0
        # @api private
        def http_merge_options(options={})
          options[:host] ||= self.host if self.host
          options[:port] ||= self.port if self.port

          if (self.http_vhost || self.http_user_agent)
            headers = options.fetch(:headers,{})

            headers[:host] ||= self.http_vhost if self.http_vhost
            headers[:user_agent] ||= self.http_user_agent if self.http_user_agent

            options[:headers] = headers

          options[:user] ||= self.http_user if self.http_user
          options[:password] ||= self.http_password if self.http_password

          options[:proxy] ||= self.http_proxy if self.http_proxy

          return options

        # Converts the HTTP options to a printable String.
        # @param [Hash] options
        #   HTTP options.
        # @return [String]
        #   The printable String.
        # @since 1.1.0
        # @api private
        def http_options_to_s(options)
          fields = ["#{options[:host]}:#{options[:port]}"]

          if (options[:user] || options[:password])
            fields << "#{options[:user]}:#{options[:password]}"

          path = options[:path]
          path += "?#{options[:query]}" if options[:query]

          fields << path

          if options[:headers]
            fields << ("%p" % options[:headers])

          return fields.join(' ')
