module Opal # Custom loader class, which an instance is set on the vienna.loader property # to allow for disk based loading and access to modules/packages/gems. # # For now, this simply adds hard-coded paths to the load path. In future, # dynamic package lookup will take place, but for now we just manually loop # through gems/packages in this gems' dir, and the cwd dir (in ./vendor/) and # add each of their lib/ dirs). Unil we add a custom package manager, this # will make it the easiest way of managing packages for vienna. class Loader # Load paths. This is an array of all load paths attr_reader :paths # The vienna instance for the object attr_reader :vienna # @param vienna The js vienna object itself so we can talk to it # @param {Vienna::Context} context The v8 context def initialize(vienna, context) @vienna = vienna @ctx = context @paths = [] hardcode_gems end # Register all gems - this is currently hardcoded while we don't have a # proper package manager. This needs to be replaced to be more dynamic in # lookup. def hardcode_gems core = File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'gems')) do |entry| try_dir = File.join core, entry if && !['.', '..'].include?(entry) add_hardcoded_gem try_dir end end end # Add an individual hardcoded gem by its path. We need to check it has a # .gemspec in its dir, then add its lib directory to our path. def add_hardcoded_gem(path) # make sure gem dir has a gemspec gemspec = File.join path, File.basename(path) + '.gemspec' return unless File.exists? gemspec # make sure gem dir has a lib dir libpath = File.join path, 'lib' return unless File.exists? libpath # all is ok, so add to loadpath @paths << libpath end # Valid extensions. This should be more dynamic for custom extensions def valid_extensions %w[.rb .js] end # Exposed as replacement method. def resolve_module(id, parent) resolved = find_module id, @paths raise "Cannot find module '#{id}'" unless resolved resolved end # Resolve the id requested with the given valid paths def find_module(id, paths) extensions = valid_extensions @paths.each do |path| extensions.each do |ext| candidate = File.join(path, id + ext) # if file exists, return it! return candidate if File.exists? candidate end end # if we cannot find it, just return nil nil end # Returns the contents of the module. This, in ruby, reads from the disk, # but the browser uses either XHR or a cached module reference. The # method name is kept generic to reflect this. # # @param {String} filename The filename to load. This is a full filename, # not just a module id. def module_contents(filename) filename end # Special version of module contents that will compile the given ruby code # at the file into javascript first, before returning it. This is exposed # to vienna so that it makes it easier to compile and run ruby from the # v8 context. The default implementation of this throws an error to say # that in browser ruby code cannot be run. def ruby_module_contents(filename) parser = result = parser.parse!.generate_top result end # Wraps the content with the given filename. Basically, here we eval # the code inside a function which takes our exports, module, # require etc, and returns the function ready for calling. If an # error occures (likely a parse error) it is just thrown as normal def wrap(content, filename) code = "(function(VM, self, __FILE__) { #{content} });" # puts code @ctx.eval code, filename end end end