require "httparty" require "nokogiri" require "uri" require 'zuora_api/exceptions' module ZuoraAPI class Login ENVIRONMENTS = [TEST = 'Test', SANDBOX = 'Sandbox', PRODUCTION = 'Production', PREFORMANCE = 'Preformance', SERVICES = 'Services', UNKNOWN = 'Unknown', STAGING = 'Staging', PREPROD='Preprod' ] REGIONS = [EU = 'EU', US = 'US', NA = 'NA', JP = 'JP' ] MIN_Endpoints = {'Test': '140.0', 'Sandbox': '140.0', 'Production': '140.0', 'Performance': '140.0', 'Services': '96.0', 'Unknown': '96.0', 'Staging': '140.0', 'Preprod': '140.0'}.freeze XML_SAVE_OPTIONS = Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XML | Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::NO_DECLARATION USER_AGENT = "Zuora#{ENV['Z_APPLICATION_NAME']&.capitalize}/#{ENV['Z_APPLICATION_VERSION']&.delete('v')}" CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS = [ Net::OpenTimeout, SocketError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, #A remote host refused to allow the network connection Errno::EINVAL, #Invalid argument. This is used to indicate various kinds of problems with passing the wrong argument to a library function. Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, #The remote host for a requested network connection is not reachable. Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, #ETIMEDOUT A socket operation with a specified timeout received no response during the timeout period. ].freeze CONNECTION_READ_EXCEPTIONS = [ Timeout::Error, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EPIPE ].freeze ZUORA_API_ERRORS = [ ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIError, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIRequestLimit, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPILockCompetition, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPITemporaryError, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraDataIntegrity, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIInternalServerError, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraUnexpectedError, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIUnkownError ].freeze ZUORA_SERVER_ERRORS = [ ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIInternalServerError, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIConnectionTimeout, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIReadTimeout, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraUnexpectedError ].freeze attr_accessor :region, :url, :wsdl_number, :current_session, :bearer_token, :oauth_session_expires_at, :environment, :status, :errors, :current_error, :user_info, :tenant_id, :tenant_name, :entity_id, :entity_identifier, :entity_header_type, :timeout_sleep, :hostname, :zconnect_provider def initialize(url: nil, entity_id: nil, entity_identifier: nil, session: nil, status: nil, bearer_token: nil, oauth_session_expires_at: nil, **keyword_args) raise "URL is nil or empty, but URL is required" if url.nil? || url.empty? # raise "URL is improper. URL must contain,, or" if /|| === url self.hostname = /(?<=https:\/\/|http:\/\/)(.*?)(?=\/|$)/.match(url)[0] if !/(?<=https:\/\/|http:\/\/)(.*?)(?=\/|$)/.match(url).nil? self.update_environment min_endpoint = MIN_Endpoints[self.environment.to_sym] if !/apps\/services\/a\/\d+\.\d$/.match(url.strip) self.url = "https://#{hostname}/apps/services/a/#{min_endpoint}" elsif min_endpoint.to_f > url.scan(/(\d+\.\d)$/).dig(0,0).to_f self.url = url.gsub(/(\d+\.\d)$/, min_endpoint) else self.url = url end self.entity_id = get_entity_id(entity_id: entity_id) self.entity_identifier = entity_identifier self.entity_header_type = :entity_id self.errors = self.current_session = session self.bearer_token = bearer_token self.oauth_session_expires_at = oauth_session_expires_at self.status = status.blank? ? "Active" : status self.user_info = self.update_region self.update_zconnect_provider @timeout_sleep = 5 end def get_identity(cookies) zsession = cookies["ZSession"] begin if !zsession.blank? response = HTTParty.get("https://#{self.hostname}/apps/v1/identity", :headers => {'Cookie' => "ZSession=#{zsession}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT}) output_json = JSON.parse(response.body) else raise"No ZSession cookie present") end rescue JSON::ParserError => ex output_json = {} end raise_errors(type: :JSON, body: output_json, response: response) return output_json end def get_full_nav(cookies) zsession = cookies["ZSession"] begin if zsession.present? response = HTTParty.get("https://#{self.hostname}/apps/v1/navigation", :headers => {'Cookie' => "ZSession=#{zsession}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT}) output_json = JSON.parse(response.body) else raise"No ZSession cookie present") end rescue JSON::ParserError => ex output_json = {} end raise_errors(type: :JSON, body: output_json, response: response) return output_json end def set_nav(state, cookies) zsession = cookies["ZSession"] begin if !zsession.blank? response = HTTParty.put("https://#{self.hostname}/apps/v1/preference/navigation", :body => state.to_json, :headers => {'Cookie' => "ZSession=#{zsession}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT}) output_json = JSON.parse(response.body) else raise"No ZSession cookie present") end rescue JSON::ParserError => ex output_json = {} end raise_errors(type: :JSON, body: output_json, response: response) return output_json end def refresh_nav(cookies) zsession = cookies["ZSession"] begin if !zsession.blank? response ="https://#{self.hostname}/apps/v1/navigation/fetch", :headers => {'Cookie' => "ZSession=#{zsession}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT}) output_json = JSON.parse(response.body) else raise"No ZSession cookie present") end rescue JSON::ParserError => ex output_json = {} end raise_errors(type: :JSON, body: output_json, response: response) return output_json end def reporting_url(path) map = {"US" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Test" => "", "Staging" => "", "Performance" => "", "Services" => ""}, "EU" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Services"=> "", "Test" => ""}, "NA" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Services"=> ""}, "JP" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Services"=> ""} } return map[self.region][self.environment].insert(-1, path) end # There are two ways to call this method. The first way is best. # 1. Pass in cookies and optionally custom_authorities, name, and description # 2. Pass in user_id, entity_ids, client_id, client_secret, and optionally custom_authorities, name, and description # def get_oauth_client (custom_authorities = [], info_name: "No Name", info_desc: "This client was created without a description.", user_id: nil, entity_ids: nil, client_id: nil, client_secret: nil, new_client_id: nil, new_client_secret: nil, cookies: nil, chomp_v1_from_genesis_endpoint: false, use_api_generated_client_secret: false) authorization = "" new_client_id = SecureRandom.uuid if new_client_id.blank? new_client_secret = SecureRandom.hex(10) if new_client_secret.blank? if !cookies.nil? authorization = cookies["ZSession"] authorization = "ZSession-a3N2w #{authorization}" if entity_ids.blank? && cookies["ZuoraCurrentEntity"].present? entity_ids = Array(cookies["ZuoraCurrentEntity"].unpack("a8a4a4a4a12").join('-')) else raise"Zuora Entity ID not provided") end if user_id.blank? && cookies["Zuora-User-Id"].present? user_id = cookies["Zuora-User-Id"] else raise"Zuora User ID not provided") end elsif !client_id.nil? && !client_secret.nil? bearer_response ="https://#{self.hostname}/oauth/token", :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept' => 'application/json', "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT}, :body => {'client_id' => client_id, 'client_secret' => URI::encode(client_secret), 'grant_type' => 'client_credentials'}) bearer_hash = JSON.parse(bearer_response.body) bearer_token = bearer_hash["access_token"] authorization = "Bearer #{bearer_token}" end if !authorization.blank? && !user_id.blank? && !entity_ids.blank? endpoint = chomp_v1_from_genesis_endpoint ? self.rest_endpoint.chomp("v1/").concat("genesis/clients") : self.rest_endpoint("genesis/clients") oauth_response =, :headers => {'authorization' => authorization, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT}, :body => {'clientId' => new_client_id, 'clientSecret' => new_client_secret, 'userId' => user_id, 'entityIds' => entity_ids, 'customAuthorities' => custom_authorities, 'additionalInformation' => {'description' => info_desc, 'name' => info_name}}.to_json) output_json = JSON.parse(oauth_response.body) if oauth_response.code == 201 output_json["clientSecret"] = new_client_secret if !use_api_generated_client_secret return output_json elsif oauth_response.code == 401 && !oauth_response.message.blank? raise["message"], oauth_response) else raise["error"], oauth_response) end else raise"Insufficient credentials provided") end end def self.environments %w(Sandbox Production Services Performance Staging Test Preprod) end def self.regions %w(US EU NA JP) end def self.endpoints return {"US" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Performance" => "", "Services" => "", "Staging" => "", "Test" => "", "Preprod" => ""}, "EU" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Performance" => "", "Services" => "", "Test" => ""}, "NA" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Performance" => "", "Services" => "", "Test" => "", "Preprod" => ""}, "JP" => {"Sandbox" => "", "Production" => "", "Test" => ""} } end def get_entity_id(entity_id: nil) if entity_id.present? entity_match = /[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{12}$/.match(entity_id) if entity_match.blank? raise "Entity length is wrong." if entity_id.length != 32 part_one, part_two, part_three, part_four, part_five = [entity_id[0..7], entity_id[8..11], entity_id[12..15], entity_id[16..19], entity_id[20..31]] entity_id = "#{part_one}-#{part_two}-#{part_three}-#{part_four}-#{part_five}" end end return entity_id end def update_region if !self.hostname.blank? if /(?<=\.|\/|^)(eu)(?=\.|\/|$)/ === self.hostname self.region = "EU" elsif /(?<=\.|\/|^)(na)(?=\.|\/|$)/ === self.hostname self.region = "NA" elsif /(?<=\.|\/|^)(ap)(?=\.|\/|$)/ === self.hostname self.region = "JP" else self.region = "US" end else # This will never happen # raise "Can't update region because URL is blank" self.region = "Unknown" end end def update_environment if !self.hostname.blank? case self.hostname when /(?<=\.|\/|-|^)(apisandbox|sandbox)(?=\.|\/|-|$)/ self.environment = 'Sandbox' when /(?<=\.|\/|^)(service[\d]*|services[\d]*|ep-edge)(?=\.|\/|$)/ self.environment = 'Services' when /(?<=\.|\/|-|^)(pt[\d]*)(?=\.|\/|-|$)/ self.environment = 'Performance' when /(?<=\.|\/|^)(staging1|staging2|stg)(?=\.|\/|$)/ self.environment = 'Staging' when /(?<=\.|\/|^)(test)(?=\.|\/|$)/ self.environment = 'Test' when /(?<=\.|\/|^)(www|api)(?=\.|\/|$)/, /(^|tls10\.|origin-www\.|zforsf\.|eu\.|na\.|ap\.)(zuora\.com)/ self.environment = 'Production' when /(?<=\.|\/|-|^)(preprod|preprod)(?=\.|\/|-|$)/ self.environment = 'Preprod' else self.environment = 'Unknown' end else # this will never happen raise "Can't determine environment from blank URL" end end def update_zconnect_provider update_region if self.region.blank? update_environment if self.environment.blank? mappings = {"US" => {"Sandbox" => "ZConnectSbx", "Services" => "ZConnectSvcUS", "Production" => "ZConnectProd", "Performance" => "ZConnectPT1", "Preprod" => "ZConnectPreprod", "Test" => "ZConnectTest", "Staging" => "ZConnectQA", "KubeSTG" => "ZConnectDev", "KubeDEV" => "ZConnectDev", "KubePROD" => "ZConnectDev"}, "NA" => {"Sandbox" => "ZConnectSbxNA", "Services" => "ZConnectSvcNA", "Production" => "ZConnectProdNA", "Performance" => "ZConnectPT1NA"}, "EU" => {"Sandbox" => "ZConnectSbxEU", "Services" => "ZConnectSvcEU", "Production" => "ZConnectProdEU", "Performance" => "ZConnectPT1EU", "Test" => "ZConnectTest"}, "JP" => {"Sandbox" => "ZConnectSbxAP", "Services" => "ZConnectSvcAP", "Production" => "ZConnectProdAP", "Performance" => "ZConnectPT1AP", "Test" => "ZConnectTest"}, "Unknown" => {"Unknown" => "Unknown"}} self.zconnect_provider = mappings[self.region][self.environment] end def aqua_endpoint(url="") match = /.*(\/apps\/)/.match(self.url) if !match.nil? url_slash_apps_slash = match[0] else raise "self.url has no /apps in it" end return "#{url_slash_apps_slash}api/#{url}" end def rest_endpoint(url="", domain=true, prefix='/v1/') update_environment endpoint = url url_postfix = {"US" => ".", "EU" => ".eu.", "NA" => ".na.", "JP" => ".ap."}[self.region] case self.environment when 'Test' endpoint = "https://rest.test#{url_postfix}" when 'Sandbox' endpoint = "https://rest.sandbox#{url_postfix}" endpoint = "" if self.region == "US" when 'Production' endpoint = "https://rest#{url_postfix}" when 'Performance' endpoint = "" when 'Services' https = /https:\/\/|http:\/\//.match(self.url)[0] host = self.hostname endpoint = "#{https}rest#{host}" when 'Staging' endpoint = "" when 'Preprod' endpoint = "" when 'Unknown' raise "Environment unknown, returning passed in parameter unaltered" end return domain ? endpoint.concat(prefix).concat(url) : prefix.concat(url) end def rest_domain(endpoint: self.rest_endpoint) return URI(endpoint).host end def fileURL(url="") return self.rest_endpoint("file/").concat(url) end def dateFormat return self.wsdl_number > 68 ? '%Y-%m-%d' : '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' end def new_session(auth_type: :basic, debug: false, zuora_track_id: nil) retries ||= 2 yield rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError => ex self.status = 'Invalid' self.current_error = ex.message raise rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIError => ex raise, ex.response) rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIInternalServerError => ex raise ex if retries -= 1 sleep(self.timeout_sleep) retry rescue *(CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS + CONNECTION_READ_EXCEPTIONS) => ex self.log(location: "BasicLogin", exception: ex, message: "Timed out", level: :error) self.current_error = "Request timed out. Try again" self.status = 'Timeout' raise rescue EOFError if self.url.match?(/.*services\d{1,}*/) self.current_error = "Services tenant '#{self.url.scan(/.*\/\/(services\d{1,})*/).last.first}' is no longer available." self.status = 'Not Available' raise end end def get_session(prefix: false, auth_type: :basic, zuora_track_id: nil) case auth_type when :basic if self.current_session.blank? case self.class.to_s when 'ZuoraAPI::Oauth' if self.bearer_token.blank? || self.oauth_expired? self.new_session(auth_type: :bearer, zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) end self.get_z_session(zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) when 'ZuoraAPI::Basic' self.new_session(auth_type: :basic, zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) else self.new_session(auth_type: :basic, zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) end end return prefix ? "ZSession #{self.current_session}" : self.current_session.to_s when :bearer case self.class.to_s when 'ZuoraAPI::Oauth' if self.bearer_token.blank? || self.oauth_expired? self.new_session(auth_type: :bearer, zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) end when 'ZuoraAPI::Basic' raise"Basic Login, does not support Authentication of Type: #{auth_type}") else raise"Unknown Login, does not support Authentication of Type: #{auth_type}") end return prefix ? "Bearer #{self.bearer_token}" : self.bearer_token.to_s end end def soap_call( ns1: 'ns1', ns2: 'ns2', batch_size: nil, headers: {}, single_transaction: false, debug: false, zuora_track_id: nil, errors: [ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError].concat(ZUORA_API_ERRORS), z_session: true, timeout_retry: false, timeout: 130, timeout_sleep_interval: self.timeout_sleep, output_exception_messages: true, skip_session: false, **keyword_args) tries ||= 2 xml = do |xml| xml['SOAP-ENV'].Envelope('xmlns:SOAP-ENV' => "", "xmlns:#{ns2}" => "", 'xmlns:xsi' => "", 'xmlns:api' => "", "xmlns:#{ns1}" => "") do xml['SOAP-ENV'].Header do if !skip_session xml["#{ns1}"].SessionHeader do xml["#{ns1}"].session self.get_session(prefix: false, auth_type: :basic, zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) end end if single_transaction xml["#{ns1}"].CallOptions do xml["#{ns1}"].useSingleTransaction single_transaction end end if batch_size xml["#{ns1}"].QueryOptions do xml["#{ns1}"].batchSize batch_size end end end xml['SOAP-ENV'].Body do yield xml, keyword_args end end end input_xml = Nokogiri::XML(xml.to_xml(:save_with => XML_SAVE_OPTIONS).strip) input_xml.xpath('//ns1:session', 'ns1' =>'').children.remove Rails.logger.debug("Request SOAP XML: #{input_xml.to_xml(:save_with => XML_SAVE_OPTIONS).strip}") if debug headers.merge!({ 'Content-Type' => "text/xml; charset=utf-8", 'Accept' => 'text/xml'}) headers['Zuora-Track-Id'] = zuora_track_id if zuora_track_id.present? headers['X-Amzn-Trace-Id'] = zuora_track_id if zuora_track_id.present? headers["User-Agent"] = USER_AGENT request = Net::HTTP::Post, self.url, body: xml.doc.to_xml(:save_with => XML_SAVE_OPTIONS).strip, headers: headers, timeout: timeout, ) response = request.perform output_xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) Rails.logger.debug("Response SOAP XML: #{output_xml.to_xml(:save_with => XML_SAVE_OPTIONS).strip}") if debug raise_errors(type: :SOAP, body: output_xml, response: response) return output_xml, input_xml, response rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError => ex raise if skip_session if ! && z_session tries -= 1 Rails.logger.debug("SOAP Call - Session Invalid") begin self.new_session(auth_type: :basic, zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) rescue *ZUORA_API_ERRORS => ex return output_xml, input_xml, ex.response end retry end raise ex if errors.include?(ex.class) return output_xml, input_xml, response rescue *ZUORA_API_ERRORS => ex raise ex if errors.include?(ex.class) response = ex.response unless response return output_xml, input_xml, response rescue *CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS => ex if ! tries -= 1 self.log(location: "SOAP Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out will retry after #{timeout_sleep_interval} seconds", level: :debug) sleep(timeout_sleep_interval) retry end self.log(location: "SOAP Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out", level: :error) if output_exception_messages raise ex rescue *CONNECTION_READ_EXCEPTIONS => ex if ! tries -= 1 self.log(location: "SOAP Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out will retry after #{timeout_sleep_interval} seconds", level: :debug) if ex.is_a?(Errno::ECONNRESET) && ex.message.include?('SSL_connect') retry elsif timeout_retry sleep(timeout_sleep_interval) retry end end self.log(location: "SOAP Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out", level: :error) if output_exception_messages ex ="Received read/write timeout from 'https://#{rest_domain(endpoint: url)}'", nil, request) if ex.is_a?(Timeout::Error) && !ex.instance_of?(ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIReadTimeout) raise ex rescue => ex raise ex ensure if defined?(ex) if keyword_args[:log_error_requests] self.error_logger(ex, **keyword_args) else self.error_logger(ex) end end end def error_logger(ex, **args) return unless Rails.logger.is_a? Ougai::Logger exception_args = Rails.logger.with_fields.merge(self.exception_args(ex)) exception_args.merge!(**args) if args[:log_error_requests] case ex when ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIUnkownError, ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraDataIntegrity Rails.logger.error('Zuora Unknown/Integrity Error', ex, exception_args) when ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIRequestLimit if ex.logged.nil? || !ex.logged ex.logged = true'Zuora APILimit Reached', ex, exception_args) end when *(ZuoraAPI::Login::ZUORA_API_ERRORS-ZuoraAPI::Login::ZUORA_SERVER_ERRORS) Rails.logger.error('Zuora API Error', ex, exception_args) if args[:log_error_requests] when *ZuoraAPI::Login::ZUORA_SERVER_ERRORS Rails.logger.error('Zuora Server Error', ex, exception_args) else end end def log(location: "Rest Call", exception: nil, message: "Timed out will retry after #{self.timeout_sleep} seconds", level: :info ) level = :debug if ![:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal].include?(level) if Rails.logger.is_a? Ougai::Logger Rails.logger.send(level.to_sym, "#{location} - #{message}", exception) else Rails.logger.send(level.to_sym, "#{location} - #{exception.class} #{message}") end end def exception_args(ex) args = {} if defined?(ex.response) && ex.response.present? args.merge!({ url: {full: ex.response.request.path.to_s}, request: { method: ex.response.request.http_method.to_s.split("Net::HTTP::").last.upcase, params: ex.response.request.raw_body.to_s, headers: ex.response.request.options[:headers].map{|k,v| [k.to_s, k.to_s.downcase.strip == "authorization" ? "VALUE FILTERED" : v]}.to_h, }, response: { status: ex.response.code, params: ex.response.body.to_s, headers: ex.response.headers, }, zuora_trace_id: ex.response.headers["zuora-request-id"], zuora_track_id: ex.response.request.options[:headers]["Zuora-Track-Id"], }) elsif defined?(ex.request) && ex.request.present? args.merge!({ url: {full: ex.request.path.to_s}, request: { method: ex.request.http_method.to_s.split("Net::HTTP::").last.upcase, params: ex.request.options[:body], headers: ex.request.options[:headers].map{|k,v| [k.to_s, k.to_s.downcase.strip == "authorization" ? "VALUE FILTERED" : v]}.to_h } }) args.merge!({ zuora_track_id: ex.request.options[:headers]["Zuora-Track-Id"] }) if ex.request.options[:headers]["Zuora-Track-Id"].present? end rescue => ex Rails.logger.error("Failed to create exception arguments", ex, args) ensure return args end def raise_errors(type: :SOAP, body: nil, response: nil) request_uri, request_path, match_string = "", "", "" if response.class.to_s == "HTTP::Message" request_uri = response.http_header.request_uri.to_s request_path = response.http_header.request_uri.path match_string = "#{response.http_header.request_method}::#{response.code}::#{request_uri}" else request = response.request request_uri = response.request.uri request_path = request.path.path match_string = "#{request.http_method.to_s.split("Net::HTTP::").last.upcase}::#{response.code}::#{request_path}" end if [502,503].include?(response.code) raise"Received #{response.code} from 'https://#{rest_domain(endpoint: request_uri)}'", response) end # Check failure response code case response.code when 504 raise"Received 504 from 'https://#{rest_domain(endpoint: request_uri)}'", response) when 429 raise"The total number of concurrent requests has exceeded the limit allowed by the system. Please resubmit your request later.", response) when 401 else if body.class == Hash case request_path when /^\/v1\/connections$/ response_headers = response.headers.to_h raise"Missing cookies for authentication call", response) if response_headers['set-cookie'].blank? z_session_cookie = response_headers.fetch('set-cookie', []).select{|x| x.match(/^ZSession=.*/) }.first raise"Missing ZSession cookie for authentication call", response) if z_session_cookie.blank? end end end case type when :SOAP error, success, message = get_soap_error_and_message(body) if body.xpath('//fns:LoginFault', 'fns' =>'').present? raise, response) end if body.xpath('//ns1:queryResponse', 'ns1' => '').present? && body.xpath( '//ns1:records[@xsi:type="ns2:Export"]', 'ns1' => '', 'xsi' => '' ).present? result = body.xpath('//ns2:Status', 'ns2' => '').text if result == 'Failed' message = body.xpath('//ns2:StatusReason', 'ns2' => '').text error = 'UNEXPECTED_ERROR' if message.present? identifier, new_message = message.scan(/^([\w\d]{16})\: (.*)/).first if new_message.present? if new_message.include?("The query exceeded maximum processing time") error, message = ['TRANSACTION_FAILED', new_message.concat(" Please see KC for the Max Timeout Specification")] elsif new_message.include?("There is no field named") error, message = ['TRANSACTION_FAILED', new_message] else error, message = ['UNEXPECTED_ERROR', new_message] end else error, message = ['UNEXPECTED_ERROR', message] end else message = 'Export failed due to unknown reason. Consult api logs.' end end end #By default response if not passed in for SOAP as all SOAP is 200 if error.present? if error.class == String raise_errors_helper(error: error, message: message, response: response) elsif error.class == Array if error.uniq.size == 1 err, msg = error[0].split('::') raise_errors_helper(error: err, message: msg, response: response, errors: error, success: success) else raise {|v| v}.map {|k,v| "(#{v.size}x) - #{k == "::" ? 'UNKNOWN::No error provided' : k}"}.join(', '), response, error, success) end end end self.errors_via_content_type(response: response, type: :xml) when :JSON case request_path when /^\/query\/jobs.*/ #DataQuery Paths return if body.class != Hash case match_string when /^GET::200::\/query\/jobs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)$/ #Get DQ job, Capture of the id is present if needed in future error responses. if body.dig('data', "errorCode") == "LINK_10000005" raise'data', "errorMessage"), response) elsif (body.dig('data', "errorMessage").present? || body.dig('data', "queryStatus") == "failed") raise"Data query failed for unknown reasons. No error message.", response) if body.dig('data', "errorMessage").blank? raise'data', "errorMessage"), response) end when /^GET::404::\/query\/jobs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)$/ #Get DQ job not found, capture of the id is present if needed in future error responses. raise'message'), response) if body.dig('message').present? when /^POST::400::\/query\/jobs$/ #Create DQ job raise'message'), response) if body.dig('message').present? end when /^\/api\/rest\/v1\/reports.*/ #Reporting Paths reporting_message = response.parsed_response.dig("ZanResponse", "response", "message") || body.dig("message") if reporting_message&.include?(" The user does not have permissions for this API.") raise, response) elsif reporting_message&.include?("500 Internal Server Error") raise"Internal Server Error. The Reporting API is down. Contact Support.", response) end case match_string when /^GET::400::\/api\/rest\/v1\/reports\/(reportlabels\/)?([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)\/report-details$/ # Get report, capture of the id is present if needed in future error responses. raise, response) if reporting_message.present? end when /\/objects\/batch\// if body['code'].present? && /61$/.match(body['code'].to_s).present? # if last 2 digits of code are 61 raise['message'], nil, body['details']) end when /^\/api\/v1\/payment_plans.*/ raise['error'], response) if body['error'] end body = body.dig("results").present? ? body["results"] : body if body.class == Hash if body.class == Hash && (!(body["success"] || body["Success"]) || response.code != 200) reason_keys = %w(reasons errors) message_keys = %w(message title) messages_array, codes_array = [[],[]] reason_keys.each do |rsn_key| message_keys.each do |msg_key| messages_array = body.fetch(rsn_key, []).map {|error| error[msg_key]}.compact break if messages_array.present? end codes_array = body.fetch(rsn_key, []).map {|error| error['code']}.compact break if messages_array.present? && codes_array.present? end if body.dig('error').class == Hash messages_array = messages_array.push(body.dig("error", 'message')).compact codes_array = codes_array.push(body.dig("error", 'code')).compact end if body['message'] == 'request exceeded limit' raise"The total number of concurrent requests has exceeded the limit allowed by the system. Please resubmit your request later.", response) end if (body.dig('message') || '').downcase.include?('unexpected error') && response.code != 500 raise['message'], response) end if body['message'] == "No bearer token" && response.code == 400 raise"Authentication type is not supported by this Login", response) end if body['errorMessage'] raise['errorMessage'], response) end if body.dig("reasons").nil? ? false : body.dig("reasons")[0].dig("code") == 90000020 raise"#{messages_array.join(', ')}", response) end #Oauth Tokens - User deactivated if body['path'] == '/oauth/token' if body['status'] == 403 && response.code == 403 raise"Forbidden", response) elsif body['status'] == 400 && response.code == 400 raise"Invalid Oauth Client Id", response) end end if body['error'] == 'Unauthorized' && body['status'] == 401 if body['message'].present? raise['message'], response) else raise"#{messages_array.join(', ')}", response) end end #Authentication failed if ({|code| code.to_s.slice(6,7).to_i}.include?(11) || response.code == 401) && !codes_array.include?(422) new_message = messages_array.join(', ') if new_message.present? raise, response) else raise['message'], response) end end #Zuora REST Create Amendment error #Authentication failed if body["faultcode"].present? && body["faultcode"] == "fns:INVALID_SESSION" raise"#{body['faultstring']}", response) end #Locking contention if{|code| code.to_s.slice(6,7).to_i}.include?(50) raise"#{messages_array.join(', ')}", response) end #Internal Server Error if{|code| code.to_s.slice(6,7).to_i}.include?(60) if messages_array.uniq.size == 1 if messages_array.first.match(/^Transaction declined.*|^There is an invoice pending tax.*|^The Zuora GetTax call to Avalara.*|^The tax calculation call to Zuora Connect returned the following error: Status Code: 4.*/) raise, response) end end raise"#{messages_array.join(', ')}", response) end #Retryiable Service Error if{|code| code.to_s.slice(6,7).to_i}.include?(61) raise"#{messages_array.join(', ')}", response) end #Request exceeded limit if{|code| code.to_s.slice(6,7).to_i}.include?(70) raise"#{messages_array.join(', ')}", response) end #All Errors catch if codes_array.size > 0 raise"#{messages_array.join(', ')}", response) end #Zuora REST Query Errors if body["faultcode"].present? raise_errors_helper(error: body["faultcode"], message: body["faultstring"], response: response) end if body["Errors"].present? || body["errors"].present? codes, messages = [[],[]] body.fetch("Errors", []).each { |obj| messages.push(obj["Message"]); messages.push(obj["title"]); codes.push(obj["Code"]); codes.push(obj["code"]) } body.fetch("errors", []).each { |obj| messages.push(obj["Message"]); messages.push(obj["title"]); codes.push(obj["Code"]); codes.push(obj["code"]) } codes, messages = [codes.uniq.compact, messages.uniq.compact] if codes.size > 0 if codes.size == 1 raise_errors_helper(error: codes.first, message: messages.first, response: response, errors: messages) else raise"#{messages.join(", ")}", response, messages) end end end end #Zuora REST Actions error (Create, Update, Delete, Amend) if body.class == Array && !body.compact.blank? all_errors = {|obj| !obj['Success'] || !obj['success'] }.map {|obj| obj['Errors'] || obj['errors'] }.compact all_success = {|obj| obj['Success'] || obj['success']}.compact if all_success.blank? && all_errors.present? error_codes = all_errors.flatten.group_by {|error| error['Code']}.keys.uniq error_messages = all_errors.flatten.group_by {|error| error['Message']}.keys.uniq if error_codes.size == 1 || error_messages.size == 1 if error_codes.first == "LOCK_COMPETITION" raise"Retry Lock Competition", response) elsif error_messages.first.include?("data integrity violation") raise"Data Integrity Violation", response) end end end if all_errors.size > 0 raise"#{all_errors.flatten.group_by {|error| error['Message']}.keys.uniq.join(' ')}", response, all_errors, all_success) end end if body.class == Hash && body['message'].present? if body['message'] && body['code'].present? raise_errors_helper(error: body['code'], message: body['message'], raise_final: false) end raise['message'], response) if response.code == 500 raise['message'], response) if ![200,201,202].include?(response.code) end if body.class == Hash && body['errors'].present? if body['errors'].class == Array && body.dig('errors', 0).is_a?(Hash) raise['errors'][0].fetch("message", "No error message. Zuora API Error"), response) end end self.errors_via_content_type(response: response, type: :json) #All other errors if ![200,201,202].include?(response.code) if body == [nil] raise'No error message. Invalid API request', response) end raise, response) end end end def errors_via_content_type(response: nil, type: :xml) response_content_types = response.headers.transform_keys(&:downcase).fetch('content-type', []).first || "" if response_content_types.include?('application/json') && type != :json output_json = JSON.parse(response.body) self.raise_errors(type: :JSON, body: output_json, response: response) elsif (response_content_types.include?('application/xml') || response_content_types.include?('text/xml') || response_content_types.include?('application/soap+xml')) and type != :xml output_xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) self.raise_errors(type: :SOAP, body: output_xml, response: response) elsif response_content_types.include?('text/html') raise"Akamai Error", response) if response.headers.fetch('server', '') == 'AkamaiGHost' parse_body = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body) error_title = parse_body.xpath('//h2').text error_title = parse_body.xpath('//h1').text if error_title.blank? error_message = parse_body.xpath('//p').text error_message = error_title if error_message.blank? if error_title.present? case error_title when /Service Unavailable/ raise, response) when /Client sent a bad request./, /Bad Request/, /403 Forbidden/ raise, response) when /414 Request-URI Too Large/ raise"Request URL is too long", response) when /Not Found/ raise"The page you were looking for could not be found. If you believe you reached this page in error, please email support.", response) else raise, response) end end raise"Http response body is missing", response) if response.body.blank? end raise, response) if response.code == 500 end def get_soap_error_and_message(body) error = body.xpath('//fns:FaultCode', 'fns' =>'').text message = body.xpath('//fns:FaultMessage', 'fns' =>'').text if error.blank? || message.blank? error = body.xpath('//faultcode').text message = body.xpath('//faultstring').text end if error.blank? || message.blank? error = body.xpath('//ns1:Code', 'ns1' =>'').text message = body.xpath('//ns1:Message', 'ns1' =>'').text end if error.blank? || message.blank? error = body.xpath('//soapenv:Value', 'soapenv'=>'').text message = body.xpath('//soapenv:Text', 'soapenv'=>'').text end #Update/Create/Delete Calls with multiple requests and responses if body.xpath('//ns1:result', 'ns1' =>'').size > 0 && body.xpath('//ns1:Errors', 'ns1' =>'').size > 0 error = [] success = [] body.xpath('//ns1:result', 'ns1' =>'').each_with_index do |call, object_index| if call.xpath('./ns1:Success', 'ns1' =>'').text == 'false' && call.xpath('./ns1:Errors', 'ns1' =>'').size > 0 message = "#{call.xpath('./*/ns1:Code', 'ns1' =>'').text}::#{call.xpath('./*/ns1:Message', 'ns1' =>'').text}" error.push(message) else success.push(call.xpath('./ns1:Id', 'ns1' =>'').text) end end end return error, success, message end def raise_errors_helper(error: nil, message: nil, response: nil, errors: [], success: [], raise_final: true) case error when /.*INVALID_SESSION/ raise, response, errors, success) when /.*REQUEST_EXCEEDED_LIMIT/ raise, response, errors, success) when /.*LOCK_COMPETITION/ raise, response, errors, success) when /.*BATCH_FAIL_ERROR/ if message.include?("optimistic locking failed") || message.include?("Operation failed due to a lock competition, please retry later.") raise, response, errors, success) elsif message.include?("org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException") raise, response, errors, success) end raise, response, errors, success) when /.*TEMPORARY_ERROR/, /.*TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT/ raise, response, errors, success) when /.*INVALID_VALUE/ if message.include?("data integrity violation") raise"Data Integrity Violation", response, errors), success end raise, response, errors, success) when /.*UNKNOWN_ERROR/ if /payment\/refund|Credit Balance Adjustment|Payment Gateway|ARSettlement permission/.match(message).nil? raise, response, errors, success) end raise, response, errors, success) when /^EXTENSION_ERROR/, /^INVALID_VERSION/, /invalid/, /^DUPLICATE_VALUE/, /^REQUEST_REJECTED/, /INVALID_ID/, /MAX_RECORDS_EXCEEDED/, /INVALID_FIELD/, /MALFORMED_QUERY/, /NO_PERMISSION/, /PDF_QUERY_ERROR/, /MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE/, /INVALID_TYPE/, /TRANSACTION_FAILED/, /API_DISABLED/, /CANNOT_DELETE/, /ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_CLOSED/ raise, response, errors, success) when /.*UNEXPECTED_ERROR/ raise, response, errors, success) when /.*soapenv:Server.*/ if /^Invalid value.*for type.*|^Id is invalid|^date string can not be less than 19 charactors$/.match(message).present? raise, response, errors, success) elsif /^unknown$|^Invalid white space character \(.*\) in text to output$|^Invalid null character in text to output$/.match(message).present? raise, response, errors, success) end raise, response, errors, success) when /soapenv:Receiver/ if /^com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character.*$/.match(message).present? raise, response, errors, success) end raise, response, errors, success) else raise"Z:#{error}::#{message}", response, errors, success) if raise_final end end def aqua_query(queryName: '', query: '', version: '1.2', jobName: 'Aqua',partner: '', project: '') params = { "format" => 'csv', "version" => version, "name" => jobName, "encrypted" => 'none', "useQueryLabels" => 'true', "partner" => partner, "project" => project, "queries" => [{ "name" => queryName, "query" => query, "type" => 'zoqlexport' }] } response = self.rest_call(method: :post, body: params.to_json, url: self.aqua_endpoint("batch-query/")) if(response[0]["id"].nil?) raise"Error in AQuA Process.", response) end return getFileById(id: response[0]["id"]) end def getFileById(id: "2c92c0f85e7f88ff015e86b8f8f4517f") response = nil result = "new" while result != "completed" do sleep(2)#sleep 2 seconds response, fullResponse = self.rest_call(method: :get, body: {}, url: self.aqua_endpoint("batch-query/jobs/#{id}")) result = response["batches"][0]["status"] if result == "error" raise"Aqua Error", response) break end end fileId = response["batches"][0]["fileId"] return self.get_file(url: self.aqua_endpoint("file/#{fileId}")) end def entity_header if self.entity_header_type == :entity_name && self.entity_identifier.present? { "entityName" => self.entity_identifier } elsif self.entity_id.present? { "Zuora-Entity-Ids" => self.entity_id } else {} end end def insert_entity_header(destination_headers, lookup_headers: nil) # The entity header may be added to a place other than where we look for it lookup_headers = destination_headers if lookup_headers.nil? entity_header_options = %w(zuora-entity-ids entityid entityname) # If the customer doesn't supply an entity header, fill it in if (entity_header_options & entity_header = self.entity_header if entity_header.present? destination_headers.merge!(entity_header) entity_header_options_to_exclude = entity_header_options. reject { |header| header == entity_header.keys.first&.downcase } destination_headers.delete_if { |key, _| entity_header_options_to_exclude.include?(key.to_s.downcase) } end end end def describe_call(object = nil, log_errors = true) tries ||= 2 base = self.url.include?(".com") ? self.url.split(".com")[0].concat(".com") : self.url.split(".eu")[0].concat(".eu") version = self.url.scan(/(\d+\.\d)$/).dig(0,0).to_f url = object ? "#{base}/apps/api/#{version}/describe/#{object}" : "#{base}/apps/api/#{version}/describe/" headers = { "Content-Type" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8" }.merge(self.entity_header) response = HTTParty.get(url, headers: {"Authorization" => self.get_session(prefix: true, auth_type: :basic), "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT}.merge(headers), :timeout => 130) raise ? self.current_error : 'Describe call 401', response) if response.code == 401 output_xml = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) des_hash = if object == nil output_xml.xpath("//object").each do |object| temp = {:label => object.xpath(".//label").text, :url => object.attributes["href"].value } des_hash[object.xpath(".//name").text] = temp end else output_xml.xpath("//field").each do |object| temp = {:label => object.xpath(".//label").text,:selectable => object.xpath(".//selectable").text, :createable => object.xpath(".//label").text == "ID" ? "false" : object.xpath(".//createable").text, :filterable => object.xpath(".//filterable").text, :updateable => object.xpath(".//label").text == "ID" ? "false" : object.xpath(".//updateable").text, :custom => object.xpath(".//custom").text,:maxlength => object.xpath(".//maxlength").text, :required => object.xpath(".//required").text, :type => object.xpath(".//type").text, :context => object.xpath(".//context").collect{ |x| x.text } } temp[:options] = object.xpath(".//option").collect{ |x| x.text } if object.xpath(".//option").size > 0 des_hash[object.xpath(".//name").text.to_sym] = temp des_hash[:fieldsToNull] = {:label => "FieldsToNull",:selectable => "false", :createable => "false",:filterable => "false", :updateable => "true",:custom => "false", :required => "false",:type => "picklist", :maxlength => "" ,:context => ["soap"], :options => {|k,v| k if v[:updateable] == "true" && v[:required] == "false"}.compact.uniq } end des_hash[:related_objects] = output_xml.xpath(".//related-objects").xpath(".//object").map{ |x| [x.xpath(".//name").text.to_sym, [ [:url, x.attributes["href"].value], [:label, x.xpath(".//name").text ] ].to_h] }.to_h end return des_hash rescue *(CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS + CONNECTION_READ_EXCEPTIONS) => ex if ! tries -= 1 self.log(location: "Describe", exception: ex, message: "Timed out will retry after #{self.timeout_sleep} seconds", level: :debug) sleep(self.timeout_sleep) retry end self.log(location: "Describe", exception: ex, message: "Timed out", level: :error) if log_errors raise ex rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError => ex if ! && self.status == 'Active' tries -= 1 Rails.logger.debug("Describe session expired. Starting new session.") self.new_session retry end Rails.logger.error("Describe session expired. Starting new session.") if log_errors raise ex rescue => ex raise ex end def rest_call( method: :get, body: nil, headers: {}, url: rest_endpoint("catalog/products?pageSize=4"), debug: false, errors: [ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError].concat(ZUORA_API_ERRORS), z_session: true, session_type: :basic, timeout_retry: false, timeout: 130, timeout_sleep_interval: self.timeout_sleep, multipart: false, stream_body: false, output_exception_messages: true, zuora_track_id: nil, **keyword_args, &block ) tries ||= 2 raise "Method not supported, supported methods include: :get, :post, :put, :delete, :patch, :head, :options" if ![:get, :post, :put, :delete, :patch, :head, :options].include?(method) authentication_headers = {} if z_session authentication_headers = {"Authorization" => self.get_session(prefix: true, auth_type: session_type, zuora_track_id: zuora_track_id) } self.insert_entity_header(authentication_headers, lookup_headers: headers) end headers['Zuora-Track-Id'] = zuora_track_id if zuora_track_id.present? headers['X-Amzn-Trace-Id'] = zuora_track_id if zuora_track_id.present? headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT modified_headers = {'Content-Type' => "application/json; charset=utf-8"}.merge(authentication_headers).merge(headers) begin request = "Net::HTTP::#{method.to_s.capitalize}".constantize, url, body: body, headers: modified_headers, timeout: timeout, multipart: multipart, stream_body: stream_body ) response = request.perform(&block) Rails.logger.debug("Response Code: #{response.code}") if debug begin output_json = JSON.parse(response.body) rescue JSON::ParserError => ex output_json = {} end Rails.logger.debug("Response JSON: #{output_json}") if debug && output_json.present? raise_errors(type: :JSON, body: output_json, response: response) rescue => ex reset_files(body) if multipart raise end return [output_json, response] rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIAuthenticationTypeError => ex if self.class.to_s == 'ZuoraAPI::Oauth' && ex.message.include?("Authentication type is not supported by this Login") session_type = :bearer retry end Rails.logger.debug("Rest Call - Session Bad Auth type") raise ex rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError => ex if ! && z_session tries -= 1 Rails.logger.debug("Rest Call - Session Invalid #{session_type}") begin self.new_session(auth_type: session_type) rescue *ZUORA_API_ERRORS => ex return [output_json, ex.response] end retry end raise ex if errors.include?(ex.class) return [output_json, response] rescue *ZUORA_API_ERRORS => ex raise ex if errors.include?(ex.class) response = ex.response unless response return [output_json, response] rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::BadEntityError => ex raise ex rescue *CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS => ex if ! tries -= 1 self.log(location: "Rest Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out will retry after #{timeout_sleep_interval} seconds", level: :debug) sleep(timeout_sleep_interval) retry end self.log(location: "Rest Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out", level: :error) if output_exception_messages raise ex rescue *CONNECTION_READ_EXCEPTIONS => ex if ! tries -= 1 self.log(location: "Rest Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out will retry after #{timeout_sleep_interval} seconds", level: :debug) if ex.is_a?(Errno::ECONNRESET) && ex.message.include?('SSL_connect') retry elsif timeout_retry sleep(timeout_sleep_interval) retry end end self.log(location: "Rest Call", exception: ex, message: "Timed out", level: :error) if output_exception_messages ex ="Received read/write timeout from 'https://#{rest_domain(endpoint: url)}'", nil, request) if ex.is_a?(Timeout::Error) && !ex.instance_of?(ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPIReadTimeout) raise ex rescue => ex raise ex ensure if defined?(ex) if keyword_args[:log_error_requests] self.error_logger(ex, **keyword_args) else self.error_logger(ex) end end end def update_create_tenant Rails.logger.debug("Update and/or Create Tenant") output_xml, input_xml = soap_call() do |xml| xml['api'].getUserInfo end user_info = output_xml.xpath('//ns1:getUserInfoResponse', 'ns1' =>'') output_hash = Hash[ {|x| [, x.text] }] self.user_info = output_hash self.user_info['entities'] = self.rest_call(:url => self.rest_endpoint("user-access/user-profile/#{self.user_info['UserId']}/accessible-entities"))['entities'] self.tenant_name = output_hash[:TenantName] self.tenant_id = output_hash[:TenantId] return self end def get_catalog(page_size: 40) products, catalog_map, response = [{}, {}, {'nextPage' => self.rest_endpoint("catalog/products?pageSize=#{page_size}") }] while !response["nextPage"].blank? url = self.rest_endpoint(response["nextPage"].split('/v1/').last) Rails.logger.debug("Fetch Catalog URL #{url}") output_json, response = self.rest_call(debug: false, url: url, timeout_retry: true) if !/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/.match(output_json['success'].to_s) || output_json['success'].class != TrueClass raise"Error Getting Catalog: #{output_json}", response) end output_json["products"].each do |product| catalog_map[product["id"]] = {"productId" => product["id"]} rateplans = {} product["productRatePlans"].each do |rateplan| catalog_map[rateplan["id"]] = {"productId" => product["id"], "productRatePlanId" => rateplan["id"]} charges = {} rateplan["productRatePlanCharges"].each do |charge| catalog_map[charge["id"]] = {"productId" => product["id"], "productRatePlanId" => rateplan["id"], "productRatePlanChargeId" => charge["id"]} charges[charge["id"]] = charge.merge({"productId" => product["id"], "productName" => product["name"], "productRatePlanId" => rateplan["id"], "productRatePlanName" => rateplan["name"] }) end rateplan["productRatePlanCharges"] = charges rateplans[rateplan["id"]] = rateplan.merge({"productId" => product["id"], "productName" => product["name"]}) end product["productRatePlans"] = rateplans products[product['id']] = product end end return products, catalog_map end def get_file(url: nil, headers: {}, z_session: true, tempfile: true, output_file_name: nil, zuora_track_id: nil, add_timestamp: true, file_path: defined?(Rails.root.join('tmp')) ? Rails.root.join('tmp') :, timeout_retries: 3, timeout: 130, session_type: :basic, **execute_params) raise "file_path must be of class Pathname" if file_path.class != Pathname retry_count ||= timeout_retries #Make sure directory exists require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p(file_path) unless File.exist?(file_path) status_code = nil uri = URI.parse(url) http =, uri.port) http.read_timeout = timeout #Seconds http.use_ssl = true if !uri.scheme.nil? && uri.scheme.downcase == 'https' if z_session headers = headers.merge({"Authorization" => self.get_session(prefix: true)}) self.insert_entity_header(headers) end headers['Zuora-Track-Id'] = zuora_track_id if zuora_track_id.present? headers['X-Amzn-Trace-Id'] = zuora_track_id if zuora_track_id.present? headers["User-Agent"] = USER_AGENT response_save = nil http.request_get(uri.request_uri, headers) do |response| response_save = response status_code = response.code if response case response when Net::HTTPOK if output_file_name.present? file_ending ||= output_file_name.end_with?("") ? "" : File.extname(output_file_name) filename ||= File.basename(output_file_name, file_ending) end size, export_progress = [0, 0] encoding, type, full_filename = [nil, nil, nil] if response.get_fields("Content-Disposition").present? content_disposition = response.get_fields("Content-Disposition")[0] case content_disposition when /.*; filename\*=.*/ full_filename ||= /.*; filename\*=(.*)''(.*)/.match(content_disposition)[2].strip encoding = /.*; filename\*=(.*)''(.*)/.match(content_disposition)[1].strip when /.*; filename=/ full_filename ||= /.*; filename=(.*)/.match(content_disposition)[1].strip else raise "Can't parse Content-Disposition header: #{content_disposition}" end file_ending ||= full_filename.end_with?("") ? "" : File.extname(full_filename) filename ||= File.basename(full_filename, file_ending) end #If user supplied a filename use it, else default to content header filename, else default to uri pattern file_ending ||= uri.path.end_with?("") ? "" : File.extname(uri.path) filename ||= File.basename(uri.path, file_ending) if response.get_fields("Content-Type").present? content_type = response.get_fields("Content-Type")[0] case content_type when /.*;charset=.*/ type = /(.*);charset=(.*)/.match(content_type)[1] encoding = /(.*);charset=(.*)/.match(content_type)[2] else type = content_type encoding ||= 'UTF-8' end end if response.get_fields("Content-Length").present? export_size = response.get_fields("Content-Length")[0].to_i elsif response.get_fields("ContentLength").present? export_size = response.get_fields("ContentLength")[0].to_i end"File: #{filename}#{file_ending} #{encoding} #{type} #{export_size}") file_prefix = add_timestamp ? "#{filename}_#{}" : filename if tempfile require 'tempfile' file_handle =[file_prefix, "#{file_ending}"], file_path) else file_handle ="#{file_prefix}#{file_ending}"), "w+") end file_handle.binmode response.read_body do |chunk| file_handle << chunk if defined?(export_size) && export_size != 0 && export_size.class == Integer size += chunk.size new_progress = (size * 100) / export_size unless new_progress == export_progress Rails.logger.debug("Login: Export Downloading %s (%3d%%)" % [filename, new_progress]) end export_progress = new_progress end end file_handle.close Rails.logger.debug("Filepath: #{file_handle.path} Size: #{File.size(file_handle.path).to_f/1000000} mb") raise"Downloaded file is not a file: #{file_handle.class}") if !["Tempfile", "File"].include?(file_handle.class.to_s) return file_handle when Net::HTTPUnauthorized if z_session unless (retry_count -= 1).zero? self.new_session raise ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError, 'Retrying' end raise end raise when Net::HTTPNotFound if url.include?(self.fileURL) raise "The current tenant does not have a file with id '#{url.split('/').last}'" ) else raise"File Download Failed #{response.class}") end else raise"File Download Failed #{response.class}") end end rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::FileDownloadError => ex if ex.message.match(/.*The current tenant does not have a file with id.*/) raise else Rails.logger.error("File Download Failed") raise end rescue => ex sleep(5) if (retry_count -= 1) >= 0 retry end Rails.logger.error("File Download Failed") raise end def getDataSourceExport(query, extract: true, encrypted: false, zip: true, z_track_id: "") tries ||= 3 output_xml, input_xml = self.soap_call(debug: false, timeout_retry: true, zuora_track_id: z_track_id) do |xml| xml['ns1'].create do xml['ns1'].zObjects('xsi:type' => "ns2:Export") do xml['ns2'].Format 'csv' xml['ns2'].Zip zip xml['ns2'].Name 'googman' xml['ns2'].Query query xml['ns2'].Encrypted encrypted end end end id = output_xml.xpath('//ns1:Id', 'ns1' =>'').text result = 'Waiting' while result != "Completed" sleep 3 output_xml, input_xml = self.soap_call(debug: false, timeout_retry: true, zuora_track_id: z_track_id) do |xml| xml['ns1'].query do xml['ns1'].queryString "SELECT Id, CreatedById, CreatedDate, Encrypted, FileId, Format, Name, Query, Size, Status, StatusReason, UpdatedById, UpdatedDate, Zip From Export where Id = '#{id}'" end end result = output_xml.xpath('//ns2:Status', 'ns2' =>'').text end file_id = output_xml.xpath('//ns2:FileId', 'ns2' =>'').text export_file = get_file(:url => self.fileURL(file_id)) export_file_path = export_file.path if extract && zip require "zip" new_path = export_file_path.partition('.zip').first zipped = file_handle = zipped.entries.first file_handle.extract(new_path) File.delete(export_file_path) return new_path else return export_file_path end rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraAPISessionError => ex if !(tries -= 1).zero?"Export call failed - Trace ID: #{z_track_id}") self.new_session retry end raise ex rescue ZuoraAPI::Exceptions::ZuoraUnexpectedError => ex if !(tries -= 1).zero?"Trace ID: #{z_track_id} UnexpectedError, will retry after 10 seconds") sleep(self.timeout_sleep) retry end raise ex rescue *(CONNECTION_EXCEPTIONS + CONNECTION_READ_EXCEPTIONS) => ex if !(tries -= 1).zero?"Trace ID: #{z_track_id} Timed out will retry after 5 seconds") sleep(self.timeout_sleep) retry end raise ex end def query(query, parse = false) output_xml, input_xml = self.soap_call(debug: false, timeout_retry: true) do |xml| xml['ns1'].query do xml['ns1'].queryString query end end if parse return [] if output_xml.xpath('//ns1:size', 'ns1' =>'').text == '0' data = output_xml.xpath('//ns1:records', 'ns1' =>'').map {|record| {|element| [, element.text]}.to_h} return data else return output_xml end end def createJournalRun(call) url = rest_endpoint("/journal-runs") uri = URI(url) req =,initheader = {'Content-Type' =>'application/json'}) req["Authorization"] = self.get_session(prefix: true) req.body = call response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => true) do |http| http.request req end Rails.logger.debug("Response #{response.code} #{response.message}: #{response.body}") result = JSON.parse(response.body) if result["success"] jrNumber = result["journalRunNumber"] return jrNumber else message = result["reasons"][0]["message"] Rails.logger.error("Journal Run failed with message #{message}") return result end end def checkJRStatus(jrNumber)"Check for completion") url = rest_endpoint("/journal-runs/#{jrNumber}") uri = URI(url) req =,initheader = {'Content-Type' =>'application/json'}) req["Authorization"] = self.get_session(prefix: true) response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => true) do |http| http.request req end result = JSON.parse(response.body) if result["success"] if !(result["status"].eql? "Completed") sleep(20.seconds) end return result["status"] else message = result["reasons"][0]["message"]"Checking status of journal run failed with message #{message}") end return "failure" end def reset_files(body) return unless body.is_a? Hash body.transform_values! do |v| if v.is_a?(File) v.reopen(v.path) else v end end end end end