module Rapidfire class AttemptBuilder < Rapidfire::BaseService attr_accessor :user, :survey, :questions, :answers, :params, :attempt_id def initialize(params = {}) super(params) build_attempt(params[:attempt_id]) end def to_model @attempt end def save!(options = {}) params.each do |question_id, answer_attributes| answer = @attempt.answers.find { |a| a.question_id.to_s == question_id.to_s } next unless answer text = answer_attributes[:answer_text] # in case of checkboxes, values are submitted as an array of # strings. we will store answers as one big string separated # by delimiter. text = text.values if text.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters) answer.answer_text = if text.is_a?(Array) strip_checkbox_answers(text).join(Rapidfire.answers_delimiter) else text end case answer.question when Rapidfire::Questions::MultiFile answer.files = answer_attributes[:files] when Rapidfire::Questions::File answer.file = answer_attributes[:file] end end if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5! else!(options) end end def save(options = {}) save!(options) rescue ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError => e errors.add(:base, e.message) # repopulate answers here in case of failure as they are not getting updated @answers = @survey.questions.collect do |question| @attempt.answers.find { |a| a.question_id == } end false end private def build_attempt(attempt_id) if attempt_id.present? @attempt = Attempt.find(attempt_id) self.answers = @attempt.answers self.user = @attempt.user self.survey = @attempt.survey self.questions = @survey.questions else @attempt = user, survey: survey) @answers = @survey.questions.collect do |question| end end end def strip_checkbox_answers(answers) answers.reject(&:blank?).reject { |t| t == "0" } end end end