!!! 1.1
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      Amp | Version Control Revolution | Ampfiles
    = stylesheets :reset, :amp, :all_themes
    = javascripts "jquery-1.3.2.min.js", "jquery.cookie.js"
    = render("include/_header.haml", :selected => "about")
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          %h2 Amp Performance
            We want #{blue_amp} to be fast. Like, as fast as possible. The biggest problem: Ruby isn't very fast. So here's our current goal: <b>we want #{blue_amp} to be as fast as mercurial</b>.
            #{hg_link "Mercurial"} is written in Python, which according to the #{link_to "http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/", "Great Language Shootout"} is #{link_to "http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64q/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=python&lang2=ruby&box=1", "3-10 times slower than Python"}. That's for MRI 1.8.6 - here's a link to #{link_to "http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64q/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=python&lang2=jruby&box=1", "JRuby"} and #{link_to "http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=yarv&lang2=python&box=1", "Ruby 1.9"}, which are similar though an improvement.
          %h2 So how's that going?
            We hope to have some direct, auto-generated benchmarks up here soon. But for now - many amp operations are <b>only 1.5-2 times slower than Mercurial</b>. That's within the range that the language barrier is the major factor. Of course, we hope to do better.
          %h2 Measuring Amp Performance
            What's interesting about #{blue_amp} is that most applications concerned with speed are optimizing long-running processes. Servers, web apps, graphics processes come to mind. But #{blue_amp} is completely different - VCS clients are invoked dozens of times a day. We need the process to just end fast. That means it needs to start quickly, run quickly, and clean up quickly.
            We're finding a lot of ways to achieve this, and will be writing some blog posts now that #{blue_amp} is being looked at.
          %h2 How can I help?
            Head on over the #{contribute_link} page and join us! There's plenty of places where we can optimize code (or even if you want to help get some auto-generated benchmarks on this page, that'd be awesome too!)
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