# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'trav3/version'
require 'trav3/options'
require 'trav3/headers'
require 'trav3/result'
require 'trav3/post'
require 'trav3/get'
# Trav3 project namespace
module Trav3
API_ROOT = 'https://api.travis-ci.org'
# An abstraction for the Travis CI v3 API
# @author Daniel P. Clark https://6ftdan.com
# @!attribute [r] options
# @return [Options] Request options object
# @!attribute [r] headers
# @return [Headers] Request headers object
class Travis
attr_reader :options
attr_reader :headers
# @param repo [String] github_username/repository_name
# @raise [InvalidRepository] if given input does not
# conform to valid repository identifier format
# @return [Travis]
def initialize(repo)
raise InvalidRepository unless repo.is_a?(String) and
Regexp.new(/(^\d+$)|(^\w+(?:\/|%2F){1}\w+$)/) === repo
@repo = repo.gsub(/\//, '%2F')
defaults(limit: 25)
h("Travis-API-Version": 3)
# @overload defaults(key: value, ...)
# Set as many options as you'd like for collections queried via an API request
# @param key [Symbol, String] name for value to set
# @param value [Symbol, String, Integer] value for key
# @return [self]
def defaults(**args)
(@options ||= Options.new).build(**args)
# Set as many headers as you'd like for API requests
# h("Authorization": "token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
# @overload h(key: value, ...)
# @param key [Symbol, String] name for value to set
# @param value [Symbol, String, Integer] value for key
# @return [self]
def h(**args)
(@headers ||= Headers.new).build(**args)
# This will be either a user or organization.
# ## Attributes
# **Minimal Representation**
# Included when the resource is returned as part of another resource.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the owner.
# login String User or organization login set on GitHub.
# **Standard Representation**
# Included when the resource is the main response of a request, or is eager loaded.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the owner.
# login String User or organization login set on GitHub.
# name String User or organization name set on GitHub.
# github_id Integer User or organization id set on GitHub.
# avatar_url String Link to user or organization avatar (image) set on GitHub.
# **Additional Attributes**
# Name Type Description
# repositories [Repository] Repositories belonging to this account.
# ## Actions
# **Find**
# This returns an individual owner. It is possible to use the GitHub login or github_id in the request.
# GET /owner/{owner.login}
# Template Variable Type Description
# owner.login String User or organization login set on GitHub.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /owner/danielpclark
# GET /owner/{user.login}
# Template Variable Type Description
# user.login String Login set on Github.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /owner/danielpclark
# GET /owner/{organization.login}
# Template Variable Type Description
# organization.login String Login set on GitHub.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /owner/travis-ci
# GET /owner/github_id/{owner.github_id}
# Template Variable Type Description
# owner.github_id Integer User or organization id set on GitHub.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /owner/github_id/639823
# @param owner [String] username or github ID
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def owner(owner = username)
if /^\d+$/ === owner
# A list of repositories for the current user.
# ## Attributes
# Name Type Description
# repositories [Repository] List of repositories.
# **Collection Items**
# Each entry in the repositories array has the following attributes:
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# name String The repository's name on GitHub.
# slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# description String The repository's description from GitHub.
# github_language String The main programming language used according to GitHub.
# active Boolean Whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
# private Boolean Whether or not this repository is private.
# owner Owner GitHub user or organization the repository belongs to.
# default_branch Branch The default branch on GitHub.
# starred Boolean Whether or not this repository is starred.
# current_build Build The most recently started build (this excludes builds that have been created but have not yet started).
# last_started_build Build Alias for current_build.
# ## Actions
# **For Owner**
# This returns a list of repositories an owner has access to.
# GET /owner/{owner.login}/repos
# Template Variable Type Description
# owner.login String User or organization login set on GitHub.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# active [Boolean] Alias for repository.active.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# private [Boolean] Alias for repository.private.
# repository.active [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
# repository.private [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
# repository.starred [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
# starred [Boolean] Alias for repository.starred.
# Example: GET /owner/danielpclark/repos?limit=5&sort_by=active,name
# **Sortable by:** id, github_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# GET /owner/{user.login}/repos
# Template Variable Type Description
# user.login String Login set on Github.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# active [Boolean] Alias for repository.active.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# private [Boolean] Alias for repository.private.
# repository.active [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
# repository.private [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
# repository.starred [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
# starred [Boolean] Alias for repository.starred.
# Example: GET /owner/danielpclark/repos?limit=5&sort_by=active,name
# **Sortable by:** id, github_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# GET /owner/{organization.login}/repos
# Template Variable Type Description
# organization.login String Login set on GitHub.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# active [Boolean] Alias for repository.active.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# private [Boolean] Alias for repository.private.
# repository.active [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
# repository.private [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
# repository.starred [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
# starred [Boolean] Alias for repository.starred.
# Example: GET /owner/travis-ci/repos?limit=5&sort_by=active,name
# **Sortable by:** id, github_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# GET /owner/github_id/{owner.github_id}/repos
# Template Variable Type Description
# owner.github_id Integer User or organization id set on GitHub.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# active [Boolean] Alias for repository.active.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# private [Boolean] Alias for repository.private.
# repository.active [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
# repository.private [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
# repository.starred [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
# starred [Boolean] Alias for repository.starred.
# Example: GET /owner/github_id/639823/repos?limit=5&sort_by=active,name
# **Sortable by:** id, github_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# **For Current User**
# This returns a list of repositories the current user has access to.
# GET /repos
# Query Parameter Type Description
# active [Boolean] Alias for repository.active.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many repositories to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many repositories to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# private [Boolean] Alias for repository.private.
# repository.active [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
# repository.private [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is private.
# repository.starred [Boolean] Filters repositories by whether or not this repository is starred.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort repositories by. Used for pagination.
# starred [Boolean] Alias for repository.starred.
# Example: GET /repos?limit=5&sort_by=active,name
# **Sortable by:** id, github_id, owner_name, name, active, default_branch.last_build, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# @param owner [String] username or github ID
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def repositories(owner = username)
if /^\d+$/ === owner
# An individual repository.
# ## Attributes
# **Minimal Representation**
# Included when the resource is returned as part of another resource.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# name String The repository's name on GitHub.
# slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# **Standard Representation**
# Included when the resource is the main response of a request, or is eager loaded.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# name String The repository's name on GitHub.
# slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# description String The repository's description from GitHub.
# github_language String The main programming language used according to GitHub.
# active Boolean Whether or not this repository is currently enabled on Travis CI.
# private Boolean Whether or not this repository is private.
# owner Owner GitHub user or organization the repository belongs to.
# default_branch Branch The default branch on GitHub.
# starred Boolean Whether or not this repository is starred.
# ## Actions
# **Find**
# This returns an individual repository.
# GET /repo/{repository.id}
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /repo/891
# GET /repo/{repository.slug}
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /repo/rails%2Frails
# **Activate**
# This will activate a repository, allowing its tests to be run on Travis CI.
# POST /repo/{repository.id}/activate
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# Example: POST /repo/891/activate
# POST /repo/{repository.slug}/activate
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# Example: POST /repo/rails%2Frails/activate
# **Deactivate**
# This will deactivate a repository, preventing any tests from running on Travis CI.
# POST /repo/{repository.id}/deactivate
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# Example: POST /repo/891/deactivate
# POST /repo/{repository.slug}/deactivate
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# Example: POST /repo/rails%2Frails/deactivate
# **Star**
# This will star a repository based on the currently logged in user.
# POST /repo/{repository.id}/star
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# Example: POST /repo/891/star
# POST /repo/{repository.slug}/star
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# Example: POST /repo/rails%2Frails/star
# **Unstar**
# This will unstar a repository based on the currently logged in user.
# POST /repo/{repository.id}/unstar
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# Example: POST /repo/891/unstar
# POST /repo/{repository.slug}/unstar
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# Example: POST /repo/rails%2Frails/unstar
# @note POST requests require an authorization token set in the headers. See: {h}
# @param repo [String] github_username/repository_name
# @param action [String, Symbol] Optional argument for star/unstar/activate/deactivate
# @raise [InvalidRepository] if given input does not
# conform to valid repository identifier format
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def repository(repo = repository_name, action = nil)
raise InvalidRepository unless repo.is_a?(String) and
Regexp.new(/(^\d+$)|(^\w+(?:\/|%2F){1}\w+$)/) === repo
repo = repo.gsub(/\//, '%2F')
action = '' if !%w(star unstar activate deavtivate).include? "#{action}"
if action.empty?
# A list of builds.
# ## Attributes
# Name Type Description
# builds [Build] List of builds.
# **Collection Items**
# Each entry in the builds array has the following attributes:
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the build.
# number String Incremental number for a repository's builds.
# state String Current state of the build.
# duration Integer Wall clock time in seconds.
# event_type String Event that triggered the build.
# previous_state String State of the previous build (useful to see if state changed).
# pull_request_title String Title of the build's pull request.
# pull_request_number Integer Number of the build's pull request.
# started_at String When the build started.
# finished_at String When the build finished.
# repository Repository GitHub user or organization the build belongs to.
# branch Branch The branch the build is associated with.
# tag Unknown The build's tag.
# commit Commit The commit the build is associated with.
# jobs Jobs List of jobs that are part of the build's matrix.
# stages [Stage] The stages of a build.
# created_by Owner The User or Organization that created the build.
# updated_at Unknown The build's updated_at.
# request Unknown The build's request.
# ## Actions
# **For Current User**
# This returns a list of builds for the current user. The result is paginated.
# GET /builds
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many builds to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# limit Integer How many builds to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many builds to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many builds to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort builds by. Used for pagination.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort builds by. Used for pagination.
# Example: GET /builds?limit=5
# **Sortable by:** id, started_at, finished_at, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# **Find**
# This returns a list of builds for an individual repository. It is possible to use the repository id or slug in the request. The result is paginated. Each request will return 25 results.
# GET /repo/{repository.id}/builds
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the repository.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# branch.name [String] Filters builds by name of the git branch.
# build.created_by [Owner] Filters builds by the User or Organization that created the build.
# build.event_type [String] Filters builds by event that triggered the build.
# build.previous_state [String] Filters builds by state of the previous build (useful to see if state changed).
# build.state [String] Filters builds by current state of the build.
# created_by [Owner] Alias for build.created_by.
# event_type [String] Alias for build.event_type.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many builds to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many builds to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# previous_state [String] Alias for build.previous_state.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort builds by. Used for pagination.
# state [String] Alias for build.state.
# Example: GET /repo/891/builds?limit=5
# **Sortable by:** id, started_at, finished_at, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# GET /repo/{repository.slug}/builds
# Template Variable Type Description
# repository.slug String Same as {repository.owner.name}/{repository.name}.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# branch.name [String] Filters builds by name of the git branch.
# build.created_by [Owner] Filters builds by the User or Organization that created the build.
# build.event_type [String] Filters builds by event that triggered the build.
# build.previous_state [String] Filters builds by state of the previous build (useful to see if state changed).
# build.state [String] Filters builds by current state of the build.
# created_by [Owner] Alias for build.created_by.
# event_type [String] Alias for build.event_type.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# limit Integer How many builds to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many builds to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# previous_state [String] Alias for build.previous_state.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort builds by. Used for pagination.
# state [String] Alias for build.state.
# Example: GET /repo/rails%2Frails/builds?limit=5
# **Sortable by:** id, started_at, finished_at, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def builds
# An individual build.
# ## Attributes
# **Minimal Representation**
# Included when the resource is returned as part of another resource.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the build.
# number String Incremental number for a repository's builds.
# state String Current state of the build.
# duration Integer Wall clock time in seconds.
# event_type String Event that triggered the build.
# previous_state String State of the previous build (useful to see if state changed).
# pull_request_title String Title of the build's pull request.
# pull_request_number Integer Number of the build's pull request.
# started_at String When the build started.
# finished_at String When the build finished.
# **Standard Representation**
# Included when the resource is the main response of a request, or is eager loaded.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the build.
# number String Incremental number for a repository's builds.
# state String Current state of the build.
# duration Integer Wall clock time in seconds.
# event_type String Event that triggered the build.
# previous_state String State of the previous build (useful to see if state changed).
# pull_request_title String Title of the build's pull request.
# pull_request_number Integer Number of the build's pull request.
# started_at String When the build started.
# finished_at String When the build finished.
# repository Repository GitHub user or organization the build belongs to.
# branch Branch The branch the build is associated with.
# tag Unknown The build's tag.
# commit Commit The commit the build is associated with.
# jobs Jobs List of jobs that are part of the build's matrix.
# stages [Stage] The stages of a build.
# created_by Owner The User or Organization that created the build.
# updated_at Unknown The build's updated_at.
# ## Actions
# **Find**
# This returns a single build.
# GET /build/{build.id}
# Template Variable Type Description
# build.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the build.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /build/86601346
# **Cancel**
# This cancels a currently running build. It will set the build and associated jobs to "state": "canceled".
# POST /build/{build.id}/cancel
# Template Variable Type Description
# build.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the build.
# Example: POST /build/86601346/cancel
# **Restart**
# This restarts a build that has completed or been canceled.
# POST /build/{build.id}/restart
# Template Variable Type Description
# build.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the build.
# Example: POST /build/86601346/restart
# @note POST requests require an authorization token set in the headers. See: {h}
# @param id [String, Integer] the build id number
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def build(id)
# A list of jobs.
# ## Attributes
# Name Type Description
# jobs [Job] List of jobs.
# **Collection Items**
# Each entry in the jobs array has the following attributes:
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# allow_failure Unknown The job's allow_failure.
# number String Incremental number for a repository's builds.
# state String Current state of the job.
# started_at String When the job started.
# finished_at String When the job finished.
# build Build The build the job is associated with.
# queue String Worker queue this job is/was scheduled on.
# repository Repository GitHub user or organization the job belongs to.
# commit Commit The commit the job is associated with.
# owner Owner GitHub user or organization the job belongs to.
# stage [Stage] The stages of a job.
# created_at String When the job was created.
# updated_at String When the job was updated.
# config Object The job's config.
# ## Actions
# **Find**
# This returns a list of jobs belonging to an individual build.
# GET /build/{build.id}/jobs
# Template Variable Type Description
# build.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the build.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /build/86601346/jobs
# **For Current User**
# This returns a list of jobs a current user has access to.
# GET /jobs
# Query Parameter Type Description
# active Unknown Alias for job.active.
# created_by Unknown Alias for job.created_by.
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# job.active Unknown Documentation missing.
# job.created_by Unknown Documentation missing.
# job.state [String] Filters jobs by current state of the job.
# limit Integer How many jobs to include in the response. Used for pagination.
# offset Integer How many jobs to skip before the first entry in the response. Used for pagination.
# sort_by [String] Attributes to sort jobs by. Used for pagination.
# state [String] Alias for job.state.
# Example: GET /jobs?limit=5
# **Sortable by:** id, append :desc to any attribute to reverse order.
# The default value is id:desc.
# @param id [String, Integer] the build id number
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def build_jobs(id)
# An individual job.
# ## Attributes
# **Minimal Representation**
# Included when the resource is returned as part of another resource.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# **Standard Representation**
# Included when the resource is the main response of a request, or is eager loaded.
# Name Type Description
# id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# allow_failure Unknown The job's allow_failure.
# number String Incremental number for a repository's builds.
# state String Current state of the job.
# started_at String When the job started.
# finished_at String When the job finished.
# build Build The build the job is associated with.
# queue String Worker queue this job is/was scheduled on.
# repository Repository GitHub user or organization the job belongs to.
# commit Commit The commit the job is associated with.
# owner Owner GitHub user or organization the job belongs to.
# stage [Stage] The stages of a job.
# created_at String When the job was created.
# updated_at String When the job was updated.
# ## Actions
# **Find**
# This returns a single job.
# GET /job/{job.id}
# Template Variable Type Description
# job.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# Example: GET /job/86601347
# **Cancel**
# This cancels a currently running job.
# POST /job/{job.id}/cancel
# Template Variable Type Description
# job.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# Example: POST /job/86601347/cancel
# **Restart**
# This restarts a job that has completed or been canceled.
# POST /job/{job.id}/restart
# Template Variable Type Description
# job.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# Example: POST /job/86601347/restart
# **Debug**
# This restarts a job in debug mode, enabling the logged-in user to ssh into the build VM. Please note this feature is only available on the travis-ci.com domain, and those repositories on the travis-ci.org domain for which the debug feature is enabled. See this document for more details.
# POST /job/{job.id}/debug
# Template Variable Type Description
# job.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# Example: POST /job/86601347/debug
# @note POST requests require an authorization token set in the headers. See: {h}
# @param id [String, Integer] the job id number
# @param option [Symbol] options for :cancel, :restart, or :debug
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def job(id, option = nil)
case option
when :cancel
when :restart
when :debug
# An individual log.
# ## Attributes
# **Minimal Representation**
# Included when the resource is returned as part of another resource.
# Name Type Description
# id Unknown The log's id.
# **Standard Representation**
# Included when the resource is the main response of a request, or is eager loaded.
# Name Type Description
# id Unknown The log's id.
# content Unknown The log's content.
# log_parts Unknown The log's log_parts.
# ## Actions
# **Find**
# This returns a single log.
# It's possible to specify the accept format of the request as text/plain if required. This will return the content of the log as a single blob of text.
# curl -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
# -H "Accept: text/plain" \
# -H "Authorization: token xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
# https://api.travis-ci.org/job/{job.id}/log
# The default response type is application/json, and will include additional meta data such as @type, @representation etc. (see [https://developer.travis-ci.org/format](https://developer.travis-ci.org/format)).
# GET /job/{job.id}/log
# Template Variable Type Description
# job.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# log.token Unknown Documentation missing.
# Example: GET /job/86601347/log
# GET /job/{job.id}/log.txt
# Template Variable Type Description
# job.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# Query Parameter Type Description
# include [String] List of attributes to eager load.
# log.token Unknown Documentation missing.
# Example:GET/job/86601347/log.txt
# **Delete**
# This removes the contents of a log. It gets replace with the message: Log removed by XXX at 2017-02-13 16:00:00 UTC.
# curl -X DELETE \
# -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
# -H "Authorization: token xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
# https://api.travis-ci.org/job/{job.id}/log
# DELETE /job/{job.id}/log
# Template Variable Type Description
# job.id Integer Value uniquely identifying the job.
# Example: DELETE /job/86601347/log
# @note DELETE is unimplemented
# @param id [String, Integer] the job id number
# @param option [Symbol] options for :text or :delete
# @return [Success, RequestError]
def log(id, option = nil)
case option
when :text
when :delete
raise Unimplemented
private # @private
def [](repository = false)
[API_ENDPOINT].tap {|a| a.push("repo/#{@repo}") if repository }.join('/')
def repository_name
def opts
def get(x)
Trav3::GET.(x, headers())
def post(x, fields = {})
Trav3::POST.(x, headers(), fields)
def username