# This module is responsible for packing objects into Storage Objects # The Storage Object is expected to be a Mash-Like thing (Hash with indifferent access). # It is the job of the storage engine to convert the Mash into the actual storage data. module Aqua::Pack def self.included( klass ) klass.class_eval do extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods unless instance_methods.include?( 'id=' ) || new.instance_variables.include?( '@id' ) attr_accessor :id end hide_attributes :_store, :__pack, :id, :_rev end end module ClassMethods # Used in class declaration to assign certain instance variables as not for persistance # @param [Symbol] or [Array of Symbols] ivars # # @example # class User # include Aqua::Object # attr_accessor :username, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :cryped_password, :salt # hide_instance_variables :password, :password_confirmation # # ... lots more user code here ... # end # In this case it is useful for omitting sensitive information while persisting the object, but # maintaining the password and confirmation temporarily requires the use of instance variables. def hide_attributes( *ivars ) ivars.each do |ivar| raise ArgumentError, '' unless ivar.class == Symbol _hidden_attributes << "@#{ivar}" end end # Reader method for accessing hidden attributes. # @return [Array] containing strings representing instance variables # @api private def _hidden_attributes @_hidden_attributes ||= [] end end # ClassMethods module InstanceMethods # TODO: option for transaction on children documents, all or nothing # Saves object; returns false on failure; returns self on success. def commit _commit end # Saves object and raises an error on failure def commit! _commit( false ) end # packs an object from it's Ruby state into a Hash-like object for storage. # @return [Aqua::Storage] # # @api private def _pack class_name = self.class.to_s self.__pack = Aqua::Storage.new self.__pack.id = @id if @id self.__pack[:_rev] = _rev if _rev self.__pack[:class] = class_name _pack_properties _pack_singletons __pack end # Details from configuration options for the objects class about embedability. # @return [true, false, Hash] If true then it should be embedded in the object at hand. # If false, then it should be saved externally. If a hash, with the key :stub and a related # value that is an array of methods, then the object should be saved externally, # with a few cached methods as defined in the array. # # @api private def _embed_me self.class._aqua_opts[:embed] end # An array of instance variables that are not hidden. # @return [Array] of names for instance variables # # @api private def _storable_attributes (instance_variables||[]) - self.class._hidden_attributes end # Private/protected methods are all prefaced by an underscore to prevent # clogging the object instance space. Some of the public ones above are too! protected # __pack is an Aqua::Storage object into which the object respresentation is packed # _store is the current state of the storage of the object on CouchDB. It is used lazily # and will be empty unless it is needed for unpacking or checking for changed data. # _rev is needed for CouchDB store, since updates require the rev information. We could # do without this accessor, but it would mean that an extra get request would have to be # made with each PUT request so that the latest _rev could be obtained. attr_accessor :_store, :__pack, :_rev private def _commit( mask_exception = true ) result = true begin _pack _save_to_store rescue Exception => e if mask_exception result = false else raise e end end if result self.id = __pack.id self._rev = __pack.rev _clear_accessors self else result end end # Object packing methods ------------ # Examines each ivar and converts it to a hash, array, string combo # @api private def _pack_properties self.__pack[:data] = _pack_ivars( self ) initializations = _pack_initializations( self ) self.__pack[:initialization] = initializations unless initializations.empty? end def _pack_initializations( obj ) ancestors = obj.class.ancestors initializations = {} if ancestors.include?( Array ) initializations = _pack_array( obj ) elsif ancestors.include?( Hash ) initializations = _pack_hash( obj ) elsif ancestors.include?( OpenStruct ) initializations = _pack_struct( obj ) end initializations end # Examines an object for its ivars, packs each into a hash # @api private def _pack_ivars( obj ) return_hash = {} vars = obj.aquatic? ? obj._storable_attributes : obj.instance_variables vars.each do |ivar_name| ivar = obj.instance_variable_get( ivar_name ) return_hash[ivar_name] = _pack_object( ivar ) unless ivar.nil? end return_hash end # Packs an object into data and meta data. Works recursively sending out to array, hash, etc. # object packers, which send their values back to _pack_object # # @param Object to pack # @return [Mash] Indifferent hash that is the data/metadata deconstruction of an object. # # @api private def _pack_object( obj ) klass = obj.class if klass == String obj elsif [TrueClass, FalseClass].include?( klass ) { 'class' => klass.to_s, 'initialization' => obj.to_s } elsif [Time, Date, Fixnum, Bignum, Float ].include?( klass ) { 'class' => klass.to_s, 'initialization' => obj.to_s } elsif klass == Rational { 'class' => klass.to_s, 'initialization' => obj.to_s.match(/(\d*)\/(\d*)/).to_a.slice(1,2) } else # a more complex object, including an array or a hash like thing return_hash = {} if obj.aquatic? # TODO distinguish between internal storage, stubbing and external (obj.aquatic? && obj._embed_me == true) return_hash = obj._pack elsif !obj.aquatic? initialization = _pack_initializations( obj ) return_hash['initialization'] = initialization unless initialization.empty? data = _pack_ivars( obj ) return_hash['data'] = data unless data.empty? return_hash['class'] = klass.to_s # TODO: distinguish between internal storage, stubbing and external (obj.aquatic? && obj._embed_me == true) # elsif obj._embed_me.class == Hash # return_hash = _stub( obj ) # else # return_hash = _pack_to_external(obj) end return_hash end end # The portion of the recursive mechanism that packs up hashes # @param [Hash] or Hash derived object # @return [Hash] The parsed Hash representation of the argument Hash # # @api private def _pack_hash( hash ) return_hash = {} hash.each do |key, value| raise ArgumentError, 'Currently Hash keys must be either strings or symbols' unless [Symbol, String].include?( key.class ) return_hash[key.to_s] = _pack_object( value ) end return_hash end def _pack_struct( struct ) _pack_hash( struct.instance_variable_get("@table") ) end # The portion of the recursive mechanism that packs up arrays # @param [Array] or Array derived object # @return [Array] The parsed Array representation of the argument Array # # @api private def _pack_array( arr ) return_arr = [] arr.each do |obj| return_arr << _pack_object( obj ) end return_arr end def _pack_singletons # TODO: figure out 1.8 and 1.9 compatibility issues. # Also learn the library usage, without any docs :( end def _save_to_store __pack.commit end def _clear_accessors self.__pack = nil self._store = nil end public end # InstanceMethods end # Aqua::Pack