require_relative 'editor_command' require 'topicz/defaults' require 'json' require 'fileutils' require 'zaru' module Topicz::Commands class NoteCommand < EditorCommand def initialize(config_file = nil, arguments = [], kernel = Kernel) super(config_file) @kernel = kernel @strict = false option_parser.order! arguments @filter = arguments.shift @title = arguments.empty? ? nil : arguments.join(' ') end def option_parser do |options| options.banner = 'Usage: note []' options.on('-s', '--strict', 'Do a full strict match on topic IDs only') do @strict = true end options.separator '' options.separator 'Creates a new note for the specified topic.' options.separator '' options.separator 'The filter specifies the text to search on. The text is matched against the topic\'s: ' options.separator '- path on the filesystem' options.separator '- id, if specified in the topic\'s topic.yaml file' options.separator '- title, if specified in the topic\'s topic.yaml file' options.separator '- aliases, if specified in the topic\'s topic.yaml file' options.separator '' options.separator 'The filter must return precisely one topic. Zero or more matches give an error.' options.separator '' options.separator 'The note title is optional. If omitted the title will be \'Unnamed note\'.' end end def execute topic = find_exactly_one_topic(@filter, @strict) path = File.join(topic.fullpath, Topicz::DIR_NOTES) FileUtils.mkdir(path) unless Dir.exist? path if @title date ='%Y-%m-%d') title = @title filename = Zaru.sanitize! "#{date} #{title}.md" else date ='%Y-%m-%d %H%M') title = 'Unnamed note' filename = "#{date}.md" end path = File.join(path, filename) unless File.exists? path, 'w') do | file | file.puts("# #{topic.title} - #{title}") end end @kernel.exec "#{editor} \"#{path}\"" end end end