require 'rubygems' require 'rmagick' require 'bigdecimal' require 'pp' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/deprecated' ## # = Gruffy. Graphs. # # Author:: Geoffrey Grosenbach # # Originally Created:: October 23, 2005 # # Extra thanks to Tim Hunter for writing RMagick, and also contributions by # Jarkko Laine, Mike Perham, Andreas Schwarz, Alun Eyre, Guillaume Theoret, # David Stokar, Paul Rogers, Dave Woodward, Frank Oxener, Kevin Clark, Cies # Breijs, Richard Cowin, and a cast of thousands. # # See Gruffy::Base#theme= for setting themes. module Gruffy class Base include Magick include Deprecated # Draw extra lines showing where the margins and text centers are DEBUG = false # Used for navigating the array of data to plot DATA_LABEL_INDEX = 0 DATA_VALUES_INDEX = 1 DATA_COLOR_INDEX = 2 DATA_VALUES_X_INDEX = 3 # Space around text elements. Mostly used for vertical spacing LEGEND_MARGIN = TITLE_MARGIN = 20.0 LABEL_MARGIN = 10.0 DEFAULT_MARGIN = 20.0 DEFAULT_TARGET_WIDTH = 800 THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = ',' # Blank space above the graph attr_accessor :top_margin # Blank space below the graph attr_accessor :bottom_margin # Blank space to the right of the graph attr_accessor :right_margin # Blank space to the left of the graph attr_accessor :left_margin # Blank space below the title attr_accessor :title_margin # Blank space below the legend attr_accessor :legend_margin # A hash of names for the individual columns, where the key is the array # index for the column this label represents. # # Not all columns need to be named. # # Example: 0 => 2005, 3 => 2006, 5 => 2007, 7 => 2008 attr_accessor :labels # Used internally for spacing. # # By default, labels are centered over the point they represent. attr_accessor :center_labels_over_point # Used internally for horizontal graph types. attr_accessor :has_left_labels # A label for the bottom of the graph attr_accessor :x_axis_label # A label for the left side of the graph attr_accessor :y_axis_label # Manually set increment of the vertical marking lines attr_accessor :x_axis_increment # Manually set increment of the horizontal marking lines attr_accessor :y_axis_increment # Height of staggering between labels (Bar graph only) attr_accessor :label_stagger_height # Truncates labels if longer than max specified attr_accessor :label_max_size # How truncated labels visually appear if they exceed label_max_size # :absolute - does not show trailing dots to indicate truncation. This is # the default. # :trailing_dots - shows trailing dots to indicate truncation (note # that label_max_size must be greater than 3). attr_accessor :label_truncation_style # Get or set the list of colors that will be used to draw the bars or lines. attr_accessor :colors # The large title of the graph displayed at the top attr_accessor :title # Font used for titles, labels, etc. Works best if you provide the full # path to the TTF font file. RMagick must be built with the Freetype # libraries for this to work properly. # # Tries to find Bitstream Vera (Vera.ttf) in the location specified by # ENV['MAGICK_FONT_PATH']. Uses default RMagick font otherwise. # # The font= method below fulfills the role of the writer, so we only need # a reader here. attr_reader :font # Same as font but for the title. attr_accessor :title_font # Specifies whether to draw the title bolded or not. attr_accessor :bold_title attr_accessor :font_color # Prevent drawing of line markers attr_accessor :hide_line_markers # Prevent drawing of the legend attr_accessor :hide_legend # Prevent drawing of the title attr_accessor :hide_title # Prevent drawing of line numbers attr_accessor :hide_line_numbers # Message shown when there is no data. Fits up to 20 characters. Defaults # to "No Data." attr_accessor :no_data_message # The font size of the large title at the top of the graph attr_accessor :title_font_size # Optionally set the size of the font. Based on an 800x600px graph. # Default is 20. # # Will be scaled down if the graph is smaller than 800px wide. attr_accessor :legend_font_size # Display the legend under the graph attr_accessor :legend_at_bottom # The font size of the labels around the graph attr_accessor :marker_font_size # The color of the auxiliary lines attr_accessor :marker_color attr_accessor :marker_shadow_color # The number of horizontal lines shown for reference attr_accessor :marker_count # You can manually set a minimum value instead of having the values # guessed for you. # # Set it after you have given all your data to the graph object. attr_accessor :minimum_value # You can manually set a maximum value, such as a percentage-based graph # that always goes to 100. # # If you use this, you must set it after you have given all your data to # the graph object. attr_accessor :maximum_value # Set to true if you want the data sets sorted with largest avg values drawn # first. attr_accessor :sort # Set to true if you want the data sets drawn with largest avg values drawn # first. This does not affect the legend. attr_accessor :sorted_drawing # Experimental attr_accessor :additional_line_values # Experimental attr_accessor :stacked # Optionally set the size of the colored box by each item in the legend. # Default is 20.0 # # Will be scaled down if graph is smaller than 800px wide. attr_accessor :legend_box_size # Output the values for the bars on a bar graph # Default is false attr_accessor :show_labels_for_bar_values # Set the number output format for labels using sprintf # Default is "%.2f" attr_accessor :label_formatting # Set label rotation # Default 0 attr_accessor :label_rotation # Background height of picture and ignoring content attr_accessor :background_height # With Side Bars use the data label for the marker value to the left of the bar # Default is false attr_accessor :use_data_label # If one numerical argument is given, the graph is drawn at 4/3 ratio # according to the given width (800 results in 800x600, 400 gives 400x300, # etc.). # # Or, send a geometry string for other ratios ('800x400', '400x225'). # # Looks for Bitstream Vera as the default font. Expects an environment var # of MAGICK_FONT_PATH to be set. (Uses RMagick's default font otherwise.) def initialize(target_width=DEFAULT_TARGET_WIDTH) if Numeric === target_width @columns = target_width.to_f @rows = target_width.to_f * 0.75 else geometric_width, geometric_height = target_width.split('x') @columns = geometric_width.to_f @rows = geometric_height.to_f end initialize_ivars reset_themes self.theme = Themes::KEYNOTE end # Set instance variables for this object. # # Subclasses can override this, call super, then set values separately. # # This makes it possible to set defaults in a subclass but still allow # developers to change this values in their program. def initialize_ivars # Internal for calculations @raw_columns = 800.0 @raw_rows = 800.0 * (@rows/@columns) @background_height = 0 @column_count = 0 @data = @marker_count = nil @maximum_value = @minimum_value = nil @has_data = false @increment = nil @labels = @label_formatting = nil @labels_seen = @sort = false @sorted_drawing = false @title = nil @title_font = nil @scale = @columns / @raw_columns vera_font_path = File.expand_path('Vera.ttf', ENV['MAGICK_FONT_PATH']) @font = File.exist?(vera_font_path) ? vera_font_path : nil @bold_title = true @marker_font_size = 21.0 @legend_font_size = 20.0 @title_font_size = 36.0 @top_margin = @bottom_margin = @left_margin = @right_margin = DEFAULT_MARGIN @legend_margin = LEGEND_MARGIN @title_margin = TITLE_MARGIN @legend_box_size = 20.0 @no_data_message = 'No Data' @hide_line_markers = @hide_legend = @hide_title = @hide_line_numbers = @legend_at_bottom = @show_labels_for_bar_values = false @center_labels_over_point = true @has_left_labels = false @label_stagger_height = 0 @label_max_size = 0 @label_truncation_style = :absolute @additional_line_values = [] @additional_line_colors = [] @theme_options = {} @use_data_label = false @x_axis_increment = nil @x_axis_label = @y_axis_label = nil @y_axis_increment = nil @stacked = nil @norm_data = nil end # Sets the top, bottom, left and right margins to +margin+. def margins=(margin) @top_margin = @left_margin = @right_margin = @bottom_margin = margin end # Sets the font for graph text to the font at +font_path+. def font=(font_path) @font = font_path @d.font = @font end # Add a color to the list of available colors for lines. # # Example: # add_color('#c0e9d3') def add_color(colorname) @colors << colorname end # Replace the entire color list with a new array of colors. Also # aliased as the colors= setter method. # # If you specify fewer colors than the number of datasets you intend # to draw, 'increment_color' will cycle through the array, reusing # colors as needed. # # Note that (as with the 'theme' method), you should set up your color # list before you send your data (via the 'data' method). Calls to the # 'data' method made prior to this call will use whatever color scheme # was in place at the time data was called. # # Example: # replace_colors ['#cc99cc', '#d9e043', '#34d8a2'] def replace_colors(color_list=[]) @colors = color_list @color_index = 0 end # You can set a theme manually. Assign a hash to this method before you # send your data. # # graph.theme = { # :colors => %w(orange purple green white red), # :marker_color => 'blue', # :background_colors => ['black', 'grey', :top_bottom] # } # # :background_image => 'squirrel.png' is also possible. # # (Or hopefully something better looking than that.) # def theme=(options) reset_themes defaults = { :colors => %w(black white), :additional_line_colors => [], :marker_color => 'white', :marker_shadow_color => nil, :font_color => 'black', :background_colors => nil, :background_image => nil } @theme_options = defaults.merge options @colors = @theme_options[:colors] @marker_color = @theme_options[:marker_color] @marker_shadow_color = @theme_options[:marker_shadow_color] @font_color = @theme_options[:font_color] || @marker_color @additional_line_colors = @theme_options[:additional_line_colors] render_background end def theme_keynote self.theme = Themes::KEYNOTE end def theme_37signals self.theme = Themes::THIRTYSEVEN_SIGNALS end def theme_rails_keynote self.theme = Themes::RAILS_KEYNOTE end def theme_odeo self.theme = Themes::ODEO end def theme_pastel self.theme = Themes::PASTEL end def theme_greyscale self.theme = Themes::GREYSCALE end # Parameters are an array where the first element is the name of the dataset # and the value is an array of values to plot. # # Can be called multiple times with different datasets for a multi-valued # graph. # # If the color argument is nil, the next color from the default theme will # be used. # # NOTE: If you want to use a preset theme, you must set it before calling # data(). # # Example: # data("Bart S.", [95, 45, 78, 89, 88, 76], '#ffcc00') def data(name, data_points=[], color=nil) data_points = Array(data_points) # make sure it's an array @data << [name, data_points, color] # Set column count if this is larger than previous counts @column_count = (data_points.length > @column_count) ? data_points.length : @column_count # Pre-normalize data_points.each do |data_point| next if data_point.nil? # Setup max/min so spread starts at the low end of the data points if @maximum_value.nil? && @minimum_value.nil? @maximum_value = @minimum_value = data_point end # TODO Doesn't work with stacked bar graphs # Original: @maximum_value = larger_than_max?(data_point, index) ? max(data_point, index) : @maximum_value @maximum_value = larger_than_max?(data_point) ? data_point : @maximum_value @has_data = true if @maximum_value >= 0 @minimum_value = less_than_min?(data_point) ? data_point : @minimum_value @has_data = true if @minimum_value < 0 end end # Writes the graph to a file. Defaults to 'graph.png' # # Example: # write('graphs/my_pretty_graph.png') def write(filename='graph.png') draw @base_image.write(filename) end # Return the graph as a rendered binary blob. def to_blob(fileformat='PNG') draw @base_image.to_blob do self.format = fileformat end end protected # Overridden by subclasses to do the actual plotting of the graph. # # Subclasses should start by calling super() for this method. def draw # Maybe should be done in one of the following functions for more granularity. unless @has_data draw_no_data return end setup_data setup_drawing debug { # Outer margin @d.rectangle(@left_margin, @top_margin, @raw_columns - @right_margin, @raw_rows - @bottom_margin) # Graph area box @d.rectangle(@graph_left, @graph_top, @graph_right, @graph_bottom) } draw_legend draw_line_markers draw_axis_labels draw_title end # Perform data manipulation before calculating chart measurements def setup_data # :nodoc: if @y_axis_increment && !@hide_line_markers @maximum_value = [@y_axis_increment, @maximum_value, (@maximum_value.to_f / @y_axis_increment).round * @y_axis_increment].max @minimum_value = [@minimum_value, (@minimum_value.to_f / @y_axis_increment).round * @y_axis_increment].min end make_stacked if @stacked end # Calculates size of drawable area and generates normalized data. # # * line markers # * legend # * title def setup_drawing calculate_spread sort_data if @sort # Sort data with avg largest values set first (for display) set_colors normalize setup_graph_measurements sort_norm_data if @sorted_drawing # Sort norm_data with avg largest values set first (for display) end # Make copy of data with values scaled between 0-100 def normalize(force=false) if @norm_data.nil? || force @norm_data = [] return unless @has_data @data.each do |data_row| norm_data_points = [] data_row[DATA_VALUES_INDEX].each do |data_point| if data_point.nil? norm_data_points << nil else norm_data_points << ((data_point.to_f - @minimum_value.to_f) / @spread) end end if @show_labels_for_bar_values @norm_data << [data_row[DATA_LABEL_INDEX], norm_data_points, data_row[DATA_COLOR_INDEX], data_row[DATA_VALUES_INDEX]] else @norm_data << [data_row[DATA_LABEL_INDEX], norm_data_points, data_row[DATA_COLOR_INDEX]] end end end end def calculate_spread # :nodoc: @spread = @maximum_value.to_f - @minimum_value.to_f @spread = @spread > 0 ? @spread : 1 end ## # Calculates size of drawable area, general font dimensions, etc. def setup_graph_measurements @marker_caps_height = @hide_line_markers ? 0 : calculate_caps_height(@marker_font_size) @title_caps_height = (@hide_title || @title.nil?) ? 0 : calculate_caps_height(@title_font_size) * @title.lines.to_a.size @legend_caps_height = @hide_legend ? 0 : calculate_caps_height(@legend_font_size) if @hide_line_markers (@graph_left, @graph_right_margin, @graph_bottom_margin) = [@left_margin, @right_margin, @bottom_margin] else if @has_left_labels longest_left_label_width = calculate_width(@marker_font_size, labels.values.inject('') { |value, memo| (value.to_s.length > memo.to_s.length) ? value : memo }) * 1.25 else longest_left_label_width = calculate_width(@marker_font_size, label(@maximum_value.to_f, @increment)) end # Shift graph if left line numbers are hidden line_number_width = @hide_line_numbers && !@has_left_labels ? 0.0 : (longest_left_label_width + LABEL_MARGIN * 2) @graph_left = @left_margin + line_number_width + (@y_axis_label.nil? ? 0.0 : @marker_caps_height + LABEL_MARGIN * 2) # Make space for half the width of the rightmost column label. # Might be greater than the number of columns if between-style bar markers are used. last_label = @labels.keys.sort.last.to_i extra_room_for_long_label = (last_label >= (@column_count-1) && @center_labels_over_point) ? calculate_width(@marker_font_size, @labels[last_label]) / 2.0 : 0 @graph_right_margin = @right_margin + extra_room_for_long_label @graph_bottom_margin = @bottom_margin + @marker_caps_height + LABEL_MARGIN end @graph_right = @raw_columns - @graph_right_margin @graph_width = @raw_columns - @graph_left - @graph_right_margin # When @hide title, leave a title_margin space for aesthetics. # Same with @hide_legend @graph_top = @legend_at_bottom ? @top_margin : (@top_margin + (@hide_title ? title_margin : @title_caps_height + title_margin) + (@hide_legend ? legend_margin : @legend_caps_height + legend_margin)) x_axis_label_height = @x_axis_label.nil? ? 0.0 : @marker_caps_height + LABEL_MARGIN # FIXME: Consider chart types other than bar @graph_bottom = @raw_rows - @graph_bottom_margin - x_axis_label_height - @label_stagger_height @graph_height = @graph_bottom - @graph_top end # Draw the optional labels for the x axis and y axis. def draw_axis_labels unless @x_axis_label.nil? # X Axis # Centered vertically and horizontally by setting the # height to 1.0 and the width to the width of the graph. x_axis_label_y_coordinate = @graph_bottom + LABEL_MARGIN * 2 + @marker_caps_height # TODO Center between graph area @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @font if @font @d.stroke('transparent') @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@marker_font_size) @d.gravity = NorthGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, @raw_columns, 1.0, 0.0, x_axis_label_y_coordinate, @x_axis_label, @scale) debug { @d.line 0.0, x_axis_label_y_coordinate, @raw_columns, x_axis_label_y_coordinate } end unless @y_axis_label.nil? # Y Axis, rotated vertically @d.rotation = -90.0 @d.gravity = CenterGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, 1.0, @raw_rows, @left_margin + @marker_caps_height / 2.0, 0.0, @y_axis_label, @scale) @d.rotation = 90.0 end end # Draws horizontal background lines and labels def draw_line_markers return if @hide_line_markers @d = @d.stroke_antialias false if @y_axis_increment.nil? # Try to use a number of horizontal lines that will come out even. # # TODO Do the same for larger numbers...100, 75, 50, 25 if @marker_count.nil? (3..7).each do |lines| if @spread % lines == 0.0 @marker_count = lines break end end @marker_count ||= 4 end @increment = (@spread > 0 && @marker_count > 0) ? significant(@spread / @marker_count) : 1 else # TODO Make this work for negative values @marker_count = (@spread / @y_axis_increment).to_i @increment = @y_axis_increment end @increment_scaled = @graph_height.to_f / (@spread / @increment) # Draw horizontal line markers and annotate with numbers (0..@marker_count).each do |index| y = @graph_top + @graph_height - index.to_f * @increment_scaled @d = @d.fill(@marker_color) # FIXME(uwe): Workaround for Issue #66 # # # Remove if the issue gets fixed. y += 0.001 unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) # EMXIF @d = @d.line(@graph_left, y, @graph_right, y) #If the user specified a marker shadow color, draw a shadow just below it unless @marker_shadow_color.nil? @d = @d.fill(@marker_shadow_color) @d = @d.line(@graph_left, y + 1, @graph_right, y + 1) end marker_label = BigDecimal(index.to_s) * BigDecimal(@increment.to_s) + BigDecimal(@minimum_value.to_s) unless @hide_line_numbers @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @font if @font @d.stroke('transparent') @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@marker_font_size) @d.gravity = EastGravity # Vertically center with 1.0 for the height @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, @graph_left - LABEL_MARGIN, 1.0, 0.0, y, label(marker_label, @increment), @scale) end end # # Submitted by a contibutor...the utility escapes me # i = 0 # @additional_line_values.each do |value| # @increment_scaled = @graph_height.to_f / (@maximum_value.to_f / value) # # y = @graph_top + @graph_height - @increment_scaled # # @d = @d.stroke(@additional_line_colors[i]) # @d = @d.line(@graph_left, y, @graph_right, y) # # # @d.fill = @additional_line_colors[i] # @d.font = @font if @font # @d.stroke('transparent') # @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@marker_font_size) # @d.gravity = EastGravity # @d = @d.annotate_scaled( @base_image, # 100, 20, # -10, y - (@marker_font_size/2.0), # "", @scale) # i += 1 # end @d = @d.stroke_antialias true end ## # Return the sum of values in an array. # # Duplicated to not conflict with active_support in Rails. def sum(arr) arr.inject(0) { |i, m| m + i } end ## # Return a calculation of center def center(size) (@raw_columns - size) / 2 end ## # Draws a legend with the names of the datasets matched # to the colors used to draw them. def draw_legend return if @hide_legend @legend_labels = @data.collect { |item| item[DATA_LABEL_INDEX] } legend_square_width = @legend_box_size # small square with color of this item # May fix legend drawing problem at small sizes @d.font = @font if @font @d.pointsize = @legend_font_size label_widths = [[]] # Used to calculate line wrap @legend_labels.each do |label| metrics = @d.get_type_metrics(@base_image, label.to_s) label_width = metrics.width + legend_square_width * 2.7 label_widths.last.push label_width if sum(label_widths.last) > (@raw_columns * 0.9) label_widths.push [label_widths.last.pop] end end current_x_offset = center(sum(label_widths.first)) current_y_offset = @legend_at_bottom ? @graph_height + title_margin : (@hide_title ? @top_margin + title_margin : @top_margin + title_margin + @title_caps_height) @legend_labels.each_with_index do |legend_label, index| # Draw label @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @font if @font @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@legend_font_size) @d.stroke('transparent') @d.font_weight = NormalWeight @d.gravity = WestGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, @raw_columns, 1.0, current_x_offset + (legend_square_width * 1.7), current_y_offset, legend_label.to_s, @scale) # Now draw box with color of this dataset @d = @d.stroke('transparent') @d = @d.fill @data[index][DATA_COLOR_INDEX] @d = @d.rectangle(current_x_offset, current_y_offset - legend_square_width / 2.0, current_x_offset + legend_square_width, current_y_offset + legend_square_width / 2.0) @d.pointsize = @legend_font_size metrics = @d.get_type_metrics(@base_image, legend_label.to_s) current_string_offset = metrics.width + (legend_square_width * 2.7) # Handle wrapping label_widths.first.shift if label_widths.first.empty? debug { @d.line 0.0, current_y_offset, @raw_columns, current_y_offset } label_widths.shift current_x_offset = center(sum(label_widths.first)) unless label_widths.empty? line_height = [@legend_caps_height, legend_square_width].max + legend_margin if label_widths.length > 0 # Wrap to next line and shrink available graph dimensions current_y_offset += line_height @graph_top += line_height @graph_height = @graph_bottom - @graph_top end else current_x_offset += current_string_offset end end @color_index = 0 end # Draws a title on the graph. def draw_title return if (@hide_title || @title.nil?) @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @title_font || @font if @title_font || @font @d.stroke('transparent') @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@title_font_size) @d.font_weight = if @bold_title then BoldWeight else NormalWeight end @d.gravity = NorthGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, @raw_columns, 1.0, 0, @top_margin, @title, @scale) end # Draws column labels below graph, centered over x_offset #-- # TODO Allow WestGravity as an option def draw_label(x_offset, index) return if @hide_line_markers if !@labels[index].nil? && @labels_seen[index].nil? y_offset = @graph_bottom + LABEL_MARGIN # TESTME # FIXME: Consider chart types other than bar # TODO: See if index.odd? is the best stragegy y_offset += @label_stagger_height if index.odd? label_text = labels[index].to_s # TESTME # FIXME: Consider chart types other than bar different_size = 0 if label_text.size > @label_max_size if @label_truncation_style == :trailing_dots if @label_max_size > 3 # 4 because '...' takes up 3 chars label_text = "#{label_text[0 .. (@label_max_size - 4)]}..." end elsif @label_truncation_style == :ellipsis # @label_truncation_style is :ellipsis label_text = "#{label_text[0 .. (@label_max_size - 1)]}..." different_size = 3 else # @label_truncation_style is :absolute (default) label_text = label_text[0 .. (@label_max_size - 1)] end end label_size = (label_text.size - different_size) y_offset += (label_size * 4) + 10 unless @label_rotation.nil? @background_height = label_size if @background_height < label_size if x_offset >= @graph_left && x_offset <= @graph_right @d.rotation = (@label_rotation.to_i * (-1)) unless @label_rotation.nil? @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @font if @font @d.stroke('transparent') @d.font_weight = NormalWeight @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@marker_font_size) @d.gravity = NorthGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, 1.0, 1.0, x_offset, y_offset, label_text, @scale) @d.rotation = @label_rotation.to_i unless @label_rotation.nil? end @labels_seen[index] = 1 debug { @d.line 0.0, y_offset, @raw_columns, y_offset } end end # Draws the data value over the data point in bar graphs def draw_value_label(x_offset, y_offset, data_point, bar_value=false) return if @hide_line_markers && !bar_value #y_offset = @graph_bottom + LABEL_MARGIN @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @font if @font @d.stroke('transparent') @d.font_weight = NormalWeight @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@marker_font_size) @d.gravity = NorthGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, 1.0, 1.0, x_offset, y_offset, data_point.to_s, @scale) debug { @d.line 0.0, y_offset, @raw_columns, y_offset } end # Shows an error message because you have no data. def draw_no_data @d.fill = @font_color @d.font = @font if @font @d.stroke('transparent') @d.font_weight = NormalWeight @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(80) @d.gravity = CenterGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled(@base_image, @raw_columns, @raw_rows/2.0, 0, 10, @no_data_message, @scale) end # Finds the best background to render based on the provided theme options. # # Creates a @base_image to draw on. def render_background case @theme_options[:background_colors] when Array @base_image = render_gradiated_background(@theme_options[:background_colors][0], @theme_options[:background_colors][1], @theme_options[:background_direction]) when String @base_image = render_solid_background(@theme_options[:background_colors]) else @base_image = render_image_background(*@theme_options[:background_image]) end end # Make a new image at the current size with a solid +color+. def render_solid_background(color) @rows += (@background_height * 7) unless @label_rotation.nil?, @rows) { self.background_color = color } end # Use with a theme definition method to draw a gradiated background. def render_gradiated_background(top_color, bottom_color, direct = :top_bottom) case direct when :bottom_top gradient_fill =, 0, 100, 0, bottom_color, top_color) when :left_right gradient_fill =, 0, 0, 100, top_color, bottom_color) when :right_left gradient_fill =, 0, 0, 100, bottom_color, top_color) when :topleft_bottomright gradient_fill =, 100, 100, 0, top_color, bottom_color) when :topright_bottomleft gradient_fill =, 0, 100, 100, bottom_color, top_color) else gradient_fill =, 0, 100, 0, top_color, bottom_color) end @rows += (@background_height * 7) unless @label_rotation.nil?, @rows, gradient_fill) end # Use with a theme to use an image (800x600 original) background. def render_image_background(image_path) image = if @scale != 1.0 image[0].resize!(@scale) # TODO Resize with new scale (crop if necessary for wide graph) end image[0] end # Use with a theme to make a transparent background def render_transparent_background @rows += (@background_height * 7) unless @label_rotation.nil?, @rows) do self.background_color = 'transparent' end end # Resets everything to defaults (except data). def reset_themes @color_index = 0 @labels_seen = {} @theme_options = {} @d = # Scale down from 800x600 used to calculate drawing. @d = @d.scale(@scale, @scale) end def scale(value) # :nodoc: value * @scale end # Return a comparable fontsize for the current graph. def scale_fontsize(value) value * @scale end def clip_value_if_greater_than(value, max_value) # :nodoc: (value > max_value) ? max_value : value end # Overridden by subclasses such as stacked bar. def larger_than_max?(data_point) # :nodoc: data_point > @maximum_value end def less_than_min?(data_point) # :nodoc: data_point < @minimum_value end def significant(i) # :nodoc: return 1.0 if i == 0 # Keep from going into infinite loop inc = BigDecimal(i.to_s) factor = BigDecimal('1.0') while inc < 10 inc *= 10 factor /= 10 end while inc > 100 inc /= 10 factor *= 10 end res = inc.floor * factor if res.to_i.to_f == res res.to_i else res end end # Sort with largest overall summed value at front of array. def sort_data @data = @data.sort_by { |a| -a[DATA_VALUES_INDEX].inject(0) { |sum, num| sum + num.to_f } } end # Set the color for each data set unless it was gived in the data(...) call. def set_colors @data.each { |a| a[DATA_COLOR_INDEX] ||= increment_color } end # Sort with largest overall summed value at front of array so it shows up # correctly in the drawn graph. def sort_norm_data @norm_data = @norm_data.sort_by { |a| -a[DATA_VALUES_INDEX].inject(0) { |sum, num| sum + num.to_f } } end # Used by StackedBar and child classes. # # May need to be moved to the StackedBar class. def get_maximum_by_stack # Get sum of each stack max_hash = {} @data.each do |data_set| data_set[DATA_VALUES_INDEX].each_with_index do |data_point, i| max_hash[i] = 0.0 unless max_hash[i] max_hash[i] += data_point.to_f end end # @maximum_value = 0 max_hash.keys.each do |key| @maximum_value = max_hash[key] if max_hash[key] > @maximum_value end @minimum_value = 0 end def make_stacked # :nodoc: stacked_values =, 0) @data.each do |value_set| value_set[DATA_VALUES_INDEX].each_with_index do |value, index| stacked_values[index] += value end value_set[DATA_VALUES_INDEX] = stacked_values.dup end end private # Takes a block and draws it if DEBUG is true. # # Example: # debug { @d.rectangle x1, y1, x2, y2 } def debug if DEBUG @d = @d.fill 'transparent' @d = @d.stroke 'turquoise' @d = yield end end # Returns the next color in your color list. def increment_color @color_index = (@color_index + 1) % @colors.length @colors[@color_index - 1] end # Return a formatted string representing a number value that should be # printed as a label. def label(value, increment) label = if increment if increment >= 10 || (increment * 1) == (increment * 1).to_i.to_f sprintf('%0i', value) elsif increment >= 1.0 || (increment * 10) == (increment * 10).to_i.to_f sprintf('%0.1f', value) elsif increment >= 0.1 || (increment * 100) == (increment * 100).to_i.to_f sprintf('%0.2f', value) elsif increment >= 0.01 || (increment * 1000) == (increment * 1000).to_i.to_f sprintf('%0.3f', value) elsif increment >= 0.001 || (increment * 10000) == (increment * 10000).to_i.to_f sprintf('%0.4f', value) else value.to_s end elsif (@spread.to_f % (@marker_count.to_f==0 ? 1 : @marker_count.to_f) == 0) || !@y_axis_increment.nil? value.to_i.to_s elsif @spread > 10.0 sprintf('%0i', value) elsif @spread >= 3.0 sprintf('%0.2f', value) else value.to_s end parts = label.split('.') parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{THOUSAND_SEPARATOR}") parts.join('.') end # Returns the height of the capital letter 'X' for the current font and # size. # # Not scaled since it deals with dimensions that the regular scaling will # handle. def calculate_caps_height(font_size) @d.pointsize = font_size @d.font = @font if @font @d.get_type_metrics(@base_image, 'X').height end # Returns the width of a string at this pointsize. # # Not scaled since it deals with dimensions that the regular # scaling will handle. def calculate_width(font_size, text) return 0 if text.nil? @d.pointsize = font_size @d.font = @font if @font @d.get_type_metrics(@base_image, text.to_s).width end # Used for degree => radian conversions def deg2rad(angle) angle * (Math::PI/180.0) end end # Gruffy::Base class IncorrectNumberOfDatasetsException < StandardError; end end # Gruffy module Magick class Draw # Additional method to scale annotation text since Draw.scale doesn't. def annotate_scaled(img, width, height, x, y, text, scale) scaled_width = (width * scale) >= 1 ? (width * scale) : 1 scaled_height = (height * scale) >= 1 ? (height * scale) : 1 self.annotate(img, scaled_width, scaled_height, x * scale, y * scale, text.gsub('%', '%%')) end if defined? JRUBY_VERSION # FIXME(uwe): We should NOT need to implement this method. # Remove this method as soon as RMagick4J Issue #16 is fixed. # def fill=(fill) fill = {:white => '#FFFFFF'}[fill.to_sym] || fill @draw.fill = Magick4J.ColorDatabase.query_default(fill) self end # EMXIF end end end # Magick class String #Taken from def commify(delimiter=',') self.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{delimiter}") end end