# Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Minero Aoki, Kenshi Muto # 2002-2006 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # require 'review/plaintextbuilder' module ReVIEW class TOPBuilder < PLAINTEXTBuilder def builder_init_file super @titles = { 'emlist' => 'インラインリスト', 'cmd' => 'コマンド', 'quote' => '引用', 'centering' => '中央揃え', 'flushright' => '右寄せ', 'note' => 'ノート', 'memo' => 'メモ', 'important' => '重要', 'info' => '情報', 'planning' => 'プランニング', 'shoot' => 'トラブルシュート', 'term' => '用語解説', 'notice' => '注意', 'caution' => '警告', 'warning' => '危険', 'point' => 'ここがポイント', 'reference' => '参考', 'link' => 'リンク', 'best' => 'ベストプラクティス', 'practice' => '練習問題', 'security' => 'セキュリティ', 'expert' => 'エキスパートに訊け', 'tip' => 'TIP', 'box' => '書式', 'insn' => '書式', 'column' => 'コラム', 'xcolumn' => 'コラムパターン2', 'world' => 'Worldコラム', 'hood' => 'Under The Hoodコラム', 'edition' => 'Editionコラム', 'insideout' => 'InSideOutコラム', 'ref' => '参照', 'sup' => '補足', 'read' => 'リード', 'lead' => 'リード', 'list' => 'リスト', 'image' => '図', 'texequation' => 'TeX式', 'table' => '表', 'bpo' => 'bpo', 'source' => 'ソースコードリスト' } end private :builder_init_file def headline(level, _label, caption) prefix, _anchor = headline_prefix(level) puts %Q(■H#{level}■#{prefix}#{compile_inline(caption)}) end def ul_item(lines) puts "●\t#{join_lines_to_paragraph(lines)}" end def ol_item(lines, num) puts "#{num}\t#{join_lines_to_paragraph(lines)}" end def dt(line) puts "★#{line}☆" end def dd(lines) split_paragraph(lines).each do |paragraph| puts "\t#{paragraph.gsub(/\n/, '')}" end end def read(lines) puts "◆→開始:#{@titles['lead']}←◆" puts split_paragraph(lines).join("\n") puts "◆→終了:#{@titles['lead']}←◆" blank end alias_method :lead, :read def list(lines, id, caption, lang = nil) blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles['list']}←◆" begin list_header(id, caption, lang) rescue KeyError error "no such list: #{id}" end blank list_body(id, lines, lang) puts "◆→終了:#{@titles['list']}←◆" blank end def list_header(id, caption, _lang) if get_chap puts %Q(#{I18n.t('list')}#{I18n.t('format_number', [get_chap, @chapter.list(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix_idgxml')}#{compile_inline(caption)}) else puts %Q(#{I18n.t('list')}#{I18n.t('format_number_without_chapter', [@chapter.list(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix_idgxml')}#{compile_inline(caption)}) end end def list_body(_id, lines, _lang) lines.each do |line| puts detab(line) end end def base_block(type, lines, caption = nil) blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles[type]}←◆" puts "■#{compile_inline(caption)}" if caption.present? puts lines.join("\n") puts "◆→終了:#{@titles[type]}←◆" blank end def base_parablock(type, lines, caption = nil) blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles[type]}←◆" puts "■#{compile_inline(caption)}" if caption.present? puts split_paragraph(lines).join("\n") puts "◆→終了:#{@titles[type]}←◆" blank end def emlistnum(lines, caption = nil, _lang = nil) blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles['emlist']}←◆" puts "■#{compile_inline(caption)}" if caption.present? lines.each_with_index do |line, i| puts((i + 1).to_s.rjust(2) + ": #{line}") end puts "◆→終了:#{@titles['emlist']}←◆" blank end def listnum(lines, id, caption, lang = nil) blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles['list']}←◆" begin list_header(id, caption, lang) rescue KeyError error "no such list: #{id}" end blank listnum_body(lines, lang) puts "◆→終了:#{@titles['list']}←◆" blank end def listnum_body(lines, _lang) lines.each_with_index do |line, i| puts((i + 1).to_s.rjust(2) + ": #{line}") end end def image(lines, id, caption, metric = nil) metrics = parse_metric('top', metric) metrics = " #{metrics}" if metrics.present? blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles['image']}←◆" image_header(id, caption) blank if @chapter.image_bound?(id) puts "◆→#{@chapter.image(id).path}#{metrics}←◆" else warn "image not bound: #{id}" lines.each do |line| puts line end end puts "◆→終了:#{@titles['image']}←◆" blank end def image_header(id, caption) if get_chap puts "#{I18n.t('image')}#{I18n.t('format_number', [get_chap, @chapter.image(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix_idgxml')}#{compile_inline(caption)}" else puts "#{I18n.t('image')}#{I18n.t('format_number_without_chapter', [@chapter.image(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix_idgxml')}#{compile_inline(caption)}" end end def texequation(lines, id = nil, caption = '') blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles['texequation']}←◆" texequation_header(id, caption) if @book.config['imgmath'] fontsize = @book.config['imgmath_options']['fontsize'].to_f lineheight = @book.config['imgmath_options']['lineheight'].to_f math_str = "\\begin{equation*}\n\\fontsize{#{fontsize}}{#{lineheight}}\\selectfont\n#{lines.join("\n")}\n\\end{equation*}\n" key = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(math_str) math_dir = File.join(@book.config['imagedir'], '_review_math_text') Dir.mkdir(math_dir) unless Dir.exist?(math_dir) img_path = File.join(math_dir, "_gen_#{key}.#{@book.config['imgmath_options']['format']}") defer_math_image(math_str, img_path, key) puts "◆→math:#{File.basename(img_path)}←◆" else puts lines.join("\n") end puts "◆→終了:#{@titles['texequation']}←◆" blank end def texequation_header(id, caption) if id if get_chap puts "#{I18n.t('equation')}#{I18n.t('format_number', [get_chap, @chapter.equation(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix_idgxml')}#{compile_inline(caption)}" else puts "#{I18n.t('equation')}#{I18n.t('format_number_without_chapter', [@chapter.equation(id).number])}#{I18n.t('caption_prefix_idgxml')}#{compile_inline(caption)}" end end end def table(lines, id = nil, caption = nil) blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles['table']}←◆" super(lines, id, caption, true) puts "◆→終了:#{@titles['table']}←◆" blank end def th(str) "★#{str}☆" end def table_end end def comment(lines, comment = nil) return unless @book.config['draft'] lines ||= [] unless comment.blank? lines.unshift(comment) end str = lines.join("\n") puts "◆→#{str}←◆" end def footnote(id, str) puts "【注#{@chapter.footnote(id).number}】#{compile_inline(str)}" end def inline_fn(id) "【注#{@chapter.footnote(id).number}】" rescue KeyError error "unknown footnote: #{id}" end def compile_ruby(base, ruby) "#{base}◆→DTP連絡:「#{base}」に「#{ruby}」とルビ←◆" end def compile_kw(word, alt) if alt then "★#{word}☆(#{alt.strip})" else "★#{word}☆" end end def compile_href(url, label) if label "#{label}(△#{url}☆)" else "△#{url}☆" end end def inline_sup(str) "#{str}◆→DTP連絡:「#{str}」は上付き←◆" end def inline_sub(str) "#{str}◆→DTP連絡:「#{str}」は下付き←◆" end def inline_hint(str) "◆→ヒントスタイルここから←◆#{str}◆→ヒントスタイルここまで←◆" end def inline_maru(str) "#{str}◆→丸数字#{str}←◆" end def inline_idx(str) "#{str}◆→索引項目:#{str}←◆" end def inline_hidx(str) "◆→索引項目:#{str}←◆" end def inline_ami(str) "#{str}◆→DTP連絡:「#{str}」に網カケ←◆" end def inline_i(str) "▲#{str}☆" end def inline_b(str) "★#{str}☆" end alias_method :inline_strong, :inline_b def inline_tt(str) "△#{str}☆" end def inline_ttb(str) "★#{str}☆◆→等幅フォント太字←◆" end alias_method :inline_ttbold, :inline_ttb def inline_tti(str) "▲#{str}☆◆→等幅フォントイタ←◆" end def inline_u(str) "@#{str}@◆→@〜@部分に下線←◆" end def inline_icon(id) begin "◆→画像 #{@chapter.image(id).path.sub(%r{\A\./}, '')}←◆" rescue warn "image not bound: #{id}" "◆→画像 #{id}←◆" end end def inline_bou(str) "#{str}◆→DTP連絡:「#{str}」に傍点←◆" end def inline_keytop(str) "#{str}◆→キートップ#{str}←◆" end def inline_balloon(str) %Q(\t←#{str.gsub(/@maru\[(\d+)\]/, inline_maru('\1'))}) end def inline_comment(str) if @book.config['draft'] "◆→#{str}←◆" else '' end end def inline_m(str) if @book.config['imgmath'] math_str = '$' + str + '$' key = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(str) math_dir = File.join(@book.config['imagedir'], '_review_math_text') Dir.mkdir(math_dir) unless Dir.exist?(math_dir) img_path = File.join(math_dir, "_gen_#{key}.#{@book.config['imgmath_options']['format']}") defer_math_image(math_str, img_path, key) %Q(◆→TeX式ここから←◆◆→math:#{File.basename(img_path)}←◆◆→TeX式ここまで←◆) else %Q(◆→TeX式ここから←◆#{str}◆→TeX式ここまで←◆) end end def bibpaper_header(id, caption) print "[#{@chapter.bibpaper(id).number}]" puts " #{compile_inline(caption)}" end def inline_bib(id) %Q([#{@chapter.bibpaper(id).number}]) rescue KeyError error "unknown bib: #{id}" end def noindent puts '◆→DTP連絡:次の1行インデントなし←◆' end def nonum_begin(level, _label, caption) puts "■H#{level}■#{compile_inline(caption)}" end def notoc_begin(level, _label, caption) puts "■H#{level}■#{compile_inline(caption)}◆→DTP連絡:目次に掲載しない←◆" end def common_column_begin(type, caption) blank puts "◆→開始:#{@titles[type]}←◆" puts "■#{compile_inline(caption)}" end def common_column_end(type) puts "◆→終了:#{@titles[type]}←◆" blank end def indepimage(_lines, id, caption = nil, metric = nil) metrics = parse_metric('top', metric) metrics = " #{metrics}" if metrics.present? blank begin puts "◆→画像 #{@chapter.image(id).path.sub(%r{\A\./}, '')}#{metrics}←◆" rescue warn "image not bound: #{id}" puts "◆→画像 #{id}←◆" end puts "図 #{compile_inline(caption)}" if caption.present? blank end alias_method :numberlessimage, :indepimage def inline_code(str) "△#{str}☆" end def inline_ttibold(str) "▲#{str}☆◆→等幅フォント太字イタ←◆" end def inline_labelref(idref) "「◆→#{idref}←◆」" # 節、項を参照 end alias_method :inline_ref, :inline_labelref def inline_pageref(idref) "●ページ◆→#{idref}←◆" # ページ番号を参照 end def circle_begin(_level, _label, caption) puts "・\t#{caption}" end end end # module ReVIEW