# frozen_string_literal: true module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:lookup, :type => :rvalue, :arity => -2, :doc => <<-'ENDHEREDOC') do |args| Uses the Puppet lookup system to retrieve a value for a given key. By default, this returns the first value found (and fails compilation if no values are available), but you can configure it to merge multiple values into one, fail gracefully, and more. When looking up a key, Puppet will search up to three tiers of data, in the following order: 1. Hiera. 2. The current environment's data provider. 3. The indicated module's data provider, if the key is of the form `::`. #### Arguments You must provide the name of a key to look up, and can optionally provide other arguments. You can combine these arguments in the following ways: * `lookup( , [], [], [] )` * `lookup( [], )` * `lookup( as above ) |$key| { # lambda returns a default value }` Arguments in `[square brackets]` are optional. The arguments accepted by `lookup` are as follows: 1. `` (string or array) --- The name of the key to look up. * This can also be an array of keys. If Puppet doesn't find anything for the first key, it will try again with the subsequent ones, only resorting to a default value if none of them succeed. 2. `` (data type) --- A [data type](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_data_type.html) that must match the retrieved value; if not, the lookup (and catalog compilation) will fail. Defaults to `Data` (accepts any normal value). 3. `` (string or hash; see **"Merge Behaviors"** below) --- Whether (and how) to combine multiple values. If present, this overrides any merge behavior specified in the data sources. Defaults to no value; Puppet will use merge behavior from the data sources if present, and will otherwise do a first-found lookup. 4. `` (any normal value) --- If present, `lookup` returns this when it can't find a normal value. Default values are never merged with found values. Like a normal value, the default must match the value type. Defaults to no value; if Puppet can't find a normal value, the lookup (and compilation) will fail. 5. `` (hash) --- Alternate way to set the arguments above, plus some less-common extra options. If you pass an options hash, you can't combine it with any regular arguments (except ``). An options hash can have the following keys: * `'name'` --- Same as `` (argument 1). You can pass this as an argument or in the hash, but not both. * `'value_type'` --- Same as `` (argument 2). * `'merge'` --- Same as `` (argument 3). * `'default_value'` --- Same as `` (argument 4). * `'default_values_hash'` (hash) --- A hash of lookup keys and default values. If Puppet can't find a normal value, it will check this hash for the requested key before giving up. You can combine this with `default_value` or a lambda, which will be used if the key isn't present in this hash. Defaults to an empty hash. * `'override'` (hash) --- A hash of lookup keys and override values. Puppet will check for the requested key in the overrides hash _first;_ if found, it returns that value as the _final_ value, ignoring merge behavior. Defaults to an empty hash. Finally, `lookup` can take a lambda, which must accept a single parameter. This is yet another way to set a default value for the lookup; if no results are found, Puppet will pass the requested key to the lambda and use its result as the default value. #### Merge Behaviors Puppet lookup uses a hierarchy of data sources, and a given key might have values in multiple sources. By default, Puppet returns the first value it finds, but it can also continue searching and merge all the values together. > **Note:** Data sources can use the special `lookup_options` metadata key to request a specific merge behavior for a key. The `lookup` function will use that requested behavior unless you explicitly specify one. The valid merge behaviors are: * `'first'` --- Returns the first value found, with no merging. Puppet lookup's default behavior. * `'unique'` (called "array merge" in classic Hiera) --- Combines any number of arrays and scalar values to return a merged, flattened array with all duplicate values removed. The lookup will fail if any hash values are found. * `'hash'` --- Combines the keys and values of any number of hashes to return a merged hash. If the same key exists in multiple source hashes, Puppet will use the value from the highest-priority data source; it won't recursively merge the values. * `'deep'` --- Combines the keys and values of any number of hashes to return a merged hash. If the same key exists in multiple source hashes, Puppet will recursively merge hash or array values (with duplicate values removed from arrays). For conflicting scalar values, the highest-priority value will win. * `{'strategy' => 'first|unique|hash'}` --- Same as the string versions of these merge behaviors. * `{'strategy' => 'deep', => , ...}` --- Same as `'deep'`, but can adjust the merge with additional options. The available options are: * `'knockout_prefix'` (string or undef) --- A string prefix to indicate a value should be _removed_ from the final result. Defaults to `undef`, which disables this feature. * `'sort_merged_arrays'` (boolean) --- Whether to sort all arrays that are merged together. Defaults to `false`. * `'merge_hash_arrays'` (boolean) --- Whether to merge hashes within arrays. Defaults to `false`. #### Examples Look up a key and return the first value found: lookup('ntp::service_name') Do a unique merge lookup of class names, then add all of those classes to the catalog (like `hiera_include`): lookup('classes', Array[String], 'unique').include Do a deep hash merge lookup of user data, but let higher priority sources remove values by prefixing them with `--`: lookup( { 'name' => 'users', 'merge' => { 'strategy' => 'deep', 'knockout_prefix' => '--', }, }) ENDHEREDOC Error.is4x('lookup') end end