# simplecov must be loaded FIRST. Only the files required after it gets loaded # will be profiled !!! if ENV['TEST_ENABLE_COVERAGE'] == '1' begin require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start do add_filter "/test/" end rescue LoadError require 'autoproj' Autoproj.warn "coverage is disabled because the 'simplecov' gem cannot be loaded" rescue Exception => e require 'autoproj' Autoproj.warn "coverage is disabled: #{e.message}" end end require 'minitest/autorun' require 'autoproj' require 'flexmock/minitest' require 'minitest/spec' if ENV['TEST_ENABLE_PRY'] != '0' begin require 'pry' rescue Exception Autoproj.warn "debugging is disabled because the 'pry' gem cannot be loaded" end end module Autoproj # This module is the common setup for all tests # # It should be included in the toplevel describe blocks # # @example # require 'rubylib/test' # describe Autoproj do # include Autoproj::SelfTest # end # module SelfTest attr_reader :ws def setup @gem_server_pid = nil @tmpdir = Array.new @ws = Workspace.new('/test/dir') ws.load_config Autoproj.workspace = ws FileUtils.rm_rf fixture_gem_home super end def teardown super @tmpdir.each do |dir| FileUtils.remove_entry_secure dir end Autobuild::Package.clear if @gem_server_pid stop_gem_server end FileUtils.rm_rf fixture_gem_home end def create_bootstrap dir = Dir.mktmpdir @tmpdir << dir require 'autoproj/ops/main_config_switcher' FileUtils.cp_r Ops::MainConfigSwitcher::MAIN_CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATE, File.join(dir, 'autoproj') Workspace.new(dir) end def make_tmpdir dir = Dir.mktmpdir @tmpdir << dir dir end def scripts_dir File.expand_path(File.join('..', '..', 'test', 'scripts'), __dir__) end def find_gem_dir(gem_name) Bundler.definition.specs.each do |spec| if spec.name == gem_name return spec end end nil end def autoproj_gemfile_to_local_checkout autoproj_dir = find_gem_dir('autoproj').full_gem_path autobuild_dir = find_gem_dir('autobuild').full_gem_path "source \"http://localhost:8808\" gem 'autoproj', path: '#{autoproj_dir}' gem 'autobuild', path: '#{autobuild_dir}' " end def invoke_test_script(name, *arguments, dir: nil, gemfile_source: nil, use_autoproj_from_rubygems: (ENV['USE_AUTOPROJ_FROM_RUBYGEMS'] == '1'), seed_config: File.join(scripts_dir, 'seed-config.yml'), env: Hash.new, display_output: false, copy_from: nil, **system_options) package_base_dir = File.expand_path(File.join('..', '..'), File.dirname(__FILE__)) script = File.expand_path(name, scripts_dir) if !File.file?(script) raise ArgumentError, "no test script #{name} in #{scripts_dir}" end if seed_config arguments << '--seed-config' << seed_config end dir ||= make_tmpdir if gemfile_source || !use_autoproj_from_rubygems gemfile_path = File.join(dir, 'Gemfile-dev') File.open(gemfile_path, 'w') do |io| io.puts(gemfile_source || autoproj_gemfile_to_local_checkout) end arguments << "--gemfile" << gemfile_path << "--gem-source" << "http://localhost:8808" end if copy_from test_workspace = File.expand_path(copy_from, scripts_dir) if File.directory?(test_workspace) FileUtils.cp_r test_workspace, dir dir = File.join(dir, File.basename(test_workspace)) end end result = nil stdout, stderr = capture_subprocess_io do result = Bundler.clean_system( Hash['PACKAGE_BASE_DIR' => package_base_dir, 'RUBY' => Gem.ruby].merge(env), script, *arguments, in: :close, **Hash[chdir: dir].merge(system_options)) end if !result puts stdout puts stderr flunk("test script #{name} failed") elsif display_output puts stdout puts stderr end return dir, stdout, stderr end def fixture_gem_home File.join(__dir__, '..', '..', 'vendor', 'test_gem_home') end def prepare_fixture_gem_home FileUtils.rm_rf fixture_gem_home bundled_gems_path = File.expand_path(File.join("..", ".."), find_gem_dir('utilrb').full_gem_path) FileUtils.cp_r bundled_gems_path, fixture_gem_home vendor = File.join(__dir__, '..', '..', 'vendor') cached_bundler_gem = File.join(vendor, "bundler-#{Bundler::VERSION}.gem") if !File.file?(cached_bundler_gem) FileUtils.mkdir_p vendor if !system(Ops::Install.guess_gem_program, 'fetch', '-v', Bundler::VERSION, 'bundler', chdir: vendor) raise "cannot download the bundler gem" end end capture_subprocess_io do Bundler.clean_system(Hash['GEM_HOME' => fixture_gem_home, 'GEM_PATH' => nil], Ops::Install.guess_gem_program, 'install', '--no-document', cached_bundler_gem) end end def start_gem_server(path = fixture_gem_home) require 'socket' require 'rubygems/server' if @gem_server_pid raise ArgumentError, "#start_gem_server already called, call stop_gem_server before calling start_gem_server again" end @gem_server_pid = spawn(Hash['RUBYOPT' => nil], Gem.ruby, Ops::Install.guess_gem_program, 'server', '--quiet', '--dir', path, out: :close, err: :close) while true begin TCPSocket.new('', 8808) break rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED end end end def stop_gem_server Process.kill 'INT', @gem_server_pid Process.waitpid @gem_server_pid @gem_server_pid = nil end def find_bundled_gem_path(bundler, gem_name, gemfile) out_r, out_w = IO.pipe result = Bundler.clean_system( bundler, 'show', gem_name, out: out_w, chdir: File.dirname(gemfile)) out_w.close output = out_r.read.chomp assert result, "#{output}" output end def workspace_env(varname) _, stdout, _ = invoke_test_script 'display-env.sh', varname, dir: install_dir stdout.chomp end end end class Minitest::Test include Autoproj::SelfTest end