module Sequel class Database @final_results = {} attr_accessor :final_results @errors = false attr_accessor :errors @last_error = '' attr_accessor :last_error @db_type = '' attr_accessor :db_type @final_count = 0 attr_accessor :final_count @last_sql = '' attr_accessor :last_sql def _convert_bind(bind=[]) parameters = '' unless bind.empty? all = [] (bind||{}).each { |v| if == 'string' all << "'" + v.gsub(/'/,"\\\\'") + "'" else all << v end } parameters = "," + all.join(' ,') end parameters end def _convert_active_record_bind(sql='',bind=[]) unless bind.empty? (bind||{}).each { |v| sql.sub!(/\?/,v.to_s) } end end # _exec, pass a block and iterate the total rows # # example # =begin $DATABASE._exec {|i| asdf = "#{@final_results['NAME'][i]}" } =end # # Alternatively you could =begin @final_results['ID'].each_with_index { |id,k| name = @final_results['NAME'][k] price = @final_results['PRICE'][k] } =end def _exec if block_given? @final_count.times {|i| yield i } end end def _determine_type(sql_or_obj) if != 'string' &&'::').last.downcase == 'dataset' sql = sql_or_obj.get_sql() elsif == 'string' sql = sql_or_obj end end # probably not needed really def _update(sql_or_obj,bind={}) end # @param [Object] replace_in_query def _bind(sql='',replace_in_query={}) if !replace_in_query.empty? && == 'Hash' tmp = {} replace_in_query.each { |k, v| new_key = ':' + k.to_s tmp[ new_key ] = v } sql = WidgetList::Utils::fill(tmp, sql) end sql end def _get_row_value(row,fieldName) row.send(fieldName).to_s end # @param [Object or String] sql_or_obj # will either take raw SQL or a Sequel object # @param [Array] bind # will be replacements for ? ? in your query. Must be in sequence # @param [Hash] replace_in_query # will be a traditional php bind hash {'BIND'=>'value'}. which will replace :BIND in the query. thanks mwild def _select(sql_or_obj, bind=[], replace_in_query={}, active_record_model=false, group_match=false) # supporting either # if get_database._select('select * from items where name = ? AND price > ?', ['abc', 37]) > 0 # or # if get_database._select(get_database[:items].filter(:name => 'abc')) > 0 # sql = '' sql = _determine_type(sql_or_obj) if != 'WidgetListActiveRecord' # build csv of bind to eval below (arguments need to be like this for raw SQL passed with bind in Sequel) # parameters = _convert_bind(bind) # escape anything incoming in raw SQL such as bound items to create the ruby string to pass # sql.gsub!(/'/,"\\\\'") else _convert_active_record_bind(sql, bind) end sql = _bind(sql,replace_in_query) # build rows array['COLUMN'][0] = 1234; # first = 1 cnt = 0 tmp = nil @final_results = {} if Rails.env == 'development' end if == 'WidgetListActiveRecord' begin if $is_mongo if !group_match.nil? params = [] if group_match.key?('match') && !group_match['match'].empty? group_match['match'].each { |match| field = match.keys.first if active_record_model.respond_to?(:serializers) && active_record_model.serializers[field].type.to_s == 'Integer' if match[match.keys.first] == 'Hash' predicate = match[field].keys.first value_original = match[field][predicate] match_final = { field => { predicate => WidgetList::List.parse_inputs_for_mongo_predicates(active_record_model, field, predicate, value_original) } } else match_final = { field => WidgetList::List.parse_inputs_for_mongo_predicates(active_record_model, field, predicate, value_original) } end else match_final = { field => WidgetList::List.parse_inputs_for_mongo_predicates(active_record_model, field, predicate, match[field]) } end params << { '$match' => match_final } } end params << group_match['group'] if group_match.key?('group') params << group_match['sort'] if group_match.key?('sort') params << group_match['skip'] if group_match.key?('skip') params << group_match['limit'] if group_match.key?('limit') active_record_model = active_record_model.collection.aggregate(params) end end if $is_mongo && sql == 'count' cnt = active_record_model.count @final_results['TOTAL'] = [] @final_results['TOTAL'][0] = cnt else if $is_mongo results = active_record_model.all.to_a if active_record_model.respond_to?('all') results = active_record_model.to_a if active_record_model.respond_to?('to_a') && !group_match.nil? else results = active_record_model.find_by_sql(sql) end (results||[]).each { |row| cnt += 1 row.attributes.keys.each { |fieldName| @final_results[fieldName.to_s.upcase] = [] unless @final_results.key?(fieldName.to_s.upcase) @final_results[fieldName.to_s.upcase] << ((row.send(fieldName).nil? && row.attributes[fieldName].nil?) ? '' : _get_row_value(row,fieldName)) } if group_match.nil? row.each { |key,value| @final_results['CNT'] = [] unless @final_results.key?('CNT') if key == '_id' && !value.empty? value.each { |k,v| @final_results[k.to_s.upcase] = [] unless @final_results.key?(k.to_s.upcase) } end if key == 'cnt' @final_results['CNT'] << value elsif key == '_id' value.each { |k,v| @final_results[k.to_s.upcase] << v } end } if !group_match.nil? } @last_sql = sql_or_obj end rescue Exception => e cnt = 0 @errors = true @last_error = e.to_s @last_sql = sql_or_obj end else eval(" begin @errors = false self['" + sql + "' " + parameters + "].each { |row| cnt += 1 row.each { |k,v| if first == 1 @final_results[k.to_s.upcase] = [] end @final_results[k.to_s.upcase] << v } first = 0 } @last_sql = self['" + sql + "' " + parameters + "].get_sql rescue Exception => e @errors = true @last_error = e.to_s @last_sql = '" + sql + "' + \"\n\n\n\" + ' With Bind => ' + bind.inspect + ' And BindLegacy => ' + replace_in_query.inspect end ") end @final_count = cnt return cnt end end class Dataset def get_sql select_sql() end end end class WidgetListActiveRecord < Sequel::Database @final_results = {} attr_accessor :final_results @errors = false attr_accessor :errors @last_error = '' attr_accessor :last_error @db_type = '' attr_accessor :db_type @final_count = 0 attr_accessor :final_count @last_sql = '' attr_accessor :last_sql end