Modify an existing command ------------------------- ### Modification of output fields Each command (as well as each field) might have its own output definition. You can modify the output definition of existing command or a specific field of that command by following output definition interface: ```ruby HammerCLIForeman::Host::InfoCommand.extend_output_definition do |definition| # Appends fields to the end. # Where: # fields is one or more existing fields # block is block of code with new fields definition.append(fields) do label field collection end # Inserts one or more fields. # Where: # :mode is one of [:before, :after, :replace] # :id is field's id or key. Field's label can be used if field does not # have id # fields is one or more existing fields # block is block of code with new fields definition.insert(:mode, :id, fields) do label field collection end # Returns output definition of the command or field specified with path. # Where: # path = Array of :key or/and :id or/and 'label'] # Returns field from current output definition. definition.find_field(:id) # Deletes all fields from current output definition. definition.clear end ``` #### Examples ```ruby # Append some fields to the end HammerCLIForeman::Host::InfoCommand.extend_output_definition do |definition|'Collection Field Label')) .append do field :value3, _('Value 3') end end # Change field's label HammerCLIForeman::Host::InfoCommand.extend_output_definition do |definition| .find_field(:id).label = _('New label') end # Expand a field with new definition HammerCLIForeman::Host::InfoCommand.extend_output_definition do |definition|[_('some'), :path]) .insert(:replace, :not_container_field_id) do field nil, _('Label with new fields'), Fields::Label, id: :now_container_field_id do field :new_field1, _('New field 1') field :new_field2, _('New field 2') end end end # Insert a new field after specific field HammerCLIForeman::Host::InfoCommand.extend_output_definition do |definition|[_('some'), :path]) .insert(:after, :other_field_id, [ _('My field'), id: :my_field_id)]) end # Insert a new field before specific field HammerCLIForeman::Host::InfoCommand.extend_output_definition do |definition| definition.insert(:before, :other_field_id, _('My field'), id: :my_field_id)) end # Remove field HammerCLIForeman::Host::InfoCommand.extend_output_definition do |definition| definition.insert(:replace, :field_id) do; end end ```