Phare looks into your files and check for coding style errors.

## Installation Add these lines to your application’s Gemfile as development dependancies: ```ruby group :development do gem 'rubocop' # to check Ruby code gem 'scss-lint' # to check SCSS code gem 'phare' end ``` If you wish to check for JavaScript code style using JSHint and JSCS, you must install them too: ```bash $ npm install -g jshint jscs ``` ## Usage Phare provides an executable named `phare`. You can just use it as is: ```bash $ phare ``` One of the best ways to use Phare is by hooking it to your version control commit process. For example, with `git`: ```bash $ bundle binstubs phare $ ln -s "`pwd`/bin/phare" .git/hooks/pre-commit ``` ## Contributors * [@remiprev]( * [@garno]( ## License `Phare` is © 2014 [Mirego]( and may be freely distributed under the [New BSD license]( See the [``]( file. The lighthouse logo is based on [this lovely icon]( by [Nick Lacke](, from The Noun Project. ## About Mirego [Mirego]( is a team of passionate people who believe that work is a place where you can innovate and have fun. We're a team of [talented people]( who imagine and build beautiful Web and mobile applications. We come together to share ideas and [change the world]( We also [love open-source software]( and we try to give back to the community as much as we can.