# encoding: utf-8 unless defined? Magick begin require 'rmagick' rescue LoadError require 'RMagick' rescue LoadError puts "WARNING: Failed to require rmagick, image processing may fail!" end end module CarrierWave ## # This module simplifies manipulation with RMagick by providing a set # of convenient helper methods. If you want to use them, you'll need to # require this file: # # require 'carrierwave/processing/rmagick' # # And then include it in your uploader: # # class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base # include CarrierWave::RMagick # end # # You can now use the provided helpers: # # class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base # include CarrierWave::RMagick # # process :resize_to_fit => [200, 200] # end # # Or create your own helpers with the powerful manipulate! method. Check # out the RMagick docs at http://www.imagemagick.org/RMagick/doc/ for more # info # # class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base # include CarrierWave::RMagick # # process :do_stuff => 10.0 # # def do_stuff(blur_factor) # manipulate! do |img| # img = img.sepiatone # img = img.auto_orient # img = img.radial_blur(blur_factor) # end # end # end # # === Note # # You should be aware how RMagick handles memory. manipulate! takes care # of freeing up memory for you, but for optimum memory usage you should # use destructive operations as much as possible: # # DON'T DO THIS: # img = img.resize_to_fit # # DO THIS INSTEAD: # img.resize_to_fit! # # Read this for more information why: # # http://rubyforge.org/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1374&forum_id=1618 # module RMagick extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def convert(format) process :convert => format end def resize_to_limit(width, height) process :resize_to_limit => [width, height] end def resize_to_fit(width, height) process :resize_to_fit => [width, height] end def resize_to_fill(width, height, gravity=::Magick::CenterGravity) process :resize_to_fill => [width, height, gravity] end def resize_and_pad(width, height, background=:transparent, gravity=::Magick::CenterGravity) process :resize_and_pad => [width, height, background, gravity] end def resize_to_geometry_string(geometry_string) process :resize_to_geometry_string => [geometry_string] end end ## # Changes the image encoding format to the given format # # See even http://www.imagemagick.org/RMagick/doc/magick.html#formats # # === Parameters # # [format (#to_s)] an abreviation of the format # # === Yields # # [Magick::Image] additional manipulations to perform # # === Examples # # image.convert(:png) # def convert(format) manipulate!(:format => format) end ## # Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining # the original aspect ratio. Will only resize the image if it is larger than the # specified dimensions. The resulting image may be shorter or narrower than specified # in the smaller dimension but will not be larger than the specified values. # # === Parameters # # [width (Integer)] the width to scale the image to # [height (Integer)] the height to scale the image to # # === Yields # # [Magick::Image] additional manipulations to perform # def resize_to_limit(width, height) manipulate! do |img| geometry = Magick::Geometry.new(width, height, 0, 0, Magick::GreaterGeometry) new_img = img.change_geometry(geometry) do |new_width, new_height| img.resize(new_width, new_height) end destroy_image(img) new_img = yield(new_img) if block_given? new_img end end ## # From the RMagick documentation: "Resize the image to fit within the # specified dimensions while retaining the original aspect ratio. The # image may be shorter or narrower than specified in the smaller dimension # but will not be larger than the specified values." # # See even http://www.imagemagick.org/RMagick/doc/image3.html#resize_to_fit # # === Parameters # # [width (Integer)] the width to scale the image to # [height (Integer)] the height to scale the image to # # === Yields # # [Magick::Image] additional manipulations to perform # def resize_to_fit(width, height) manipulate! do |img| img.resize_to_fit!(width, height) img = yield(img) if block_given? img end end ## # From the RMagick documentation: "Resize the image to fit within the # specified dimensions while retaining the aspect ratio of the original # image. If necessary, crop the image in the larger dimension." # # See even http://www.imagemagick.org/RMagick/doc/image3.html#resize_to_fill # # === Parameters # # [width (Integer)] the width to scale the image to # [height (Integer)] the height to scale the image to # # === Yields # # [Magick::Image] additional manipulations to perform # def resize_to_fill(width, height, gravity=::Magick::CenterGravity) manipulate! do |img| img.crop_resized!(width, height, gravity) img = yield(img) if block_given? img end end ## # Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining # the original aspect ratio. If necessary, will pad the remaining area # with the given color, which defaults to transparent (for gif and png, # white for jpeg). # # === Parameters # # [width (Integer)] the width to scale the image to # [height (Integer)] the height to scale the image to # [background (String, :transparent)] the color of the background as a hexcode, like "#ff45de" # [gravity (Magick::GravityType)] how to position the image # # === Yields # # [Magick::Image] additional manipulations to perform # def resize_and_pad(width, height, background=:transparent, gravity=::Magick::CenterGravity) manipulate! do |img| img.resize_to_fit!(width, height) new_img = ::Magick::Image.new(width, height) if background == :transparent filled = new_img.matte_floodfill(1, 1) else filled = new_img.color_floodfill(1, 1, ::Magick::Pixel.from_color(background)) end destroy_image(new_img) filled.composite!(img, gravity, ::Magick::OverCompositeOp) destroy_image(img) filled = yield(filled) if block_given? filled end end ## # Resize the image per the provided geometry string. # # === Parameters # # [geometry_string (String)] the proportions in which to scale image # # === Yields # # [Magick::Image] additional manipulations to perform # def resize_to_geometry_string(geometry_string) manipulate! do |img| new_img = img.change_geometry(geometry_string) do |new_width, new_height| img.resize(new_width, new_height) end destroy_image(img) new_img = yield(new_img) if block_given? new_img end end ## # Manipulate the image with RMagick. This method will load up an image # and then pass each of its frames to the supplied block. It will then # save the image to disk. # # === Gotcha # # This method assumes that the object responds to +current_path+. # Any class that this module is mixed into must have a +current_path+ method. # CarrierWave::Uploader does, so you won't need to worry about this in # most cases. # # === Yields # # [Magick::Image] manipulations to perform # [Integer] Frame index if the image contains multiple frames # [Hash] options, see below # # === Options # # The options argument to this method is also yielded as the third # block argument. # # Currently, the following options are defined: # # ==== :write # A hash of assignments to be evaluated in the block given to the RMagick write call. # # An example: # # manipulate! do |img, index, options| # options[:write] = { # :quality => 50, # :depth => 8 # } # img # end # # This will translate to the following RMagick::Image#write call: # # image.write do |img| # self.quality = 50 # self.depth = 8 # end # # ==== :read # A hash of assignments to be given to the RMagick read call. # # The options available are identical to those for write, but are passed in directly, like this: # # manipulate! :read => { :density => 300 } # # ==== :format # Specify the output format. If unset, the filename extension is used to determine the format. # # === Raises # # [CarrierWave::ProcessingError] if manipulation failed. # def manipulate!(options={}, &block) cache_stored_file! if !cached? read_block = create_info_block(options[:read]) image = ::Magick::Image.read(current_path, &read_block) frames = if image.size > 1 list = ::Magick::ImageList.new image.each_with_index do |frame, index| processed_frame = if block_given? yield *[frame, index, options].take(block.arity) else frame end list << processed_frame if processed_frame end block_given? ? list : list.append(true) else frame = image.first frame = yield( *[frame, 0, options].take(block.arity) ) if block_given? frame end write_block = create_info_block(options[:write]) if options[:format] frames.write("#{options[:format]}:#{current_path}", &write_block) else frames.write(current_path, &write_block) end destroy_image(frames) rescue ::Magick::ImageMagickError => e raise CarrierWave::ProcessingError, I18n.translate(:"errors.messages.rmagick_processing_error", :e => e) end private def create_info_block(options) return nil unless options assignments = options.map { |k, v| "self.#{k} = #{v}" } code = "lambda { |img| " + assignments.join(";") + "}" eval code end def destroy_image(image) image.destroy! if image.respond_to?(:destroy!) end end # RMagick end # CarrierWave