/** This file is part of KCFinder project * * @desc Clipboard functionality * @package KCFinder * @version 2.51 * @author Pavel Tzonkov <pavelc@users.sourceforge.net> * @copyright 2010, 2011 KCFinder Project * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GPLv2 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php LGPLv2 * @link http://kcfinder.sunhater.com */ browser.initClipboard = function() { if (!this.clipboard || !this.clipboard.length) return; var size = 0; $.each(this.clipboard, function(i, val) { size += parseInt(val.size); }); size = this.humanSize(size); $('#clipboard').html('<div title="' + this.label("Clipboard") + ' (' + this.clipboard.length + ' ' + this.label("files") + ', ' + size + ')" onclick="browser.openClipboard()"></div>'); var resize = function() { $('#clipboard').css({ left: $(window).width() - $('#clipboard').outerWidth() + 'px', top: $(window).height() - $('#clipboard').outerHeight() + 'px' }); }; resize(); $('#clipboard').css('display', 'block'); $(window).unbind(); $(window).resize(function() { browser.resize(); resize(); }); }; browser.openClipboard = function() { if (!this.clipboard || !this.clipboard.length) return; if ($('.menu a[href="kcact:cpcbd"]').html()) { $('#clipboard').removeClass('selected'); this.hideDialog(); return; } var html = '<div class="menu"><div class="list">'; $.each(this.clipboard, function(i, val) { icon = _.getFileExtension(val.name); if (val.thumb) icon = '.image'; else if (!val.smallIcon || !icon.length) icon = '.'; var icon = 'themes/' + browser.theme + '/img/files/small/' + icon + '.png'; html += '<a style="background-image:url(' + _.escapeDirs(icon) + ')" title="' + browser.label("Click to remove from the Clipboard") + '" onclick="browser.removeFromClipboard(' + i + ')">' + _.htmlData(_.basename(val.name)) + '</a>'; }); html += '</div><div class="delimiter"></div>'; if (this.support.zip) html+= '<a href="kcact:download">' + this.label("Download files") + '</a>'; if (this.access.files.copy || this.access.files.move || this.access.files['delete']) html += '<div class="delimiter"></div>'; if (this.access.files.copy) html += '<a href="kcact:cpcbd"' + (!browser.dirWritable ? ' class="denied"' : '') + '>' + this.label("Copy files here") + '</a>'; if (this.access.files.move) html += '<a href="kcact:mvcbd"' + (!browser.dirWritable ? ' class="denied"' : '') + '>' + this.label("Move files here") + '</a>'; if (this.access.files['delete']) html += '<a href="kcact:rmcbd">' + this.label("Delete files") + '</a>'; html += '<div class="delimiter"></div>' + '<a href="kcact:clrcbd">' + this.label("Clear the Clipboard") + '</a>' + '</div>'; setTimeout(function() { $('#clipboard').addClass('selected'); $('#dialog').html(html); $('.menu a[href="kcact:download"]').click(function() { browser.hideDialog(); browser.downloadClipboard(); return false; }); $('.menu a[href="kcact:cpcbd"]').click(function() { if (!browser.dirWritable) return false; browser.hideDialog(); browser.copyClipboard(browser.dir); return false; }); $('.menu a[href="kcact:mvcbd"]').click(function() { if (!browser.dirWritable) return false; browser.hideDialog(); browser.moveClipboard(browser.dir); return false; }); $('.menu a[href="kcact:rmcbd"]').click(function() { browser.hideDialog(); browser.confirm( browser.label("Are you sure you want to delete all files in the Clipboard?"), function(callBack) { if (callBack) callBack(); browser.deleteClipboard(); } ); return false; }); $('.menu a[href="kcact:clrcbd"]').click(function() { browser.hideDialog(); browser.clearClipboard(); return false; }); var left = $(window).width() - $('#dialog').outerWidth(); var top = $(window).height() - $('#dialog').outerHeight() - $('#clipboard').outerHeight(); var lheight = top + _.outerTopSpace('#dialog'); $('.menu .list').css('max-height', lheight + 'px'); var top = $(window).height() - $('#dialog').outerHeight() - $('#clipboard').outerHeight(); $('#dialog').css({ left: (left - 4) + 'px', top: top + 'px' }); $('#dialog').fadeIn(); }, 1); }; browser.removeFromClipboard = function(i) { if (!this.clipboard || !this.clipboard[i]) return false; if (this.clipboard.length == 1) { this.clearClipboard(); this.hideDialog(); return; } if (i < this.clipboard.length - 1) { var last = this.clipboard.slice(i + 1); this.clipboard = this.clipboard.slice(0, i); this.clipboard = this.clipboard.concat(last); } else this.clipboard.pop(); this.initClipboard(); this.hideDialog(); this.openClipboard(); return true; }; browser.copyClipboard = function(dir) { if (!this.clipboard || !this.clipboard.length) return; var files = []; var failed = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.clipboard.length; i++) if (this.clipboard[i].readable) files[i] = this.clipboard[i].dir + '/' + this.clipboard[i].name; else failed++; if (this.clipboard.length == failed) { browser.alert(this.label("The files in the Clipboard are not readable.")); return; } var go = function(callBack) { if (dir == browser.dir) browser.fadeFiles(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: browser.baseGetData('cp_cbd'), data: {dir: dir, files: files}, async: false, success: function(data) { if (callBack) callBack(); browser.check4errors(data); browser.clearClipboard(); if (dir == browser.dir) browser.refresh(); }, error: function() { if (callBack) callBack(); $('#files > div').css({ opacity: '', filter: '' }); browser.alert(browser.label("Unknown error.")); } }); }; if (failed) browser.confirm( browser.label("{count} files in the Clipboard are not readable. Do you want to copy the rest?", {count:failed}), go ) else go(); }; browser.moveClipboard = function(dir) { if (!this.clipboard || !this.clipboard.length) return; var files = []; var failed = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.clipboard.length; i++) if (this.clipboard[i].readable && this.clipboard[i].writable) files[i] = this.clipboard[i].dir + "/" + this.clipboard[i].name; else failed++; if (this.clipboard.length == failed) { browser.alert(this.label("The files in the Clipboard are not movable.")) return; } var go = function(callBack) { browser.fadeFiles(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: browser.baseGetData('mv_cbd'), data: {dir: dir, files: files}, async: false, success: function(data) { if (callBack) callBack(); browser.check4errors(data); browser.clearClipboard(); browser.refresh(); }, error: function() { if (callBack) callBack(); $('#files > div').css({ opacity: '', filter: '' }); browser.alert(browser.label("Unknown error.")); } }); }; if (failed) browser.confirm( browser.label("{count} files in the Clipboard are not movable. Do you want to move the rest?", {count: failed}), go ); else go(); }; browser.deleteClipboard = function() { if (!this.clipboard || !this.clipboard.length) return; var files = []; var failed = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.clipboard.length; i++) if (this.clipboard[i].readable && this.clipboard[i].writable) files[i] = this.clipboard[i].dir + '/' + this.clipboard[i].name; else failed++; if (this.clipboard.length == failed) { browser.alert(this.label("The files in the Clipboard are not removable.")) return; } var go = function(callBack) { browser.fadeFiles(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: browser.baseGetData('rm_cbd'), data: {files:files}, async: false, success: function(data) { if (callBack) callBack(); browser.check4errors(data); browser.clearClipboard(); browser.refresh(); }, error: function() { if (callBack) callBack(); $('#files > div').css({ opacity: '', filter:'' }); browser.alert(browser.label("Unknown error.")); } }); }; if (failed) browser.confirm( browser.label("{count} files in the Clipboard are not removable. Do you want to delete the rest?", {count: failed}), go ); else go(); }; browser.downloadClipboard = function() { if (!this.clipboard || !this.clipboard.length) return; var files = []; for (i = 0; i < this.clipboard.length; i++) if (this.clipboard[i].readable) files[i] = this.clipboard[i].dir + '/' + this.clipboard[i].name; if (files.length) this.post(this.baseGetData('downloadClipboard'), {files:files}); }; browser.clearClipboard = function() { $('#clipboard').html(''); this.clipboard = []; };