# Installation Installing Active Admin in a Rails application is as easy as adding the gem to your Gemfile: # Gemfile gem 'activeadmin' If you are using Rails >= 3.1, you must also include a beta version of MetaSearch and sass-rails: # Gemfile in Rails >= 3.1 gem 'activeadmin' gem 'sass-rails' gem "meta_search", '>= 1.1.0.pre' ## Running the Generator Once you have added the gem to your Gemfile (and any other dependencies), you need to run the Active Admin install generator. $> rails generate active_admin:install This will install Active Admin the default settings. By default it will create a new Devise user / model called AdminUser. To change the name of the user class, simply pass the class as the last argument: $> rails generate active_admin:install User Instead of generating an AdminUser class, this command will create a User class. You can skip the Devise user class all together by using the `skip-users` flag: $> rails generate active_admin:install --skip-users NOTE: If you don't use the default user settings, you will need to configure the settings in `config/intializers/active_admin.rb` to suite your needs. After running the installer, run `rake db:migrate` to ensure that all db tables are created. ## Upgrading To upgrade Active Admin, simply update the version number in your Gemfile, then run the assets generator: $> rails generate active_admin:assets This command makes sure you have all the latest assets and your installation is up to date. Each time you upgrade Active Admin, you should run this command.