#<OpenStudio::Analysis::WorkflowStep:0x007f909aab6ff8> Deprecation Warning. In Version 0.5 the _uncertain text will be removed from distribution types: triangle_uncertain Deprecation Warning. RubyContinuousVariable (OpenStudio called this the variable_type) is no longer persisted Deprecation Warning. workflow_step_type is no longer persisted Deprecation Warning. In Version 0.5 the _uncertain text will be removed from distribution types: normal_uncertain Deprecation Warning. RubyContinuousVariable (OpenStudio called this the variable_type) is no longer persisted Deprecation Warning. workflow_step_type is no longer persisted Deprecation Warning. In Version 0.5 the _uncertain text will be removed from distribution types: uniform_uncertain Deprecation Warning. RubyContinuousVariable (OpenStudio called this the variable_type) is no longer persisted Deprecation Warning. workflow_step_type is no longer persisted