# frozen_string_literal: true require 'pathname' # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength module RuboCop # This class represents the configuration of the RuboCop application # and all its cops. A Config is associated with a YAML configuration # file from which it was read. Several different Configs can be used # during a run of the rubocop program, if files in several # directories are inspected. class Config include PathUtil COMMON_PARAMS = %w(Exclude Include Severity AutoCorrect StyleGuide Details).freeze # 2.1 is the oldest officially supported Ruby version. DEFAULT_RUBY_VERSION = 2.1 KNOWN_RUBIES = [1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4].freeze OBSOLETE_COPS = { 'Style/TrailingComma' => 'The `Style/TrailingComma` cop no longer exists. Please use ' \ '`Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral` and/or ' \ '`Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` instead.', 'Rails/DefaultScope' => 'The `Rails/DefaultScope` cop no longer exists.', 'Style/SingleSpaceBeforeFirstArg' => 'The `Style/SingleSpaceBeforeFirstArg` cop has been renamed to ' \ '`Style/SpaceBeforeFirstArg. ', 'Lint/SpaceBeforeFirstArg' => 'The `Lint/SpaceBeforeFirstArg` cop has been removed, since it was a ' \ 'duplicate of `Style/SpaceBeforeFirstArg`. Please use ' \ '`Style/SpaceBeforeFirstArg` instead.', 'Style/SpaceAfterControlKeyword' => 'The `Style/SpaceAfterControlKeyword` cop has been removed. Please ' \ 'use `Style/SpaceAroundKeyword` instead.', 'Style/SpaceBeforeModifierKeyword' => 'The `Style/SpaceBeforeModifierKeyword` cop has been removed. Please ' \ 'use `Style/SpaceAroundKeyword` instead.' }.freeze attr_reader :loaded_path def initialize(hash = {}, loaded_path = nil) @loaded_path = loaded_path @for_cop = Hash.new do |h, cop| h[cop] = self[Cop::Cop.qualified_cop_name(cop, loaded_path)] || {} end @hash = hash end def [](key) @hash[key] end def []=(key, value) @hash[key] = value end def delete(key) @hash.delete(key) end def each(&block) @hash.each(&block) end def key?(key) @hash.key?(key) end def keys @hash.keys end def map(&block) @hash.map(&block) end def merge(other_hash) @hash.merge(other_hash) end def to_h @hash end def to_hash @hash end def to_s @to_s ||= @hash.to_s end def make_excludes_absolute each do |key, _| validate_section_presence(key) next unless self[key]['Exclude'] self[key]['Exclude'].map! do |exclude_elem| if exclude_elem.is_a?(String) && !absolute?(exclude_elem) File.expand_path(File.join(base_dir_for_path_parameters, exclude_elem)) else exclude_elem end end end end def add_excludes_from_higher_level(highest_config) return unless highest_config.for_all_cops['Exclude'] excludes = for_all_cops['Exclude'] ||= [] highest_config.for_all_cops['Exclude'].each do |path| unless path.is_a?(Regexp) || absolute?(path) path = File.join(File.dirname(highest_config.loaded_path), path) end excludes << path unless excludes.include?(path) end end def deprecation_check %w(Exclude Include).each do |key| plural = "#{key}s" next unless for_all_cops[plural] for_all_cops[key] = for_all_cops[plural] # Stay backwards compatible. for_all_cops.delete(plural) yield "AllCops/#{plural} was renamed to AllCops/#{key}" end end def for_cop(cop) @for_cop[cop.respond_to?(:cop_name) ? cop.cop_name : cop] end def for_all_cops @for_all_cops ||= self['AllCops'] || {} end def cop_enabled?(cop) department = cop.cop_type.to_s.capitalize! if (dept_config = self[department]) return false if dept_config['Enabled'] == false end for_cop(cop).empty? || for_cop(cop)['Enabled'] end def validate # Don't validate RuboCop's own files. Avoids infinite recursion. base_config_path = File.expand_path(File.join(ConfigLoader::RUBOCOP_HOME, 'config')) return if File.expand_path(loaded_path).start_with?(base_config_path) valid_cop_names, invalid_cop_names = keys.partition do |key| ConfigLoader.default_configuration.key?(key) end reject_obsolete_cops warn_about_unrecognized_cops(invalid_cop_names) reject_obsolete_parameters check_target_ruby validate_parameter_names(valid_cop_names) validate_enforced_styles(valid_cop_names) end def file_to_include?(file) relative_file_path = path_relative_to_config(file) # Optimization to quickly decide if the given file is hidden (on the top # level) and can not be matched by any pattern. is_hidden = relative_file_path.start_with?('.') && !relative_file_path.start_with?('..') return false if is_hidden && !possibly_include_hidden? absolute_file_path = File.expand_path(file) patterns_to_include.any? do |pattern| match_path?(pattern, relative_file_path) || match_path?(pattern, absolute_file_path) end end # Returns true if there's a chance that an Include pattern matches hidden # files, false if that's definitely not possible. def possibly_include_hidden? return @possibly_include_hidden if defined?(@possibly_include_hidden) @possibly_include_hidden = patterns_to_include.any? do |s| s.is_a?(Regexp) || s.start_with?('.') || s.include?('/.') end end def file_to_exclude?(file) file = File.expand_path(file) patterns_to_exclude.any? do |pattern| match_path?(pattern, file) end end def patterns_to_include for_all_cops['Include'] end def patterns_to_exclude for_all_cops['Exclude'] end def path_relative_to_config(path) relative_path(path, base_dir_for_path_parameters) end # Paths specified in .rubocop.yml and .rubocop_todo.yml files are relative # to the directory where that file is. Paths in other config files are # relative to the current directory. This is so that paths in # config/default.yml, for example, are not relative to RuboCop's config # directory since that wouldn't work. def base_dir_for_path_parameters config_files = [ConfigLoader::DOTFILE, ConfigLoader::AUTO_GENERATED_FILE] @base_dir_for_path_parameters ||= if config_files.include?(File.basename(loaded_path)) && loaded_path != File.join(Dir.home, ConfigLoader::DOTFILE) File.expand_path(File.dirname(loaded_path)) else Dir.pwd end end def target_ruby_version @target_ruby_version ||= if for_all_cops['TargetRubyVersion'] @target_ruby_version_source = :rubocop_yml for_all_cops['TargetRubyVersion'] elsif File.file?('.ruby-version') && /\A(ruby-)?(?\d+\.\d+)/ =~ File.read('.ruby-version') @target_ruby_version_source = :dot_ruby_version version.to_f else DEFAULT_RUBY_VERSION end end private def warn_about_unrecognized_cops(invalid_cop_names) invalid_cop_names.each do |name| if name == 'Syntax' raise ValidationError, "configuration for Syntax cop found in #{loaded_path}\n" \ 'This cop cannot be configured.' end # There could be a custom cop with this name. If so, don't warn next if Cop::Cop.all.any? { |c| c.match?([name]) } warn Rainbow("Warning: unrecognized cop #{name} found in " \ "#{loaded_path}").yellow end end def validate_section_presence(name) return unless key?(name) && self[name].nil? raise ValidationError, "empty section #{name} found in #{loaded_path}" end def validate_parameter_names(valid_cop_names) valid_cop_names.each do |name| validate_section_presence(name) self[name].each_key do |param| next if COMMON_PARAMS.include?(param) || ConfigLoader.default_configuration[name].key?(param) warn Rainbow("Warning: unrecognized parameter #{name}:#{param} " \ "found in #{loaded_path}").yellow end end end def validate_enforced_styles(valid_cop_names) valid_cop_names.each do |name| next unless (style = self[name]['EnforcedStyle']) valid = ConfigLoader.default_configuration[name]['SupportedStyles'] next if valid.include?(style) msg = "invalid EnforcedStyle '#{style}' for #{name} found in " \ "#{loaded_path}\n" \ "Valid choices are: #{valid.join(', ')}" raise ValidationError, msg end end def reject_obsolete_parameters check_obsolete_parameter('Style/SpaceAroundOperators', 'MultiSpaceAllowedForOperators', 'If your intention was to allow extra spaces ' \ 'for alignment, please use AllowForAlignment: ' \ 'true instead.') check_obsolete_parameter('AllCops', 'RunRailsCops', "Use the following configuration instead:\n" \ "Rails:\n Enabled: true") end def check_obsolete_parameter(cop, parameter, alternative = nil) return unless self[cop] && self[cop].key?(parameter) raise ValidationError, "obsolete parameter #{parameter} (for #{cop}) " \ "found in #{loaded_path}" \ "#{"\n" if alternative}#{alternative}" end def reject_obsolete_cops OBSOLETE_COPS.each do |cop_name, message| next unless key?(cop_name) || key?(cop_name.split('/').last) message += "\n(obsolete configuration found in #{loaded_path}, please" \ ' update it)' raise ValidationError, message end end def check_target_ruby return if KNOWN_RUBIES.include?(target_ruby_version) msg = "Unknown Ruby version #{target_ruby_version.inspect} found " msg += case @target_ruby_version_source when :dot_ruby_version 'in `.ruby-version`.' when :rubocop_yml "in `TargetRubyVersion` parameter (in #{loaded_path})." \ end msg += "\nKnown versions: #{KNOWN_RUBIES.join(', ')}" raise ValidationError, msg end end end