#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'treequel' require 'treequel/branchset' require 'treequel/behavior/control' require 'treequel/controls/sortedresults' ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Treequel::SortedResultsControl do before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) end before( :each ) do @conn = mock( "ldap connection object" ) @conn.stub( :bound? ).and_return( false ) @directory = get_fixtured_directory( @conn ) @directory.register_controls( Treequel::SortedResultsControl ) @branch = Treequel::Branch.new( @directory, TEST_PEOPLE_DN ) @branchset = @branch.branchset end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end it_should_behave_like "A Treequel::Control" it "adds a sort_order_criteria attribute to extended branchsets" do @branchset.should respond_to( :sort_order_criteria ) end it "can add the listed attributes as ascending sort order criteria via an #order mutator " + "with Symbol attribute names" do criteria = @branchset.order( :attr1, :attr2 ).sort_order_criteria criteria.should have( 2 ).members criteria[0].type.should == 'attr1' criteria[0].ordering_rule.should == nil criteria[0].reverse_order.should be_false() criteria[1].type.should == 'attr2' criteria[1].ordering_rule.should == nil criteria[1].reverse_order.should be_false() end it "can add the listed attributes as descending sort order criteria via an #order mutator " + "with Sequel::SQL::Expressions" do pending "requires the 'sequel' library" unless Sequel.const_defined?( :Model ) criteria = @branchset.order( :attr1.desc ).sort_order_criteria criteria.should have( 1 ).member criteria[0].type.should == 'attr1' criteria[0].ordering_rule.should == nil criteria[0].reverse_order.should be_true() end it "can remove existing sort order criteria via the #order mutator with no arguments" do ordered_branchset = @branchset.order( :attr1 ) ordered_branchset.order().sort_order_criteria.should be_empty() end it "can remove any existing sort order criteria via an #unordered mutator" do ordered_branchset = @branchset.order( :attr1 ) ordered_branchset.unordered.sort_order_criteria.should be_empty() end it "can remove any existing sort order criteria from the receiver via the #unordered! " + "imperative method" do ordered_branchset = @branchset.order( :attr1 ) ordered_branchset.unordered! ordered_branchset.sort_order_criteria.should be_empty() end it "injects the correct server-control structure into the search when iterating" do oid = Treequel::SortedResultsControl::OID expected_asn1_string = "0\x060\x04\x04\x02cn" expected_control = LDAP::Control.new( oid, expected_asn1_string, true ) resultbranch = mock( "Sorted result branch" ) resultcontrol = mock( "Sorted result control" ) @branch.should_receive( :search ).with( :subtree, instance_of(Treequel::Filter), { :limit => 0, :selectattrs => [], :timeout => 0, :server_controls => [ expected_control ], :client_controls => [] } ).and_yield( resultbranch ) resultbranch.should_receive( :controls ).and_return([ resultcontrol ]) resultcontrol.should_receive( :oid ). and_return( Treequel::SortedResultsControl::RESPONSE_OID ) resultcontrol.should_receive( :decode ). and_return([ 0, :ignored ]) # 0 == Success @branchset.order( :cn ).each do |*args| args.should == [ resultbranch ] end end it "raises an exception if the server returned an error in the response control" do resultbranch = mock( "Sorted result branch" ) resultcontrol = mock( "Sorted result control" ) @branch.should_receive( :search ).and_yield( resultbranch ) resultbranch.should_receive( :controls ).and_return([ resultcontrol ]) resultcontrol.should_receive( :oid ). and_return( Treequel::SortedResultsControl::RESPONSE_OID ) resultcontrol.should_receive( :decode ). and_return([ 16, :ignored ]) # 16 == 'No such attribute' expect { @branchset.order( :cn ).each {} }.to raise_exception( Treequel::ControlError, /no such attribute/i ) end it "doesn't add a sort control if no sort order criteria have been set" do resultbranch = mock( "Result branch" ) @branch.should_receive( :search ).with( :subtree, instance_of(Treequel::Filter), { :limit => 0, :selectattrs => [], :timeout => 0, :server_controls => [], :client_controls => [] } ).and_yield( resultbranch ) resultbranch.should_receive( :controls ).and_return( [] ) @branchset.unordered.each do |*args| args.should == [ resultbranch ] end end end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: