require 'active_support/all' require 'active_record' require 'pathname' require 'standalone_migrations/configurator' # earlier versions used migrations from db/migrations, so warn users about the change if'db/migrations') puts "DEPRECATED move your migrations into db/migrate" end def standalone_configurator @configurator ||= end module Rails def self.env s = (ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || ENV['DB'] || 'development').dup # env is frozen -> dup def s.development?; self == 'development';end s end def self.root Dir.pwd end def self.application s = "fake_app" def s.paths { "db/migrate" => [standalone_configurator.migrate_dir], "db/seeds.rb" => [standalone_configurator.seeds], "db/schema.rb" => [standalone_configurator.schema] } end def s.config s = "fake_config" def s.database_configuration standalone_configurator.config_for_all end s end def s.load_seed seed_file = paths["db/seeds.rb"].select{ |f| File.exists?(f) }.first load(seed_file) if seed_file end def s.eager_load! end s end end task(:rails_env){} task(:environment => "db:load_config") do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection standalone_configurator.config_for Rails.env end load 'active_record/railties/databases.rake' namespace :db do task :load_config do ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = standalone_configurator.config_for_all end desc "Create a new migration" task :new_migration do |t| unless migration = ENV['name'] puts "Error: must provide name of migration to generate." puts "For example: rake #{} name=add_field_to_form" abort end file_contents = <<eof class #{class_name migration} < ActiveRecord::Migration def up end def down raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration end end eof filename = migration.underscore create_file file_name(filename), file_contents puts "Created migration #{file_name filename}" end def configurator standalone_configurator end def create_file file, contents path = File.dirname(file) FileUtils.mkdir_p path unless File.exists? path, 'w') { |f| f.write contents } end def file_name migration File.join configurator.migrate_dir, "#{ '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'}_#{migration}.rb" end def class_name str str.parameterize.underscore.camelize end end