module Watir module Generator module Base class Visitor < WebIDL::RubySexpVisitor STRING_TYPES = ['WindowProxy', 'ValidityState', 'TimeRanges', 'Location', 'Any', 'TimedTrackArray', 'TimedTrack', 'TextTrackArray', 'TextTrack', /Media.+/, 'TextTrackKind', 'Function', /.*EventHandler$/, 'Document', 'DocumentFragment', 'DOMTokenList', 'DOMSettableTokenList', 'DOMStringMap', 'HTMLPropertiesCollection', /HTML.*Element/, /HTML.*Collection/, 'CSSStyleDeclaration', /.+List$/, 'Date', 'Element', /DOM.+ReadOnly/, /SVGAnimated.+/, /SVG.*Element/, /SVG.*Collection/, 'SVGViewSpec', 'Object', 'USVString'].freeze def initialize super # When an interface has multiple IDL definitions in the spec, the inheritance is sometimes # not repeated. So we'll keep track ourselves. @inheritance_map = {} @already_defined = [] end # # WebIDL visitor interface # def visit_interface(interface) name = parent = interface.inherits.first warn name return if name !~ interface_regexp || name =~ /(Collection|Document)$/ parent = if force_inheritance.key?(name) force_inheritance[name] else @inheritance_map[name] ||= parent&.name return unless @inheritance_map[name] @inheritance_map[name] end [:scope, [:block, element_class(, extract_attributes(interface), parent), collection_class(]] end def visit_module(mod) # ignored end def visit_implements_statement(stmt) # ignored end # TODO: do everything in the visitor somehow? # problem is we lack the tag name info while walking the interface AST # # # # Watir generator visitor interface # # # # def visit_tag(tag_name, interface_name) # tag_string = tag.inspect # singular = Util.paramify(classify_regexp, tag) # plural = singular.pluralize # element_class = Util.classify(classify_regexp, # collection_class = "#{element_class}Collection" # # [:defn, # :a, # [:args, :"*args"], # [:scope, # [:block, # [:call, # [:const, :Anchor], # :new, # [:arglist, # [:self], # [:call, # [:call, nil, :extract_selector, [:arglist, [:lvar, :args]]], # :merge, # [:arglist, [:hash, [:lit, :tag_name], [:str, "a"]]]]]]]]] # end private def element_class(name, attributes, parent) [:class, Util.classify(classify_regexp, name), [:const, Util.classify(classify_regexp, parent)], *attribute_calls(attributes)] end def extract_attributes(interface) members = interface.members members += interface.implements.flat_map(&:members) members += interface.includes.flat_map(&:members) { |e| e.is_a?(WebIDL::Ast::Attribute) }.uniq(&:name) end def collection_class(name) return if @already_defined.include?(name) @already_defined << name name = Util.classify(classify_regexp, name) [:class, "#{name}Collection", %i[const ElementCollection]] end def attribute_calls(attributes) do |attribute| call(:attribute, [ [:lit, ruby_type_for(attribute.type)], [:lit, ruby_method_name_for(attribute)], [:lit,] ]) end end def call(name, args) [:call, nil, name.to_sym, [:arglist] + args] end def ruby_method_name_for(attribute) str = if %w[httpEquiv contentEditable acceptCharset isContentEditable].include? else end if == :Boolean str = Regexp.last_match(1) if str =~ /^is_(.+)/ str << '?' end str = 'for' if str == 'htmlfor' str.to_sym end def ruby_type_for(type) case when 'DOMString', 'any' String when 'UnsignedLong', 'Long', 'Integer', 'Short', 'UnsignedShort', 'SVGAnimatedLength' Integer when 'Float', /.*Double$/ Float when 'Boolean' 'Boolean' when *STRING_TYPES # probably completely wrong. String else raise "unknown type: #{}" end end end # Visitor end # Base end # Generator end # Watir