module Hirb # This class provides a menu using Hirb's table helpers by default to display choices. # Menu choices (syntax at Hirb::Util.choose_from_array) refer to rows. However, when in # two_d mode, choices refer to specific cells by appending a ':field' to a choice. # A field name can be an abbreviated. Menus can also have an action mode, which turns the # menu prompt into a commandline that executes the choices as arguments and uses methods as # actions/commands. class Menu class Error < StandardError; end # Detects valid choices and optional field/column CHOSEN_REGEXP = /^(\d([^:]+)?|\*)(?::)?(\S+)?/ CHOSEN_ARG = '%s' DIRECTIONS = "Specify individual choices (4,7), range of choices (1-3) or all choices (*)." # This method will return an array unless it's exited by simply pressing return, which returns nil. # If given a block, the block will yield if and with any menu items are chosen. # All options except for the ones below are passed to render the menu. # # ==== Options: # [*:helper_class*] Helper class to render menu. Helper class is expected to implement numbering given a :number option. # To use a very basic menu, set this to false. Defaults to Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable. # [*:prompt*] String for menu prompt. Defaults to "Choose: ". # [*:ask*] Always ask for input, even if there is only one choice. Default is true. # [*:directions*] Display directions before prompt. Default is true. # [*:readline*] Use readline to get user input if available. Input strings are added to readline history. Default is false. # [*:two_d*] Turn menu into a 2 dimensional (2D) menu by allowing user to pick values from table cells. Default is false. # [*:default_field*] Default field for a 2D menu. Defaults to first field in a table. # [*:action*] Turn menu into an action menu by letting user pass menu choices as an argument to a method/command. # A menu choice's place amongst other arguments is preserved. Default is false. # [*:multi_action*] Execute action menu multiple times iterating over the menu choices. Default is false. # [*:action_object*] Object that takes method/command calls. Default is main. # [*:command*] Default method/command to call when no command given. # [*:reopen*] Reopens $stdin with given file or with /dev/tty when set to true. Use when # $stdin is already reading in piped data. # Examples: # >> extend Hirb::Console # => self # >> menu [1,2,3], :prompt=> "So many choices, so little time: " # >> menu [{:a=>1, :b=>2}, {:a=>3, :b=>4}], :fields=>[:a,b], :two_d=>true) def self.render(output, options={}, &block) new(options).render(output, &block) rescue Error=>e $stderr.puts "Error: #{e.message}" end #:stopdoc: def initialize(options={}) @options = {:helper_class=>Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable, :prompt=>"Choose: ", :ask=>true, :directions=>true}.merge options @options[:reopen] = '/dev/tty' if @options[:reopen] == true end def render(output, &block) @output = Array(output) return [] if chosen = choose_from_menu if block && chosen.size > 0 @options[:action] ? execute_action(chosen) : chosen end def get_input prompt = pre_prompt + @options[:prompt] prompt = DIRECTIONS+"\n"+prompt if @options[:directions] $stdin.reopen @options[:reopen] if @options[:reopen] if @options[:readline] && readline_loads? get_readline_input(prompt) else print prompt $stdin.gets.chomp.strip end end def get_readline_input(prompt) input = Readline.readline prompt Readline::HISTORY << input input end def pre_prompt prompt = '' prompt << "Default field: #{default_field}\n" if @options[:two_d] && default_field prompt << "Default command: #{@options[:command]}\n" if @options[:action] && @options[:command] prompt end def choose_from_menu return unasked_choice if @output.size == 1 && !@options[:ask] if (helper_class = Util.any_const_get(@options[:helper_class])) View.render_output(@output, :class=>@options[:helper_class], :options=>@options.merge(:number=>true)) else @output.each_with_index {|e,i| puts "#{i+1}: #{e}" } end parse_input get_input end def unasked_choice return @output unless @options[:action] raise(Error, "Default command and field required for unasked action menu") unless default_field && @options[:command] @new_args = [@options[:command], CHOSEN_ARG] map_tokens([[@output, default_field]]) end def execute_action(chosen) return nil if if @options[:multi_action] chosen.each {|e| invoke command, add_chosen_to_args(e) } else invoke command, add_chosen_to_args(chosen) end end def invoke(cmd, args) action_object.send(cmd, *args) end def parse_input(input) if (@options[:two_d] || @options[:action]) tokens = input_to_tokens(input) map_tokens(tokens) else Util.choose_from_array(@output, input) end end def map_tokens(tokens) values = if return_cell_values? @output[0].is_a?(Hash) ? {|arr,f| {|e| e[f]} } : {|arr,f| {|e| e.is_a?(Array) && f.is_a?(Integer) ? e[f] : e.send(f) } } else {|arr, f| arr[0] } end values.flatten end def return_cell_values? @options[:two_d] end def input_to_tokens(input) @new_args = [] tokens = (@args = split_input_args(input)).map {|word| parse_word(word) }.compact cleanup_new_args tokens end def parse_word(word) if word[CHOSEN_REGEXP] @new_args << CHOSEN_ARG field = $3 ? unalias_field($3) : default_field || raise(Error, "No default field/column found. Fields must be explicitly picked.") token = Util.choose_from_array(@output, word) token = [token] if word[/\*|-|\.\.|,/] && !return_cell_values? [token, field] else @new_args << word nil end end def cleanup_new_args if @new_args.all? {|e| e == CHOSEN_ARG } @new_args = [CHOSEN_ARG] else i = @new_args.index(CHOSEN_ARG) || raise(Error, "No rows chosen") @new_args.delete(CHOSEN_ARG) @new_args.insert(i, CHOSEN_ARG) end end def add_chosen_to_args(items) args = @new_args.dup args[args.index(CHOSEN_ARG)] = items args end def command @command ||= begin cmd = (@new_args == [CHOSEN_ARG]) ? nil : @new_args.shift cmd ||= @options[:command] || raise(Error, "No command given for action menu") end end def action_object @options[:action_object] || eval("self", TOPLEVEL_BINDING) end def split_input_args(input) input.split(/\s+/) end def default_field @default_field ||= @options[:default_field] || fields[0] end # Has to be called after displaying menu def fields @fields ||= @options[:fields] || (@options[:ask] && table_helper_class? && Helpers::Table.last_table ? Helpers::Table.last_table.fields[1..-1] : []) end def table_helper_class? @options[:helper_class].is_a?(Class) && @options[:helper_class] < Helpers::Table end def unalias_field(field) fields.sort_by {|e| e.to_s }.find {|e| e.to_s[/^#{field}/] } || raise(Error, "Invalid field '#{field}'") end def readline_loads? require 'readline' true rescue LoadError false end #:startdoc: end end