# =XMPP4R - XMPP Library for Ruby
# License:: Ruby's license (see the LICENSE file) or GNU GPL, at your option.
# Website::http://home.gna.org/xmpp4r/
# ==Introduction
# XMPP4R is a XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby. It can be used to build scripts
# using Jabber, full-featured Jabber clients, and components. It is written
# with extensibility in mind.
# ==XML management
# All the XML parsing is REXML's, and XML stanzas like (class
# Jabber::Message) or (class Jabber::Iq) are indirect
# derivatives from REXML's Element class. This provide a maximum flexibity:
# the user can access attributes and childs using either the XMPP4R's helpers
# or directly using REXML's methods.
# ===Automatic element casting
# Because there are special classes derived from REXML::Element to ease
# development on the protocol level, Elements must be cast to them. This is
# done via REXML::Element.import. This method is also used in import class
# methods of some Element classes.
# The first occurance of this feature is in Jabber::Stream::receive:
# * stanzas are cast to Jabber::Message class
# * stanzas are cast to Jabber::Presence class
# * stanzas are cast to Jabber::Iq class
# This is not only useful for stanzas but all other XML processing, too:
# * children elements of and are converted to Jabber::X
# * children elements of all three stanzas are converted to Jabber::ErrorResponse
# * children elements of are converted to Jabber::IqQuery
# * children elements of are converted to Jabber::IqVcard
# The following conversion facilities are only executed if the respective
# library parts are loaded. See below for more details on Non-basic features.
# * Jabber::IqQuery elements are converted to Jabber::Roster::IqQueryRoster if their
# namespace is 'jabber:iq:roster'
# * Jabber::IqQuery elements are converted to Jabber::Version::IqQueryVersion if their
# namespace is 'jabber:iq:version'
# * Jabber::IqQuery elements are converted to Jabber::Discovery::IqQueryDiscoInfo if their
# namespace is 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'
# * Jabber::IqQuery elements are converted to Jabber::Discovery::IqQueryDiscoItems if their
# namespace is 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items'
# * children elements of Jabber::Roster::IqQueryRoster are converted
# to Jabber::Roster::RosterItem
# * children elements of Jabber::IqQueryDiscoInfo are converted
# to Jabber::Discovery::DiscoIdentity
# * children elements of Jabber::IqQueryDiscoInfo are converted
# to Jabber::Discovery::DiscoFeature
# * children elements of Jabber::IqQueryDiscoItems are converted
# to Jabber::Discovery::DiscoItem
# To use this, don't check for:
# iq.queryns == 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'
# But instead check for the query's class:
# iq.query.kind_of?(Jabber::IqQueryDiscoInfo)
# ==Where to begin?
# Because it is built in an extensible way, it might be hard for newcomers to
# understand where to look at documentation for a specific method. For example,
# Client inherits from Connection, which itself inherits from Stream.
# A newcomer should have a look at the Jabber::Client and
# Jabber::Component classes, and their parent classes
# Jabber::Connection and Jabber::Stream. The best way to
# understand how to use them is probably to look at the examples in the
# examples/ dir.
# ==Non-basic features
# require 'xmpp4r' only includes basic functionality for
# Connections, Authentication, Stream processing, Callbacks, Stanza handling
# and Debugging to keep the library's footprint small.
# There is code for features that aren't required by a *basic* client. These
# must be additionally included to use them.
# ===Protocol-level features
# You're highly advised to read the according RFCs and JEPs if you intend to
# use them. The benefit will be that you'll understand the protocols and be
# going to be more efficient when programming with them.
# * Jabber::Bytestreams, Jabber::FileTransfer: require 'xmpp4r/bytestreams'
# * Jabber::Dataforms: require 'xmpp4r/dataforms'
# * Jabber::Delay: require 'xmpp4r/delay'
# * Jabber::Discovery: require 'xmpp4r/discovery'
# * Jabber::FeatureNegotiation: require 'xmpp4r/feature_negotiation'
# * Jabber::MUC: require 'xmpp4r/muc'
# * Jabber::Roster: require 'xmpp4r/roster'
# * Jabber::Vcard: require 'xmpp4r/vcard'
# * Jabber::Version: require 'xmpp4r/version'
# ===Helpers
# Helpers are intended to give more simplistic interfaces to various tasks
# of Jabber clients at the cost of flexibility. But you won't need that
# level of flexibility in most cases.
# * Jabber::Roster::Helper: require 'xmpp4r/roster'
# * Jabber::MUC::MUCBrowser, Jabber::MUC::MUCClient, Jabber::MUC::SimpleMUCClient: require 'xmpp4r/muc'
# * Jabber::Version::SimpleResponder, Jabber::Version::Responder: require 'xmpp4r/version'
# * Jabber::Vcard::Helper: require 'xmpp4r/vcard'
# * Jabber::FileTransfer::Helper, Jabber::Bytestreams::SOCKS5BytestreamsServer: require 'xmpp4r/bytestreams'
# ==Debugging
# Dumping your Jabber stream can be enabled this way:
# Jabber::debug = true
require 'xmpp4r/xmpp4r'