module ApiResource class Errors < ::ActiveModel::Errors def from_array(messages, save_cache = false) clear unless save_cache humanized_attributes = @base.attributes.keys.inject({}) { |h, attr_name| h.update(attr_name.humanize => attr_name) } messages.each do |message| attr_message = humanized_attributes.keys.detect do |attr_name| if message[0,attr_name.size + 1] == "#{attr_name} " add humanized_attributes[attr_name], message[(attr_name.size + 1)..-1] end end end end def from_hash(messages, save_cache = false) clear unless save_cache messages.each do |attr, message_array| message_array.each do |message| add attr, message end end end end module ModelErrors extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::Validations included do # this is required here because this module will be above Base in the inheritance chain alias_method_chain :save, :validations end def save_with_validations(*args) # we want to leave the original intact options = args.clone.extract_options! perform_validation = options.blank? ? true : options[:validate] @remote_errors = nil if perform_validation && valid? || !perform_validation save_without_validations(*args) true else false end rescue ApiResource::UnprocessableEntity => error @remote_errors = error load_remote_errors(@remote_errors, true) false end def load_remote_errors(remote_errors, save_cache = false) error_data = self.class.format.decode(remote_errors.response.body)['errors'] || {} if error_data.is_a?(Hash) self.errors.from_hash(error_data) elsif error_data.is_a?(Array) self.errors.from_array(error_data) else raise end rescue Exception raise "Invalid response for invalid object: expected an array or hash got #{remote_errors}" end # This method runs any local validations but not remote ones def valid? super errors.empty? end def errors @errors ||= end end end