require 'thor' require 'zip/zip' require 'pathname' require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'faraday' require 'io/console' require 'zendesk_apps_tools/command_helpers' module ZendeskAppsTools require 'zendesk_apps_support' class Command < Thor SHARED_OPTIONS = { ['path', '-p'] => './', clean: false } include Thor::Actions include ZendeskAppsSupport include ZendeskAppsTools::CommandHelpers source_root File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../..')) desc 'translate SUBCOMMAND', 'Manage translation files', hide: true subcommand 'translate', Translate desc 'new', 'Generate a new app' def new @author_name = get_value_from_stdin("Enter this app author's name:\n", error_msg: 'Invalid name, try again:') @author_email = get_value_from_stdin("Enter this app author's email:\n", valid_regex: /^.+@.+\..+$/, error_msg: 'Invalid email, try again:') @author_url = get_value_from_stdin("Enter this app author's url:\n", valid_regex: /^https?:\/\/.+$/, error_msg: 'Invalid url, try again:', allow_empty: true) @app_name = get_value_from_stdin("Enter a name for this new app:\n", error_msg: 'Invalid app name, try again:') prompt_new_app_dir directory('app_template', @app_dir) end desc 'validate', 'Validate your app' method_options SHARED_OPTIONS def validate setup_path(options[:path]) errors = app_package.validate valid = errors.none? if valid app_package.warnings.each { |w| say w.to_s, :yellow } say_status 'validate', 'OK' else errors.each do |e| say_status 'validate', e.to_s end end @destination_stack.pop if options[:path] exit 1 unless valid true end desc 'package', 'Package your app' method_options SHARED_OPTIONS def package return false unless invoke(:validate, []) setup_path(options[:path]) archive_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "app-#{'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}.zip") archive_rel_path = relative_to_original_destination_root(archive_path) zip archive_path say_status 'package', "created at #{archive_rel_path}" true end desc 'clean', 'Remove app packages in temp folder' method_option :path, default: './', required: false, aliases: '-p' def clean setup_path(options[:path]) return unless File.exist?(, 'tmp')).to_s) FileUtils.rm(Dir["#{tmp_dir}/app-*.zip"]) end DEFAULT_SERVER_PATH = './' DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = './settings.yml' DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT = 4567 desc 'server', 'Run a http server to serve the local app' method_option :path, default: DEFAULT_SERVER_PATH, required: false, aliases: '-p' method_option :config, default: DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, required: false, aliases: '-c' method_option :port, default: DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, required: false def server setup_path(options[:path]) manifest = app_package.manifest_json settings_helper = settings = settings_helper.get_settings_from_file options[:config], manifest[:parameters] unless settings settings = settings_helper.get_settings_from_user_input self, manifest[:parameters] end require 'zendesk_apps_tools/server' ZendeskAppsTools::Server.tap do |server| server.set :port, options[:port] server.set :root, options[:path] server.set :parameters, settings server.set :manifest, manifest[:parameters] server.set :config, options[:config]! end end desc 'create', 'Create app on your account' method_options SHARED_OPTIONS method_option :zipfile, default: nil, required: false, type: :string def create clear_cache @command = 'Create' unless options[:zipfile] app_name = JSON.parse( options[:path], 'manifest.json'))['name'] end app_name ||= get_value_from_stdin('Enter app name:') deploy_app(:post, '/api/v2/apps.json', name: app_name) end desc 'update', 'Update app on the server' method_options SHARED_OPTIONS method_option :zipfile, default: nil, required: false, type: :string def update clear_cache @command = 'Update' app_id = fetch_cache('app_id') || find_app_id unless /\d+/ =~ app_id.to_s say_error_and_exit "App id not found\nPlease try running command with --clean or check your internet connection" end deploy_app(:put, "/api/v2/apps/#{app_id}.json", {}) end protected def setup_path(path) @destination_stack << relative_to_original_destination_root(path) unless @destination_stack.last == path end end end