require 'react/native_library' module React # Provides the internal mechanisms to interface between reactrb and native components # the code will attempt to create a js component wrapper on any rb class that has a # render (or possibly _render_wrapper) method. The mapping between rb and js components # is kept in the @@component_classes hash. # Also provides the mechanism to build react elements # TOOO - the code to deal with components should be moved to a module that will be included # in a class which will then create the JS component for that class. That module will then # be included in React::Component, but can be used by any class wanting to become a react # component (but without other DSL characteristics.) class API @@component_classes = {} def self.import_native_component(opal_class, native_class) opal_class.instance_variable_set("@native_import", true) @@component_classes[opal_class] = native_class end def self.eval_native_react_component(name) component = `eval(name)` raise "#{name} is not defined" if `#{component} === undefined` is_component_class = `#{component}.prototype !== undefined` && (`!!#{component}.prototype.isReactComponent` || `!!#{component}.prototype.render`) is_functional_component = `typeof #{component} === "function"` unless is_component_class || is_functional_component raise 'does not appear to be a native react component' end component end def self.native_react_component?(name = nil) return false unless name eval_native_react_component(name) rescue nil end def self.create_native_react_class(type) raise "Provided class should define `render` method" if !(type.method_defined? :render) render_fn = (type.method_defined? :_render_wrapper) ? :_render_wrapper : :render # this was hashing type.to_s, not sure why but .to_s does not work as it Foo::Bar::View.to_s just returns "View" @@component_classes[type] ||= %x{ class extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.mixins = #{type.respond_to?(:native_mixins) ? type.native_mixins : `[]`}; this.statics = #{type.respond_to?(:static_call_backs) ? type.static_call_backs.to_n : `{}`}; this.state = {}; this.__opalInstanceInitializedState = false; this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = true; this.__opalInstance = #{`this`)}; this.__opalInstanceInitializedState = true; this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; } static get displayName() { return #{}; } static get defaultProps() { return #{type.respond_to?(:default_props) ? type.default_props.to_n : `{}`}; } static get propTypes() { return #{type.respond_to?(:prop_types) ? type.prop_types.to_n : `{}`}; } componentWillMount() { if (#{type.method_defined? :component_will_mount}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = true; this.__opalInstance.$component_will_mount(); this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; } } componentDidMount() { this.__opalInstance.is_mounted = true if (#{type.method_defined? :component_did_mount}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; this.__opalInstance.$component_did_mount(); } } componentWillReceiveProps(next_props) { if (#{type.method_defined? :component_will_receive_props}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = true; this.__opalInstance.$component_will_receive_props(Opal.Hash.$new(next_props)); this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; } } shouldComponentUpdate(next_props, next_state) { if (#{type.method_defined? :should_component_update?}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; return this.__opalInstance["$should_component_update?"](Opal.Hash.$new(next_props), Opal.Hash.$new(next_state)); } else { return true; } } componentWillUpdate(next_props, next_state) { if (#{type.method_defined? :component_will_update}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; this.__opalInstance.$component_will_update(Opal.Hash.$new(next_props), Opal.Hash.$new(next_state)); } } componentDidUpdate(prev_props, prev_state) { if (#{type.method_defined? :component_did_update}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; this.__opalInstance.$component_did_update(Opal.Hash.$new(prev_props), Opal.Hash.$new(prev_state)); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.__opalInstance.is_mounted = false; if (#{type.method_defined? :component_will_unmount}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; this.__opalInstance.$component_will_unmount(); } } componentDidCatch(error, info) { if (#{type.method_defined? :component_did_catch}) { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; this.__opalInstance.$component_did_catch(error, Opal.Hash.$new(info)); } } render() { this.__opalInstanceSyncSetState = false; return this.__opalInstance.$send(render_fn).$to_n(); } } } end def self.create_element(type, properties = {}, &block) params = [] # Component Spec, Normal DOM, String or Native Component ncc = @@component_classes[type] if ncc params << ncc elsif type.is_a?(Class) params << create_native_react_class(type) elsif block_given? || React::Component::Tags::HTML_TAGS.include?(type) params << type elsif type.is_a?(String) return else raise "#{type} not implemented" end # Convert Passed in properties properties = convert_props(properties) params << properties.shallow_to_n # Children Nodes if block_given? a = [yield].flatten %x{ for(var i=0, l=a.length; i