require 'bundler' rescue 'You must `gem install bundler` and `bundle install` to run rake tasks' Bundler.setup Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require "rspec" require "rspec/core/rake_task" => %w{ db:copy_credentials db:test:prepare }) do |spec| spec.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" # spec.rspec_opts = '--order rand:16996' end namespace :spec do [:tasks, :unit, :adapters, :integration].each do |type| => :spec) do |spec| spec.pattern = "spec/#{type}/**/*_spec.rb" end end end task :default => :spec namespace :db do namespace :test do task :prepare => %w{postgres:drop_db postgres:build_db mysql:drop_db mysql:build_db} end desc "copy sample database credential files over if real files don't exist" task :copy_credentials do require 'fileutils' apartment_db_file = 'spec/config/database.yml' rails_db_file = 'spec/dummy/config/database.yml' FileUtils.copy(apartment_db_file + '.sample', apartment_db_file, :verbose => true) unless File.exists?(apartment_db_file) FileUtils.copy(rails_db_file + '.sample', rails_db_file, :verbose => true) unless File.exists?(rails_db_file) end end namespace :postgres do require 'active_record' require "#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec', 'support', 'config')}" desc 'Build the PostgreSQL test databases' task :build_db do %x{ createdb -E UTF8 #{pg_config['database']} -Upostgres } rescue "test db already exists" ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection pg_config ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate('spec/dummy/db/migrate') end desc "drop the PostgreSQL test database" task :drop_db do puts "dropping database #{pg_config['database']}" %x{ dropdb #{pg_config['database']} -Upostgres } end end namespace :mysql do require 'active_record' require "#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec', 'support', 'config')}" desc 'Build the MySQL test databases' task :build_db do %x{ mysqladmin -u root create #{my_config['database']} } rescue "test db already exists" ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection my_config ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate('spec/dummy/db/migrate') end desc "drop the MySQL test database" task :drop_db do puts "dropping database #{my_config['database']}" %x{ mysqladmin -u root drop #{my_config['database']} --force} end end # TODO clean this up def config Apartment::Test.config['connections'] end def pg_config config['postgresql'] end def my_config config['mysql'] end