module AwsEc2 class CLI < Command class_option :verbose, type: :boolean class_option :noop, type: :boolean class_option :profile, desc: "profile name to use" desc "create NAME", "create ec2 instance" long_desc Help.text(:create) option :ami_name, desc: "when specified, an ami creation script is appended to the user-data script" option :auto_terminate, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "automatically terminate the instance at the end of user-data" option :source_ami, desc: "override the source image_id in profile" def create(name) name)).run end desc "ami NAME", "launches instance and uses it create AMI" long_desc Help.text(:ami) option :auto_terminate, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "automatically terminate the instance at the end of user-data" def ami(name) name)).run end desc "compile", "compiles app/scripts and app/user-data to tmp folder" long_desc Help.text(:compile) def compile end end end