Class Index [+]



Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source
    # File lib/tj3ss_sender.rb, line 26
26:     def initialize
27:       super
28:       @optsSummaryWidth = 25
29:       @force = false
30:       @intervalDuration = nil
32:       @hideResource = nil
33:       # The default report period end is next Wednesday 0:00.
34:       @date ='%Y-%m-%d')
35:       @resourceList = []
36:     end

Public Instance Methods

main() click to toggle source
    # File lib/tj3ss_sender.rb, line 69
69:     def main
70:       super
71:       ts ='tj3ss_sender')
72:       @rc.configure(ts, 'global')
73:       @rc.configure(ts, 'statussheets')
74:       @rc.configure(ts, 'statussheets.sender')
75:       ts.workingDir = @workingDir if @workingDir
76:       ts.dryRun = @dryRun
77:       ts.force = @force
78:       ts.intervalDuration = @intervalDuration if @intervalDuration
79: = @date if @date
80:       ts.hideResource = @hideResource if @hideResource
82:       ts.sendTemplates(@resourceList)
83:       0
84:     end
processArguments(argv) click to toggle source
    # File lib/tj3ss_sender.rb, line 38
38:     def processArguments(argv)
39:       super do
40:         @opts.banner += This program can be used to out status sheets templates via email. It willgenerate status sheet templates for managers of the project. The project datawill be accesses via tj3client from a running TaskJuggler server process.
41:         @opts.on('-r', '--resource <ID>', String,
42:                  format('Only generate template for given resource')) do |arg|
43:           @resourceList << arg
44:         end
45:         @opts.on('-f', '--force',
46:                 format('Send out a new template even if one exists ' +
47:                        'already')) do |arg|
48:           @force = true
49:         end
50:         @opts.on('--hideresource <EXPR>', String,
51:                  format('Filter expression to limit the resource list')) do |arg|
52:           @hideResource = arg
53:         end
54:         @opts.on('-i', '--interval <DURATION>', String,
55:                  format('The duration of the interval. This is a number ' +
56:                         'directly followed by a unit. 1w means one week ' +
57:                         '(the default), 5d means 5 days and 72h means 72 ' +
58:                         'hours.')) do |arg|
59:           @intervalDuration = arg
60:         end
61:         optsEndDate
62:       end
63:     end

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