#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require "chef" require "chef/knife/core/bootstrap_context" require "erubis" require "json" require "shellwords" require "chef/fork/commands/ssh" class Chef class Fork module Commands class Bootstrap < Ssh def run(args=[]) rest = optparse.parse(args) if hostname = rest.shift command = bootstrap_command() ssh(hostname, [command]) end end private def define_options super options.merge!({ distro: "chef-full", first_boot_attributes: {}, run_list: [], use_sudo: true, }) optparse.on("-N NAME", "--node-name NAME", "The Chef node name for new node") do |value| options[:chef_node_name] = value end optparse.on("--bootstrap-version VERSION", "The version of Chef to install") do |value| options[:bootstrap_version] = value end optparse.on("--bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL", "The proxy server for the node being bootstrapped") do |value| options[:bootstrap_proxy] = value end optparse.on("-d DISTRO", "--distro DISTRO", "Bootstrap a distro using a template") do |value| options[:distro] = value end optparse.on("--sudo", "Execute the bootstrap via sudo") do |value| options[:use_sudo] = value end optparse.on("--template-file TEMPLATE", "Full path to location of template to use") do |value| options[:template_file] = value end optparse.on("-r RUN_LIST", "--run-list RUN_LIST", "Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply") do |value| options[:run_list] += value.split(",").map { |s| s.strip } end optparse.on("-j JSON_ATTRIBS", "--json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS", "A JSON string to be added to the first run of chef-client") do |value| options[:first_boot_attributes] = options[:first_boot_attributes].merge(JSON.parse(value)) end optparse.on("-s SECRET", "--secret SECRET", "The secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values") do |value| options[:secret] = value end optparse.on("--secret-file SECRET_FILE", "A file containing the secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values") do |value| options[:secret_file] = value end end def bootstrap_command() template_file = options[:template_file] || find_template(options[:distro]) if template_file template = File.read(template_file) render_template(template) else raise(NameError.new("Unknown distro: #{distro.inspect}")) end end def find_template(name) templates = $LOAD_PATH.map { |path| File.join(path, "chef", "knife", "bootstrap", "templates", "#{name}.erb") } templates.find { |path| File.exist?(path) } end def render_template(template) context = Chef::Knife::Core::BootstrapContext.new(options, options[:run_list], Chef::Config) Erubis::Eruby.new(template).evaluate(context) end end end end end