module Stackify class LogsSender < HttpClient LOGS_URI = URI('') def start worker = 'Main sending thread' task = do send_logs end worker.async_perform Stackify.configuration.send_interval, task Stackify.internal_log :debug, 'LogsSender: main sending thread is started' end def send_remained_msgs if Stackify.working? Stackify.internal_log :warn, 'Sending of remained msgs is possible when Stackify is terminating work.' else worker = 'RemainedJob worker' task = send_all_remained_msgs_task Stackify.msgs_queue.pop_all worker.perform 2, task end end private def send_logs attempts = 3 msgs = Stackify.msgs_queue.pop #it should wait until queue will get a new chunk if queque is empty worker = task = send_logs_task attempts, msgs worker.async_perform 5, task end def properties { success_condition: lambda { |result| result.try(:code) == '200' }, limit: 1 }.dup end def send_logs_task attempts = nil, msgs properties[:attempts] = attempts if attempts properties do failure_msg = 'LogsSender: tried to send logs' Stackify.if_not_authorized failure_msg do Stackify.internal_log :info, 'LogsSender: trying to send logs to Stackify...' send_request LOGS_URI, gather_and_pack_data(msgs).to_json end end end def send_all_remained_msgs_task msgs properties do failure_msg = 'LogsSender: tried to remained send logs' Stackify.if_not_authorized failure_msg do Stackify.internal_log :info, 'LogsSender: trying to send remained logs to Stackify...' send_request LOGS_URI, gather_and_pack_data(msgs).to_json end end end def gather_and_pack_data msgs details = Stackify::EnvDetails.instance.auth_info { 'CDID' => details['DeviceID'], 'CDAppID' => details['DeviceAppID'], 'Logger' => 'Rails logger', 'AppName' => details['AppName'], 'AppNameID' => details['AppNameID'], 'EnvID' => details['EnvID'], 'ServerName' => details['DeviceName'], 'Msgs' => msgs, 'AppLoc' => details['AppLocation'], 'Platform' => 'Ruby' } end end end