Module GetText::ActiveRecordParser
In: lib/gettext/parser/active_record.rb


Included Modules


Public Instance methods

Sets some preferences to parse ActiveRecord files.

  • config: a Hash of the config. It can takes some values below:
    • :use_classname - If true, the msgids of ActiveRecord become "ClassName|FieldName" (e.g. "Article|Title"). Otherwise the ClassName is not used (e.g. "Title"). Default is true.
    • :db_yml - the path of database.yml. Default is "config/database.yml".
    • :db_mode - the mode of the database. Default is "development"
    • :activerecord_classes - an Array of the superclass of the models. The classes should be String value. Default is ["ActiveRecord::Base"]
    • :untranslate_columns - an Array of the column names which is ignored as the msgid.
    • :adapter - the options for ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection. If this value is set, :db_yml option is ignored.
    • :host - ditto
    • :username - ditto
    • :password - ditto
    • :database - ditto
    • :socket - ditto
    • :encoding - ditto

"ClassName|FieldName" uses GetText.sgettext. So you don‘t need to translate the left-side of "|". See <Documents for Translators for more details(>.


    # File lib/gettext/parser/active_record.rb, line 61
61:     def init(config)
62:       if config
63:         config.each{|k, v|
64:           @config[k] = v
65:         }
66:       end
67:       @ar_re = /class.*(#{@config[:activerecord_classes].join("|")})/
68:     end


    # File lib/gettext/parser/active_record.rb, line 70
70:     def untranslate_column?(klass, columnname)
71:       klass.untranslate?(columnname) || @config[:untranslate_columns].include?(columnname)
72:     end
