# CypressOnRails [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/shakacode/cypress-on-rails.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/shakacode/cypress-on-rails) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/cypress-on-rails.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/cypress-on-rails) ---- This project is sponsored by the software consulting firm [ShakaCode](https://www.shakacode.com), creator of the [React on Rails Gem](https://github.com/shakacode/react_on_rails). We focus on React front-ends, often with Ruby on Rails or Gatsby. The best way to see what we do is to see the details of [our recent work](https://www.shakacode.com/recent-work). Feel free to engage in discussions around this gem at our [forum category for Cypress](https://forum.shakacode.com/c/cypress-on-rails/55). ---- Gem for using [cypress.io](http://github.com/cypress-io/) in Rails and ruby rack applications with the goal of controlling State as mentioned in [Cypress Best Practices](https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/best-practices.html#Organizing-Tests-Logging-In-Controlling-State) It allows to run code in the application context when executing cypress tests. Do things like: * use database_cleaner before each test * seed the database with default data for each test * use factory_bot to setup data * create scenario files used for specific tests Has examples of setting up state with: * factory_bot * rails test fixtures * scenarios * custom commands Video of getting started with this gem https://grant-ps.blog/2018/08/10/getting-started-with-cypress-io-and-ruby-on-rails/ ## Getting started Add this to your Gemfile: ```ruby group :test, :development do gem 'cypress-on-rails', '~> 1.0' end ``` Generate the boilerplate code using: ```shell bin/rails g cypress_on_rails:install # if you have/want a different cypress folder (default is spec/cypress) bin/rails g cypress_on_rails:install --cypress_folder=test/cypress # if you want to install cypress with npm bin/rails g cypress_on_rails:install --install_cypress_with=npm # to update the generated files run bin/rails g cypress_on_rails:update ``` The generator modifies/adds the following files/directory in your application: * `config/environments/test.rb` * `config/initializers/cypress_on_rails` used to configure CypressDev * `spec/cypress/integrations/` contains your cypress tests * `spec/cypress/support/on-rails.js` contains CypressDev support code * `spec/cypress/app_commands/scenarios/` contains your CypressDev scenario definitions * `spec/cypress/cypress_helper.rb` contains helper code for CypressDev app commands if you are not using database_cleaner look at `spec/cypress/app_commands/clean.rb`. if you are not using factory_bot look at `spec/cypress/app_commands/factory_bot.rb`. Now you can create scenarios and commands that are plain ruby files that get loaded through middleware, the ruby sky is your limit. ### WARNING *WARNING!!:* cypress-on-rails can execute arbitrary ruby code Please use with extra caution if starting your local server on or running the gem on a hosted server ## Usage Start the rails server in test mode and start cypress ```shell # start rails RAILS_ENV=test bin/rake db:create db:schema:load bin/rails server -e test -p 5017 # in separate window start cypress yarn cypress open --project ./spec ``` ### Example of using factory bot You can run your [factory_bot](https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_bot) directly as well ```ruby # spec/cypress/app_commands/factory_bot.rb require 'cypress_on_rails/smart_factory_wrapper' CypressOnRails::SmartFactoryWrapper.configure( always_reload: !Rails.configuration.cache_classes, factory: FactoryBot, files: Dir['./spec/factories/**/*.rb'] ) ``` ```js // spec/cypress/integrations/simple_spec.js describe('My First Test', function() { it('visit root', function() { // This calls to the backend to prepare the application state cy.appFactories([ ['create_list', 'post', 10], ['create', 'post', {title: 'Hello World'} ] ]) // Visit the application under test cy.visit('/') cy.contains("Hello World") // Accessing result cy.appFactories([['create', 'invoice', { paid: false }]]).then((records) => { cy.visit(`/invoices/${records[0].id}`); }); }) }) ``` ### Example of loading rails test fixtures ```ruby # spec/cypress/app_commands/activerecord_fixtures.rb require "active_record/fixtures" fixtures_dir = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.fixtures_path fixture_files = Dir["#{fixtures_dir}/**/*.yml"].map { |f| f[(fixtures_dir.size + 1)..-5] } logger.debug "loading fixtures: { dir: #{fixtures_dir}, files: #{fixture_files} }" ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(fixtures_dir, fixture_files) ``` ```js // spec/cypress/integrations/simple_spec.js describe('My First Test', function() { it('visit root', function() { // This calls to the backend to prepare the application state cy.appFixtures() // Visit the application under test cy.visit('/') cy.contains("Hello World") }) }) ``` ### Example of using scenarios Scenarios are named `before` blocks that you can reference in your test. You define a scenario in the `spec/cypress/app_commands/scenarios` directory: ```ruby # spec/cypress/app_commands/scenarios/basic.rb Profile.create name: "Cypress Hill" # or if you have factory_bot enabled in your cypress_helper CypressOnRails::SmartFactoryWrapper.create(:profile, name: "Cypress Hill") ``` Then reference the scenario in your test: ```js // spec/cypress/integrations/scenario_example_spec.js describe('My First Test', function() { it('visit root', function() { // This calls to the backend to prepare the application state cy.appScenario('basic') cy.visit('/profiles') cy.contains("Cypress Hill") }) }) ``` ### Example of using app commands create a ruby file in `spec/cypress/app_commands` directory: ```ruby # spec/cypress/app_commands/load_seed.rb load "#{Rails.root}/db/seeds.rb" ``` Then reference the command in your test with `cy.app('load_seed')`: ```js // spec/cypress/integrations/simple_spec.js describe('My First Test', function() { beforeEach(() => { cy.app('load_seed') }) it('visit root', function() { cy.visit('/') cy.contains("Seeds") }) }) ``` ## Usage with other rack applications Add CypressOnRails to your config.ru ```ruby # an example config.ru require File.expand_path('my_app', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'cypress_on_rails/middleware' CypressOnRails.configure do |c| c.cypress_folder = File.expand_path("#{__dir__}/test/cypress") end use CypressOnRails::Middleware run MyApp ``` add the following file to cypress ```js // test/cypress/support/on-rails.js // CypressOnRails: dont remove these command Cypress.Commands.add('appCommands', function (body) { cy.request({ method: 'POST', url: "/__cypress__/command", body: JSON.stringify(body), log: true, failOnStatusCode: true }) }); Cypress.Commands.add('app', function (name, command_options) { cy.appCommands({name: name, options: command_options}) }); Cypress.Commands.add('appScenario', function (name) { cy.app('scenarios/' + name) }); Cypress.Commands.add('appFactories', function (options) { cy.app('factory_bot', options) }); // CypressOnRails: end // The next is optional beforeEach(() => { cy.app('clean') // have a look at cypress/app_commands/clean.rb }); ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/cypress-on-rails/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request