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Ez@ Please use 'Ez@ ' instead. Ez@ at z@hEz@ has_chain?z@z@kEz@ have_rakefileEz@block in have_rakefileEz@z@oEz@ tty_output?z@qEz@truncate_output?z@sEz@display_tasks_and_commentsEz@#block in display_tasks_and_commentsz@vTwUxVz@z@Wz@XEz@Unknown show task mode: 'Ez@'z@z@Ez@ %-Ez@s # %s Ez@ Ez@.block (2 levels) in display_tasks_and_commentsEz@ Ez@ %-30s %s z@Ez@terminal_widthz@Ez@rescue in terminal_widthz@z@Ez@ dynamic_widthz@z@Ez@dynamic_width_sttyEz@stty size 2>/dev/nullz@Ez@dynamic_width_tputEz@tput cols 2>/dev/nullz@Ez@unix?Ez@host_osz@Yz@Ez@windows?z@Ez@truncatez@Ez@...z@Ez@display_prerequisitesEz@block in display_prerequisitesEz@)block (2 levels) in display_prerequisitesz@Ez@tracez@Ez@ sort_optionsEz@block in sort_optionsEz@ block (2 levels) in sort_optionsz@Zz@[z@Ez@standard_rake_optionsEz@--allEz@-AEz@DShow all tasks, even uncommented ones (in combination with -T or -D)Ez@block in standard_rake_optionsEz@--backtrace=[OUT]Ez@>Enable full backtrace. OUT can be stderr (default) or stdout.z@Ez@ backtraceEz@ --build-allEz@-BEz@>Build all prerequisites, including those which are up-to-date.Ez@ --commentsEz@Show commented tasks onlyEz@ --describeEz@ -D [PATTERN]Ez@:Describe the tasks (matching optional PATTERN), then exit.Ez@ --dry-runEz@-nEz@'Do a dry run without executing actions.Ez@ --executeEz@-e CODEEz@ Execute some Ruby code and exit.Ez@--execute-printEz@-p CODEEz@4Execute some Ruby code, print the result, then exit.Ez@--execute-continueEz@-E CODEEz@Execute some Ruby code, Ez@*then continue with normal task processing.Ez@--jobsEz@ -j [NUMBER]Ez@>Specifies the maximum number of tasks to execute in parallel. Ez@$(default is number of CPU cores + 4)z@\Ez@--job-stats [LEVEL]Ez@Display job statistics. Ez@*LEVEL=history displays a complete job listz@]Ez@--libdirEz@ -I LIBDIREz@7Include LIBDIR in the search path for required modules.Ez@ --multitaskEz@-mEz@Treat all tasks as multitasks.Ez@ --no-searchEz@ --nosearchEz@-NEz@2Do not search parent directories for the Rakefile.Ez@ --prereqsEz@-PEz@.Display the tasks and dependencies, then exit.Ez@--quietEz@-qEz@'Do not log messages to standard output.Ez@ --rakefileEz@ -f [FILENAME]Ez@+Use FILENAME as the rakefile to search for.Ez@ --rakelibdirEz@ --rakelibEz@ -R RAKELIBDIREz@+Auto-import any .rake files in RAKELIBDIR. Ez@(default is 'rakelib')Ez@ --requireEz@ -r MODULEEz@)Require MODULE before executing rakefile.Ez@(rescue in block in standard_rake_optionsEz@2rescue in rescue in block in standard_rake_optionsEz@--rulesEz@Trace the rules resolution.Ez@--silentEz@-sEz@&Like --quiet, but also suppresses the Ez@'in directory' announcement.Ez@--suppress-backtrace PATTERNEz@2Suppress backtrace lines matching regexp PATTERN. Ez@Ignored if --trace is on.Ez@--systemEz@-gEz@%Using system wide (global) rakefiles Ez@(usually '~/.rake/*.rake').Ez@ --no-systemEz@ --nosystemEz@-GEz@,Use standard project Rakefile search paths, Ez@ignore system wide rakefiles.Ez@--tasksEz@ -T [PATTERN]Ez@.Display the tasks (matching optional PATTERN) Ez@with descriptions, then exit. Ez@?-AT combination displays all of tasks contained no description.Ez@ --trace=[OUT]Ez@-tEz@7Turn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace. Ez@&OUT can be stderr (default) or stdout.Ez@traceEz@ --verboseEz@-vEz@Log message to standard output.Ez@ --versionEz@-VEz@Display the program version.Ez@rake, version Ez@--whereEz@ -W [PATTERN]Ez@--no-deprecation-warningsEz@-XEz@!Disable the deprecation warnings.z@Ez@select_tasks_to_showz@Ez@select_trace_outputz@^__Ez@stdoutEz@stderrEz@Unrecognized --Ez@ option 'z@Ez@handle_optionsEz@block in handle_optionsEz@# [-f rakefile] {options} targets...Ez@Options are ...Ez@-hEz@--helpEz@-HEz@Display this help message.Ez@"block (2 levels) in handle_optionsEz@RAKEOPTz@)Ez@ rake_requireEz@.rakeEz@block in rake_requireEz@ Can't find z@.Ez@find_rakefile_locationEz@..Ez@ ensure in find_rakefile_locationz@2Ez@print_rakefile_directoryEz@(in Ez@)z@6Ez@raw_load_rakefileEz@/*.rakeEz@block in raw_load_rakefileEz@ No Rakefile found (looking for: Ez@, Ez@%block (2 levels) in raw_load_rakefilez@=Ez@globEz@\Ez@/z@AEz@ system_dirz@4Ez@ RAKE_SYSTEMz@EEz@standard_system_dirEz@~z@HEz@collect_command_line_tasksEz@#block in collect_command_line_tasksz@`z@Zz@MEz@default_task_nameEz@defaultz@PEz@ add_importz@REz@ load_importsz@TEz@rakefile_locationEz@block in rakefile_locationz@aEz@^Ez@$z@ZEz@set_default_optionsEz@rakelibEz@RakeEz@ClassEz@ StandardErrorEz@CommandLineOptionErrorEz@ ApplicationEz@ TaskManagerEz@ TraceOutputEz@DEFAULT_RAKEFILESEz@@nameEz@ @rakefilesEz@ @rakefileEz@@pending_importsEz@ @importedEz@@loadersEz@ DefaultLoaderEz@@default_loaderEz@DirEz@ @original_dirEz@@top_level_tasksEz@STDOUTEz@ @tty_outputEz@ENVEz@@terminal_columnsEz@dupEz@newEz@pwdEz@tty?Ez@[]Ez@to_iEz@ARGVEz@argvEz@argsEz@ ArgumentErrorEz@#$!Ez@app_nameEz@ task_nameEz@ show_tasksEz@ show_prereqsEz@top_level_tasksEz@eachEz@ThreadHistoryDisplayEz@statsEz@ job_statsEz@==Ez@gather_historyEz@joinEz@ statisticsEz@to_sEz@putsEz@historyEz@showEz@extEz@loaderEz@=~Ez@[]=Ez@@optionsEz@ OpenStructEz@ @thread_poolEz@ ThreadPoolEz@thread_pool_sizeEz@suggested_thread_countEz@-Ez@ task_stringEz@nameEz@tEz@invokeEz@stringEz@remaining_argsEz@empty?Ez@gsubEz@<(aix|darwin|linux|(net|free|open)bsd|cygwin|solaris|irix|hpux)Ez@^-Ez@downcaseEz@^\d+$Ez@^historyz@z@Ez@ ^(\w+)=(.*)$Ez@([^:]+):Q]ח:^И$0<HT`|֙ $:Pp|ך#/Pzɛ*6bn͜ ;GSr~ڝ,8gٞ+F̟ R^jՠ&;Gdȡ,8De΢ڢ 8oãϣ)@\qˤ#OWc¥FRk¦Φ Bt֧+_sͨ;m ,Bߪk٫Ehˬ 8v9Mtޮ+vݯ0vWuձ3rֲO߳K{:P׵ K|+~:Spָ>Yy%1XȺ6aѻ/eż CYŽݽ#>l(=IgsſڿK_s!Ft1R|5Rv +Oi !7Og&Fi/Me}*Hh 5Oi'Hc7Ql:Wt4Nh9Sm0Ng-Ic|>Zo.La|>\r(Da| B] %E^t6Tj'@\x$:Yt3Mh1IdB`*Cz%;Wp