module Extensions module HL7 module Segments module PID def self.included base base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.extend ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods def patient_full_name last_name = self.value_for_field("5.1") first_name = self.value_for_field("5.2") middle_initial_or_name = self.value_for_field("5.3") "#{last_name}, #{first_name}#{middle_initial_or_name.blank? ? "" : " #{middle_initial_or_name}"}" rescue "n/a" end def patient_initials last_name = self.value_for_field("5.1") first_name = self.value_for_field("5.2") middle_initial_or_name = self.value_for_field("5.3") "#{last_name[0]}, #{first_name[0]}" rescue "n/a" end def mrn to_hash["internalId"]["id"] end def gender self.value_for_field("8") end def to_hash return @hash if @hash patient_name = self.patient_name.split("^") rescue {|i| "" } address = self.address.split("^") rescue {|i| "" } patientAccountNumber = self.account_number.split("^") rescue {|i| "" } internalId = self.patient_id_list.split("^") rescue {|i| "" } @hash = super.to_hash @hash["internalId"] = {"id" => internalId[0], "check_digit" => internalId[1], "check_digit_scheme" => internalId[2], "assigning_authority" => internalId[3], "type" => internalId[4], "assigning_facility" => internalId[5]} @hash["patientName"] = {"lastName" => patient_name[0], "firstName" => patient_name[1], "middleInitOrName"=> patient_name[2]} @hash["address"] = {"streetAddress"=>address[0], "otherDesignation"=>address[1], "city"=>address[2], "state"=>address[3], "postalCode"=>address[4], "country"=>address[5], "addressType"=>address[6]} @hash["phoneNumbers"] = {"home"=>self.phone_home, "business"=>self.phone_business} @hash["patientAccountNumber"] = {"id"=>patientAccountNumber[0], "checkDigit"=>patientAccountNumber[1], "codeIdCheck"=>patientAccountNumber[2], "assigningAuth"=>patientAccountNumber[3], "idTypeCode"=>patientAccountNumber[4], "assigningFacility"=>patientAccountNumber[5]} @hash end end module ClassMethods def is_required? true end def description "Patient Identification" end def field_description(field_index) [ "Set Id - Pid", "Patient Id", "Patient Identifier List", "Alternate Patient Id - Pid", "Patient Name", "Mother's Maiden Name", "Date/Time Of Birth", "Administrative Sex", "Patient Alias", "Race", "Patient Address", "County Code", "Phone Number - Home", "Phone Number - Business", "Primary Language", "Marital Status", "Religion", "Patient Account Number", "Ssn Number - Patient", "Driver's License Number - Patient", "Mother's Identifier", "Ethnic Group", "Birth Place", "Multiple Birth Indicator", "Birth Order", "Citizenship", "Veterans Military Status", "Nationality", "Patient Death Date And Time", "Patient Death Indicator", "Identity Unknown Indicator", "Identity Reliability Code", "Last Update Date/Time", "Last Update Facility", "Species Code", "Breed Code", "Strain", "Production Class Code", "Tribal Citizenship", "Patient Telecommunication Information" ][field_index-1] end end end end end end