require 'chef/knife/profitbricks_base' class Chef class Knife class ProfitbricksVolumeCreate < Knife include Knife::ProfitbricksBase banner 'knife profitbricks volume create (options)' option :datacenter_id, short: '-D DATACENTER_ID', long: '--datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID', description: 'Name of the data center', proc: proc { |datacenter_id| Chef::Config[:knife][:datacenter_id] = datacenter_id } option :name, short: '-n NAME', long: '--name NAME', description: 'Name of the volume' option :size, short: '-S SIZE', long: '--size SIZE', description: 'The size of the volume in GB' option :bus, short: '-b BUS', long: '--bus BUS', description: 'The bus type of the volume (VIRTIO or IDE)' option :image, short: '-N ID', long: '--image ID', description: 'The image or snapshot ID' option :imagealias, long: '--image-alias IMAGE_ALIAS', description: '(required) The image alias' option :imagepassword, short: '-P PASSWORD', long: '--image-password PASSWORD', description: 'The password set on the image for the "root" or "Administrator" user' option :type, short: '-t TYPE', long: '--type TYPE', description: 'The disk type (HDD OR SSD)' option :licencetype, short: '-l LICENCE', long: '--licence-type LICENCE', description: 'The licence type of the volume (LINUX, WINDOWS, UNKNOWN, OTHER)' option :sshkeys, short: '-K SSHKEY[,SSHKEY,...]', long: '--ssh-keys SSHKEY1,SSHKEY2,...', description: 'A list of public SSH keys to include', proc: proc { |sshkeys| sshkeys.split(',') } option :volume_availability_zone, short: '-Z AVAILABILITY_ZONE', long: '--availability-zone AVAILABILITY_ZONE', description: 'The volume availability zone of the server', required: false def run $stdout.sync = true validate_required_params(%i(datacenter_id name type size), Chef::Config[:knife]) if !Chef::Config[:knife][:image] && !Chef::Config[:knife][:imagealias] ui.error("Either '--image' or '--image-alias' parameter must be provided") exit(1) end if !Chef::Config[:knife][:sshkeys] && !Chef::Config[:knife][:imagepassword] ui.error("Either '--image-password' or '--ssh-keys' parameter must be provided") exit(1) end print "#{ui.color('Creating volume...', :magenta)}" params = { name: Chef::Config[:knife][:name], size: Chef::Config[:knife][:size], bus: Chef::Config[:knife][:bus] || 'VIRTIO', type: Chef::Config[:knife][:type], licenceType: Chef::Config[:knife][:licencetype], } if Chef::Config[:knife][:image] params[:image] = Chef::Config[:knife][:image] end if Chef::Config[:knife][:imagealias] params[:imageAlias] = Chef::Config[:knife][:imagealias] end if Chef::Config[:knife][:sshkeys] params[:sshKeys] = Chef::Config[:knife][:sshkeys] end if Chef::Config[:knife][:imagepassword] params[:imagePassword] = Chef::Config[:knife][:imagepassword] end if Chef::Config[:knife][:volume_availability_zone] params[:availabilityZone] = Chef::Config[:knife][:volume_availability_zone] end connection volume = ProfitBricks::Volume.create( Chef::Config[:knife][:datacenter_id], params.compact ) dot = ui.color('.', :magenta) volume.wait_for(300) { print dot; ready? } volume.reload puts "\n" puts "#{ui.color('ID', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Name', :cyan)}: #{['name']}" puts "#{ui.color('Size', :cyan)}: #{['size']}" puts "#{ui.color('Bus', :cyan)}: #{['bus']}" puts "#{ui.color('Image', :cyan)}: #{['image']}" puts "#{ui.color('Type', :cyan)}: #{['type']}" puts "#{ui.color('Licence Type', :cyan)}: #{['licenceType']}" puts "#{ui.color('Zone', :cyan)}: #{['availabilityZone']}" puts 'done' end end end end