class Gitup def self.gitdown! if on_master? puts "You are on the master branch. Gitdown is intended to be used in local branches." puts "git checkout -b yournewbranch to create a new local branch" puts "or git checkout yourexistingbranch to checkout an existing one." exit end unless everything_commited? system "git status" puts "You have uncommitted changes in #{current_branch}. Do you want to try gitdown anyway? (y/n)" input = gets.chomp if input.downcase == 'y' system "git stash" run_gitdown_commands(current_branch) system "git stash apply" else puts "Ok... coward." exit end else run_gitdown_commands(current_branch) end puts "Finished." exit end def self.gitup! unless everything_commited? system "git status" raise "Hold your horses! You must commit your changes first." end # Push it! self.run_gitup_commands(current_branch) puts "Finished." exit end def self.on_master? current_branch == 'master' end def self.current_branch current = '' branches = `git branch`.split("\n") branches.each do |branch| if (branch[0, 2] == '* ') current = branch.gsub('* ', '').strip end end current end # Do we have anything uncommitted in this repository? def self.everything_commited? `git ls-files --deleted --modified --others --exclude-standard` == "" end def self.run_gitup_commands(branch) puts "Branch: #{branch}" unless branch == 'master' system "git checkout master" system "git merge #{branch}" end system "git push origin master" unless branch == 'master' system "git checkout #{branch}" system "git rebase master" else puts "You should really consider doing development locally in a branch that is not the master branch." end end def self.run_gitdown_commands(branch) puts "Branch: #{branch}" system "git checkout master" system "git pull origin master" system "git checkout #{branch}" system "git rebase master" end end