# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2011 # Author :: Tom Statter # Date :: Jan 2011 # License:: MIT # # Details:: This module acts as helpers for defining input/output file formats as classes. # # It provides a simple interface to define a file structure - field by field. # # By defining the structure, following methods and attributes are mixed in : # # An attribute, with accessor for each field/column. # Parse a line, assigning values to each attribute. # Parse an instance of that file line by line, accepts a block in which data can be processed. # Method to split a file by field. # Method to perform replace operations on a file by field and value. # # Either delimited or a fixed width definition can be created via macro-like class methods : # # create_field_definition [field_list] # # create_fixed_definition {field => range } # # Member attributes, with getters and setters, can be added for each field defined above via class method : # # create_field_attr_accessors # # USAGE : # # Create a class that contains definition of a file. # # class ExampleFixedWith < FileDefinitionBase # create_fixed_definition(:name => (0..7), :value => (8..15), :ccy => (16..18), :dr_or_cr => (19..19) ) # # create_field_attr_accessors # end # # class ExampleCSV < FileDefinitionBase # create_field_definition %w{abc def ghi jkl} # # create_field_attr_accessors # end # # Any instance can then be used to parse the defined file type, with each field or column value # being assigned automatically to the associated instance variable. # # line = '1,2,3,4' # x = ExampleCSV.new( line ) # # assert x.responds_to? :jkl # assert_equal x.abc, '1' # assert_equal x.jkl.to_i, 4 # module FileDefinitions include Enumerable attr_accessor :key attr_accessor :current_line # Set the delimiter to use when splitting a line - can be either a String, or a Regexp attr_writer :field_delim def initialize( line = nil ) @key = String.new parse(line) unless line.nil? end def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) subclasses << base end def self.subclasses @subclasses ||=[] end # Return the field delimiter used when splitting a line def field_delim @field_delim || ',' end # Parse each line of a file based on the field definition, yields self for each successive line # def each( file ) File::new(file).each_line do |line| parse( line ) yield self end end def fields @fields = self.class.field_definition.collect {|f| instance_variable_get "@#{f}" } @fields end def to_s fields.join(',') end module ClassMethods # Helper to generate methods to store and return the complete list of fields # in this File definition (also creates member @field_definition) and parse a line. # # e.g create_field_definition %w{ trade_id drOrCr ccy costCentre postingDate amount } # def create_field_definition( *fields ) instance_eval <<-end_eval @field_definition ||= %w{ #{fields.join(' ')} } def field_definition @field_definition end end_eval class_eval <<-end_eval def parse( line ) @current_line = line before_parse if respond_to? :before_parse @current_line.split(field_delim()).each_with_index {|x, i| instance_variable_set(\"@\#{self.class.field_definition[i]}\", x) } after_parse if respond_to? :after_parse generate_key if respond_to? :generate_key end end_eval end def add_field(field, add_accessor = true) @field_definition ||= [] @field_definition << field.to_s attr_accessor field if(add_accessor) end # Helper to generate methods that return the complete list of fixed width fields # and associated ranges in this File definition, and parse a line. # e.g create_field_definition %w{ trade_id drOrCr ccy costCentre postingDate amount } # def create_fixed_definition( field_range_map ) raise ArgumentError.new('Please supply hash to create_fixed_definition') unless field_range_map.is_a? Hash keys = field_range_map.keys.collect(&:to_s) string_map = Hash[*keys.zip(field_range_map.values).flatten] instance_eval <<-end_eval def fixed_definition @fixed_definition ||= #{string_map.inspect} @fixed_definition end end_eval instance_eval <<-end_eval def field_definition @field_definition ||= %w{ #{keys.join(' ')} } @field_definition end end_eval class_eval <<-end_eval def parse( line ) @current_line = line before_parse if respond_to? :before_parse self.class.fixed_definition.each do |key, range| instance_variable_set(\"@\#{key}\", @current_line[range]) end after_parse if respond_to? :after_parse generate_key if respond_to? :generate_key end end_eval end # Create accessors for each field def create_field_attr_accessors self.field_definition.each {|f| attr_accessor f} end ############################### # PARSING + FILE MANIPULATION # ############################### # Parse a complete file and return array of self, one per line def parse_file( file, options = {} ) limit = options[:limit] count = 0 lines = [] File::new(file).each_line do |line| break if limit && ((count += 1) > limit) lines << self.new( line ) end lines end # Split a file, whose field definition is represented by self, # into seperate streams, based on the values of one if it's fields. # # Writes the results, one file per split stream, to directory specified by output_path # # Options: # # :keys => Also write split files of the key fields # # :filter => Optional Regular Expression to act as filter be applid to the field. # For example split by Ccy but filter to only include certain ccys pass # filter => '[GBP|USD]' # def split_on_write( file_name, field, output_path, options = {} ) path = output_path || '.' filtered = split_on( file_name, field, options ) unless filtered.empty? log :info, "Writing seperate streams to #{path}" filtered.each { |strm, objects| RecsBase::write( {"keys_#{field}_#{strm}.csv" => objects.collect(&:key).join("\n")}, path) } if(options.key?(:keys)) filtered.each { |strm, objects| RecsBase::write( {"#{field}_#{strm}.csv" => objects.collect(&:current_line).join("\n")}, path) } end end # Split a file, whose field definition is represented by self, # into seperate streams, based on one if it's fields. # # Returns a map of Field value => File def object # # We return the File Def object as this is now enriched, e.g with key fields, compared to the raw file. # # Users can get at the raw line simply by calling the line() method on File Def object # # Options: # # :output_path => directory to write the individual streams files to # # :filter => Optional Regular Expression to act as filter be applid to the field. # For example split by Ccy but filter to only include certain ccys pass # filter => 'GBP|USD|EUR' # def split_on( file_name, field, options = {} ) regex = options[:filter] ? Regexp.new(options[:filter]) : nil log :debug, "Using REGEX: #{regex.inspect}" if regex filtered = {} if( self.new.respond_to?(field) ) log :info, "Splitting on #{field}" File.open( file_name ) do |t| t.each do |line| next unless(line && line.chomp!) x = self.new(line) value = x.send( field.to_sym ) # the actual field value from the specified field column next if value.nil? if( regex.nil? || value.match(regex) ) filtered[value] ? filtered[value] << x : filtered[value] = [x] end end end else log :warn, "Field [#{field}] nor defined for file definition #{self.class.name}" end if( options[:sort]) filtered.values.each( &:sort ) return filtered end return filtered end # Open and parse a file, replacing a value in the specfied field. # Does not update the file itself. Does not write a new output file. # # Returns : # 1) full collection of updated lines # 2) collection of file def objects (self), with updated value. # # Finds values matching old_value in given map # # Replaces matches with new_value in map. # # Accepts more than one field, if files is either and array of strings # or comma seperated list of fields. # def file_set_field_by_map( file_name, fields, value_map, regex = nil ) lines, objects = [],[] if fields.is_a?(Array) attribs = fields else attribs = "#{fields}".split(',') end attribs.collect! do |attrib| raise ArgumentError.new("Field: #{attrib} is not a field on #{self.class.name}") unless self.new.respond_to?(attrib) end log :info, "#{self.class.name} - updating field(s) #{fields} in #{file_name}" File.open( file_name ) do |t| t.each do |line| if line.chomp.empty? lines << line objects << self.new next end x = self.new(line) attribs.each do |a| old_value = x.instance_variable_get( "@#{a}" ) x.instance_variable_set( "@#{a}", value_map[old_value] ) if value_map[old_value] || (regex && old_value.keys.detect {|k| k.match(regx) }) end objects << x lines << x.to_s end end return lines, objects end end # END class methods # Open and parse a file, replacing a value in the specfied field. # Does not update the file itself. Does not write a new output file. # # Returns : # 1) full collection of updated lines # 2) collection of file def objects (self), with updated value. # # Finds values matching old_value, and also accepts an optional regex for more powerful # matching strategies of values on the specfified field. # # Replaces matches with new_value. # # Accepts more than one field, if files is either and array of strings # or comma seperated list of fields. # def file_set_field( file_name, field, old_value, new_value, regex = nil ) map = {old_value => new_value} return file_set_field_by_map(file_name, field, map, regex) end end