module Ably::Models # Wraps any Ably HTTP response that supports paging and provides methods to iterate through # the pages using {#first}, {#next}, {#first?}, {#has_next?} and {#last?} # # All items in the HTTP response are available in the Array returned from {#items} # # Paging information is provided by Ably in the LINK HTTP headers # class PaginatedResource include Ably::Modules::AsyncWrapper if defined?(Ably::Realtime) # The items contained within this {PaginatedResource} # @return [Array] attr_reader :items # @param [Faraday::Response] http_response Initial HTTP response from an Ably request to a paged resource # @param [String] base_url Base URL for request that generated the http_response so that subsequent paged requests can be made # @param [Client] client {Ably::Client} used to make the request to Ably # @param [Hash] options Options for this paged resource # @option options [Symbol,String] :coerce_into symbol or string representing class that should be used to create each item in the PaginatedResource # # @yield [Object] block will be called for each resource object for the current page. This is a useful way to apply a transformation to any page resources after they are retrieved # # @return [PaginatedResource] def initialize(http_response, base_url, client, options = {}, &each_block) @http_response = http_response @client = client @base_url = "#{base_url.gsub(%r{/[^/]*$}, '')}/" @coerce_into = options[:coerce_into] @raw_body = http_response.body @each_block = each_block @make_async = options.fetch(:async_blocking_operations, false) @items = http_response.body @items = coerce_items_into(items, @coerce_into) if @coerce_into @items = { |item| yield item } if block_given? end # Retrieve the first page of results. # When used as part of the {Ably::Realtime} library, it will return a {Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable} object, # and allows an optional success callback block to be provided. # # @return [PaginatedResource,Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable] def first(&success_callback) async_wrap_if_realtime(success_callback) do return nil unless supports_pagination?'first')), base_url, client, pagination_options, &each_block) end end # Retrieve the next page of results. # When used as part of the {Ably::Realtime} library, it will return a {Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable} object, # and allows an optional success callback block to be provided. # # @return [PaginatedResource,Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable] def next(&success_callback) async_wrap_if_realtime(success_callback) do return nil unless has_next?'next')), base_url, client, pagination_options, &each_block) end end # True if this is the last page in the paged resource set # # @return [Boolean] def last? !supports_pagination? || pagination_header('next').nil? end # True if this is the first page in the paged resource set # # @return [Boolean] def first? !supports_pagination? || pagination_header('first') == pagination_header('current') end # True if there is a subsequent page in this paginated set available with {#next} # # @return [Boolean] def has_next? supports_pagination? && !last? end # True if the HTTP response supports paging with the expected LINK HTTP headers # # @return [Boolean] def supports_pagination? !pagination_headers.empty? end def inspect <<-EOF.gsub(/^ /, '') #<#{}:#{self.object_id} @base_url="#{base_url}", @first?=#{!!first?}, @last?=#{!!first?}, @has_next?=#{!!has_next?}, @items= #{ { |item| item.inspect }.join(",\n ") } > EOF end private attr_reader :http_response, :base_url, :client, :coerce_into, :raw_body, :each_block, :make_async def coerce_items_into(items, type_string) do |item| @coerce_into.split('::').inject(Kernel) do |base, klass_name| base.public_send(:const_get, klass_name) end end def pagination_headers link_regex = %r{<(?[^>]+)>; rel="(?[^"]+)"} @pagination_headers ||= begin # All `Link:` headers are concatenated by Faraday into a comma separated list # Finding matching `; rel="rel"` pairs link_headers = http_response.headers['link'] || '' link_headers.scan(link_regex).each_with_object({}) do |val_array, hash| url, rel = val_array hash[rel] = url end end end def pagination_header(id) pagination_headers[id] end def pagination_url(id) raise Ably::Exceptions::InvalidPageError, "Paging header link #{id} does not exist" unless pagination_header(id) if pagination_header(id).match(%r{^\./}) "#{base_url}#{pagination_header(id)[2..-1]}" else pagination_header[id] end end def pagination_options { coerce_into: coerce_into, async_blocking_operations: make_async } end def async_wrap_if_realtime(success_callback, &operation) if make_async raise 'EventMachine is required for asynchronous operations' unless defined?(EventMachine) async_wrap success_callback, &operation else yield end end def logger client.logger end end end