// TODO: This should really be part of the Env Integration Spec describe("jasmine spec running", function () { var env; var fakeTimer; beforeEach(function() { env = new j$.Env(); env.updateInterval = 0; }); it('should assign spec ids sequentially', function() { var it0, it1, it2, it3, it4; env.describe('test suite', function() { it0 = env.it('spec 0', function() { }); it1 = env.it('spec 1', function() { }); it2 = env.xit('spec 2', function() { }); it3 = env.it('spec 3', function() { }); }); env.describe('test suite 2', function() { it4 = env.it('spec 4', function() { }); }); expect(it0.id).toEqual(0); expect(it1.id).toEqual(1); expect(it2.id).toEqual(2); expect(it3.id).toEqual(3); expect(it4.id).toEqual(4); }); it('nested suites', function (done) { var foo = 0; var bar = 0; var baz = 0; var quux = 0; var nested = env.describe('suite', function () { env.describe('nested', function () { env.it('should run nested suites', function () { foo++; }); env.it('should run nested suites', function () { bar++; }); }); env.describe('nested 2', function () { env.it('should run suites following nested suites', function () { baz++; }); }); env.it('should run tests following nested suites', function () { quux++; }); }); expect(foo).toEqual(0); expect(bar).toEqual(0); expect(baz).toEqual(0); expect(quux).toEqual(0); nested.execute(function() { expect(foo).toEqual(1); expect(bar).toEqual(1); expect(baz).toEqual(1); expect(quux).toEqual(1); done(); }); }); it("should permit nested describes", function(done) { var actions = []; env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('topSuite beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('topSuite afterEach'); }); env.describe('Something', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('outer beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('outer afterEach'); }); env.it('does it 1', function() { actions.push('outer it 1'); }); env.describe('Inner 1', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner 1 beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner 1 afterEach'); }); env.it('does it 2', function() { actions.push('inner 1 it'); }); }); env.it('does it 3', function() { actions.push('outer it 2'); }); env.describe('Inner 2', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner 2 beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner 2 afterEach'); }); env.it('does it 2', function() { actions.push('inner 2 it'); }); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = [ "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "outer it 1", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach", "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "inner 1 beforeEach", "inner 1 it", "inner 1 afterEach", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach", "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "outer it 2", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach", "topSuite beforeEach", "outer beforeEach", "inner 2 beforeEach", "inner 2 it", "inner 2 afterEach", "outer afterEach", "topSuite afterEach" ]; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); } env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it("should run multiple befores and afters in the order they are declared", function(done) { var actions = []; env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('runner beforeEach1'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('runner afterEach1'); }); env.beforeEach(function () { actions.push('runner beforeEach2'); }); env.afterEach(function () { actions.push('runner afterEach2'); }); env.describe('Something', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('beforeEach1'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('afterEach1'); }); env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('beforeEach2'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('afterEach2'); }); env.it('does it 1', function() { actions.push('outer it 1'); }); }); var assertions = function() { var expected = [ "runner beforeEach1", "runner beforeEach2", "beforeEach1", "beforeEach2", "outer it 1", "afterEach2", "afterEach1", "runner afterEach2", "runner afterEach1" ]; expect(actions).toEqual(expected); done(); }; env.addReporter({jasmineDone: assertions}); env.execute(); }); it("shouldn't run disabled suites", function(done) { var specInADisabledSuite = jasmine.createSpy("specInADisabledSuite"), suite = env.describe('A Suite', function() { env.xdescribe('with a disabled suite', function(){ env.it('spec inside a disabled suite', specInADisabledSuite); }); }); suite.execute(function() { expect(specInADisabledSuite).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("should set all pending specs to pending when a suite is run", function(done) { var pendingSpec, suite = env.describe('default current suite', function() { pendingSpec = env.it("I am a pending spec"); }); suite.execute(function() { expect(pendingSpec.status()).toBe("pending"); done(); }); }); // TODO: is this useful? It doesn't catch syntax errors xit("should recover gracefully when there are errors in describe functions", function() { var specs = []; var superSimpleReporter = new j$.Reporter(); superSimpleReporter.reportSpecResults = function(result) { specs.push("Spec: " + result.fullName); }; try { env.describe("outer1", function() { env.describe("inner1", function() { env.it("should thingy", function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); throw new Error("fake error"); }); env.describe("inner2", function() { env.it("should other thingy", function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); throw new Error("fake error"); }); } catch(e) { } env.describe("outer2", function() { env.it("should xxx", function() { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); env.addReporter(superSimpleReporter); env.execute(); expect(specs.join('')).toMatch(new RegExp( 'Spec: outer1 inner1 should thingy.' + 'Spec: outer1 inner1 encountered a declaration exception.' + 'Spec: outer1 inner2 should other thingy.' + 'Spec: outer1 encountered a declaration exception.' + 'Spec: outer2 should xxx.' )); }); });