module GuitarProHelper # Possible versions of Guitar Pro file VERSIONS = { 'FICHIER GUITARE PRO v1' => 1.0, 'FICHIER GUITARE PRO v1.01' => 1.01, 'FICHIER GUITARE PRO v1.02' => 1.02, 'FICHIER GUITARE PRO v1.03' => 1.03, 'FICHIER GUITARE PRO v1.04' => 1.04, 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v2.20' => 2.2, 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v2.21' =>2.21, 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v3.00' => 3.0, 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v4.00' => 4.0, 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v4.06' => 4.06, 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO L4.06' => 4.06, 'FICHIER GUITAR PRO v5.10' => 5.1 } NOTES = %w(C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B) VOICES = [:lead, :bass] FINGERS = [:thumb, :index, :middle, :ring, :pinky] BEND_TYPES = [:none, :bend, :bend_and_release, :bend_release_bend, :prebend, :prebend_and_release, :tremolo_dip, :tremolo_dive, :tremolo_release_up, :tremolo_inverted_dip, :tremolo_return, :tremolo_release_down] BEND_VIBRATO_TYPES = [:none, :fast, :average, :slow] MUSICAL_DIRECTIONS = [:coda, :double_coda, :segno, :segno_segno, :fine, :da_capo, :da_capo_al_coda, :da_capo_al_double_coda, :da_capo_al_fine, :da_segno, :da_segno_al_coda, :da_segno_al_double_coda, :da_segno_al_fine, :da_segno_segno, :da_segno_segno_al_coda, :da_segno_segno_al_double_coda, :da_segno_segno_al_fine, :da_coda, :da_double_coda] TRIPLET_FEEL = [:no_triplet_feel, :triplet_8th, :triplet_16th] REST_TYPES = { '0' => :empty_beat, '2' => :rest } DURATIONS = { '-2' => :whole, '-1' => :half, '0' => :quarter, '1' => :eighth, '2' => :sixteens, '3' => :thirty_second, '4' => :sixty_fourth } STRING_EFFECTS = [:tremolo_bar, :tapping, :slapping, :popping] STROKE_EFFECT_SPEEDS = [:none, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4] STROKE_DIRECTIONS = [:none, :up, :down] NOTE_TYPES = [:normal, :tie, :dead] NOTE_DYNAMICS = %w(ppp pp p mp mf f ff fff) GRACE_NOTE_TRANSITION_TYPES = [:none, :slide, :bend, :hammer] GRACE_NOTE_DURATIONS = { '3' => 16, '2' => 32, '1' => 64 } TREMOLO_PICKING_SPEEDS = { '3' => 32, '2' => 16, '1' => 8 } SLIDE_TYPES = [:no_slide, :shift_slide, :legato_slide, :slide_out_and_downwards, :slide_out_and_upwards, :slide_in_from_below, :slide_in_from_above] MAP_SLIDE_TYPES_GP5 = { '0'=>0, '1'=>1, '2'=>2, '4'=>3, '8'=>4, '16'=>5, '32'=>6 } MAP_SLIDE_TYPES_GP4 = { '-2'=>6, '-1'=>5, '0'=>0, '1'=>1, '2'=>2, '3'=>3, '4'=>4 } HARMONIC_TYPES = [:none, :natural, :artificial, :tapped, :pinch, :semi] TRILL_PERIODS = { '1' => 4, '2' => 8, '3' => 16 } CHORD_TYPES = %w(M 7 7M 6 m m7 m7M m6 sus2 sus4 7sus2 7sus4 dim aug 5) NINE_ELEVEN_THIRTEEN = [0, 9, 11, 13] # Strange moment here. In format specification is written: # 0: perfect # 1: augmented # 2: diminished # But actually (after tests) it seems to be: # 0: perfect # 1: diminished # 2: augmented CHORD_TONALITIES = [:perfect, :diminished, :augmented] # Macros to create boolean instance variables' getters like this: # attr_boolean :complete # generates # complete? # method that returns @complete instance variable def attr_boolean(*variables) variables.each do |variable| define_method("#{variable}?") do instance_variable_get("@#{variable}") end end end # Converts note's digit representation to its string equivalent: # 0 for C0, 1 for C#0, etc. def GuitarProHelper.digit_to_note(digit) note_index = 0 octave = 0 digit.times do |i| note_index = note_index + 1 if note_index == NOTES.count note_index = 0 octave = octave + 1 end end "#{NOTES.fetch(note_index)}#{octave.to_s}" end # TODO: Create helper to convert number of increments of .1dB to float for equalizers end