module Cooltrainer # Fun Ruby Factâ„¢: `false` is always object_id 0 # # irb(main):650:0> true.object_id # => 20 # irb(main):651:0> false.object_id # => 0 BOOLEAN_VALUES = Set[false, true] # Struct to encapsulate all the data needed to perform one (1) `::CHECKING::YOU::OUT` transformation # of a source media file into any supported `::CHECKING::YOU::OUT`, possibly even the same type as input. Change =, :src, :basename, :molecule, :tag, :breaks, :atoms, keyword_init: true) do # Customize the destination filename and other values before doing the normal Struct setup. def initialize(type, src: nil, molecule: nil, tag: nil, breaks:, **atoms) # `name` might have a leading slash if referenced as an absolute path as the Tag. basename = File.basename(src, '.*'.freeze).reverse.chomp('/'.freeze).reverse # Set the &default_proc on the kwarg-glob Hash instead of making a new Hash, atoms.default_proc = lambda { |h,k| h[k] = } atoms.transform_values { # We might get Atoms already instantiated, but do it for any that aren't. # We won't have a default value for them in that case. |v| v.is_a?(Cooltrainer::Atom) ? atom :, nil) }.each_key { |k| # Define accessors for context-specific :atoms keys/values that aren't normal Struct members. self.singleton_class.define_method(k) { self[:atoms]&.fetch(k, nil)&.get } self.singleton_class.define_method("#{k}=".to_sym) { |v| self[:atoms][k] = v } } # And now back to your regularly-scheduled Struct super(type: type, src: src, basename: basename, molecule: molecule, tag: tag, breaks: breaks, atoms: atoms) end # Returns the Change Type's file extension as a String with leading dot (.) def extname; type.extname; end # Returns an Array[String] of filenames this Change should generate, # one 'full'/'original' plus any limit-breaks, # e.g. ["DistorteD.png", "DistorteD-333.png", "DistorteD-555.png", "DistorteD-888.png", "DistorteD-1111.png"] def names Array[''.freeze].concat(self[:breaks]).map { |b| filetag = (b.nil? || b&.to_s.empty?) ? ''.freeze : '-'.concat(b.to_s) "#{self[:basename]}#{"-#{self.tag}" unless self.tag.nil?}#{filetag}#{extname}" } end # Returns a String describing the :names but rolled into one, # e.g. "IIDX-turntable-(400|800|1500).png" def name break_tags = self[:breaks].length > 1 ? "-(#{self[:breaks].join('|'.freeze)})" : ''.freeze "#{self.basename}#{"-#{self.tag}" unless self.tag.nil?}#{break_tags}#{self.extname}" end # Returns an Array[String] of all absolute destination paths this Change should generate, # given a root destination directory. def paths(dest_root = nil) output_dir = self[:atoms]&.fetch(:dir, nil) return { |n| File.expand_path(File.join(*([dest_root, output_dir, n].compact))) } end # Returns a String absolute destination path for only one limit-break. def path(dest_root, break_value) output_dir = self[:atoms]&.fetch(:dir, ''.freeze) return File.join(File.expand_path(dest_root), output_dir, "#{self.basename}#{"-#{self.tag}" unless self.tag.nil?}-#{break_value}#{self.extname}") end # A generic version of Struct#to_hash was rejected with good reason, # but I'm going to use it here because I want the implicit Struct-to-Hash # conversion to let me destructure these Structs with a double-splat: # # # Defining this method causes Ruby 2.7 to emit a "Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated" warning # if this Struct is passed to a method as the final positional argument! Ruby 2.7 will actually do the # conversion when calling the method in that scenario, causing incorrect behavior to methods expecting Struct. # This is why DD-Floor's `:write` and DD-Jekyll's `:render_to_output_buffer` pass an empty kwargs Hash. # def to_hash # Implicit Hash[self.members.reject{|m| m == :atoms}.zip(self.values.reject{|v| v.is_a?(Hash)})].merge(self[:atoms].transform_values(&:get)) end # Struct#to_h does exist in stdlib, but redefine its behavior to match our `:to_hash`. def to_h # Explicit Hash[self.members.reject{|m| m == :atoms}.zip(self.values.reject{|v| v.is_a?(Hash)})].merge(self[:atoms].transform_values(&:get)) end def dig(*keys); self.to_hash.dig(*keys); end # Support setting Atoms that were not defined at instantiation. def method_missing(meth, *a, **k, &b) # Are we a setter? if meth.to_s[-1] == '='.freeze # Set the :value of an existing Atom Struct self[:atoms][meth.to_s.chomp('='.freeze).to_sym].value = a.first else self[:atoms]&.fetch(meth, nil) end end end # Struct Change # Struct to wrap just the user and default values for a Compound or just for freeform usage. Atom =, :default) do # Return a value if set, otherwise a default. Both can be `nil`. def get; self.value || self.default; end # Override these default Struct methods with ones that reference our :get def to_s; self.get.to_s; end # Explicit def to_str; self.get.to_s; end # Implicit # Send any unknown message through to a value/default. def method_missing(meth, *a, **k, &b); self.get.send(meth, *a, **k, &b); end end end