module Spotlight ## # Exhibit resources class Resource < ActiveRecord::Base include Spotlight::SolrDocument::AtomicUpdates include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable extend ActiveModel::Callbacks define_model_callbacks :index class_attribute :weight belongs_to :exhibit serialize :data, Hash store :metadata, accessors: [ :last_indexed_estimate, :last_indexed_count, :last_index_elapsed_time, :last_indexed_finished], coder: JSON around_index :reindex_with_lock around_index :reindex_with_logging after_index :commit def becomes_provider klass = Spotlight::ResourceProvider.for_resource(self) if klass self.becomes! klass else self end end def needs_provider? type.blank? end ## # Persist the record to the database, and trigger a reindex to solr # # @param [Hash] All arguments will be passed through to ActiveRecord's #save method def save_and_index(*args) save(*args) && reindex_later end ## # Enqueue an asynchronous reindexing job for this resource def reindex_later Spotlight::ReindexJob.perform_later(self) end concerning :GeneratingSolrDocuments do ## # @abstract # Convert this resource into zero-to-many new solr documents. The data here # should be merged into the resource-specific {#to_solr} data. # # @return [Hash] a single solr document hash # @return [Enumerator] multiple solr document hashes. This can be a # simple array, or an lazy enumerator def to_solr (exhibit_specific_solr_data || {}).merge(spotlight_resource_metadata_for_solr || {}) end protected ## # @return an enumerator of all the indexable documents for this resource def documents_to_index data = to_solr return [] if data.blank? data &&= [data] if data.is_a? Hash return to_enum(:documents_to_index) { data.size } unless block_given? data.lazy.reject(&:blank?).each do |doc| yield doc.reverse_merge(existing_solr_doc_hash(doc[unique_key]) || {}) end end private ## # Get any exhibit-specific metadata stored in e.g. sidecars, tags, etc # This needs the generated solr document def existing_solr_doc_hash(id) => id).to_solr if document_model && id.present? end def unique_key if document_model document_model.unique_key.to_sym else :id end end def exhibit_specific_solr_data exhibit.solr_data if exhibit end def spotlight_resource_metadata_for_solr { Spotlight::Engine.config.resource_global_id_field => (to_global_id.to_s if persisted?), Spotlight::SolrDocument.resource_type_field => self.class.to_s.tableize } end def document_model exhibit.blacklight_config.document_model if exhibit end end concerning :Indexing do ## # Index the result of {#to_solr} into the index in batches of {#batch_size} # # @return [Integer] number of records indexed def reindex benchmark "Reindexing #{self} (batch size: #{batch_size})" do count = 0 run_callbacks :index do documents_to_index.each_slice(batch_size) do |batch| write_to_index(batch) update(last_indexed_count: (count += batch.length)) end count end end end protected def reindex_with_lock with_lock do yield end end def reindex_with_logging time_start = update(indexed_at: time_start, last_indexed_estimate: documents_to_index.size, last_indexed_finished: nil, last_index_elapsed_time: nil) count = yield time_end = update(last_indexed_count: count, last_indexed_finished: time_end, last_index_elapsed_time: time_end - time_start) end private def blacklight_solr @solr ||= RSolr.connect(connection_config) end def connection_config Blacklight.connection_config end def batch_size Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_batch_size end def write_to_index(batch) blacklight_solr.update params: { commitWithin: 500 }, data: batch.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } end def commit blacklight_solr.commit rescue => e Rails.logger.warn "Unable to commit to solr: #{e}" end end end end