#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'petli' require 'optparse' options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: petli [options]" opts.on("-r", "--reset", "Reset button to start over again") {|v| options[:reset] = v } opts.on("-s", "--status", "Dump pet status") {|v| options[:status] = v} opts.on("-b", "--bread", "Feed your pet bread without viewing") {|v| options[:bread] = v} opts.on("-c", "--candy", "Feed your pet candy without viewing") {|v| options[:candy] = v} opts.on("-m", "--medicine", "Feed your pet candy without viewing") {|v| options[:medicine] = v} opts.on("-l", "--clean", "Clean up any 'dirt' without viewing") {|v| options[:clean] = v} opts.on("-p", "--path [PATH]", "path to your pet data (defaults to system config dir)") do |v| $petlidboverride = v end end.parse! pet = Petli::Pet.new pet.display # force pet to update first if options[:reset] Petli::DB.clear puts "Goodbye. I hope you love your next pet!" elsif options[:status] puts Petli::DB.dump elsif options[:bread] pet.feed(food: :bread) elsif options[:candy] pet.feed(food: :candy) elsif options[:medicine] pet.feed(food: :medicine) elsif options[:clean] pet.clean else Petli::HUD.new.run end