#-- # BBCode # # Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas-Ivo Heinen # # Ruby License # # This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this # software under the same terms as Ruby. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # # ========================================================================== # Revision History :: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2002-07-16 TH Bugfix BBCODE=>ANSI, bbcode_to_html, ansi_to_html, # html_to_bbcode, html_to_ansi # # 2002-11-11 TH Comment fixes, more case insensitive matching, # convert deprecated HTML styles (, ), more # space-tolerant matching, img-tags in html_to_bbcode # works now, some error-preventing stripping and # downcasing. # ========================================================================== #++ #:title: BBCode # # This module helps easening the separation of core and frontend with the # core (or submodules) being still able to say, what colors shall be used # in it's responses. This is achieved by encoding formatting information # using the BBCode tokens. This enables you to "pipe" layout information # such as colors, style, fonttype, size and alignment through the core to # the frontend. # # Additionally it converts markups/codes between ANSI, HTML and BBCode # almost freely ;) # # == Usage # # # Converting a bbcode string to ANSI and XHTML # # require 'calibre/bbcode' # # str = "this is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR], this is [B]bold[/B]" # print( BBCode.bbcode_to_ansi(str) ) # print( BBCode.bbcode_to_html(str) ) # # == Author(s) # # * Thomas-Ivo Heinen # module BBCode ## ANSIname => ANSIcode LUT ANSINAME2CODE= { "reset" => "\e[0m", "bold" => "\e[1m", "underline" => "\e[4m", "blink" => "\e[5m", "reverse" => "\e[7m", "invisible" => "\e[8m", "black" => "\e[0;30m", "darkgrey" => "\e[1;30m", "red" => "\e[0;31m", "lightred" => "\e[1;31m", "green" => "\e[0;32m", "lightgreen" => "\e[1;32m", "brown" => "\e[0;33m", "yellow" => "\e[1;33m", "blue" => "\e[0;34m", "lightblue" => "\e[1;34m", "purple" => "\e[0;35m", "magenta" => "\e[1;35m", "cyan" => "\e[1;36m", "lightcyan" => "\e[1;36m", "grey" => "\e[0;37m", "white" => "\e[1;37m", "bgblack" => "\e[40m", "bgred" => "\e[41m", "bggreen" => "\e[42m", "bgyellow" => "\e[43m", "bgblue" => "\e[44m", "bgmagenta" => "\e[45m", "bgcyan" => "\e[46m", "bgwhite" => "\e[47m" } ## BBColor => ANSIname LUT BBCOLOR2ANSI = { "skyblue" => "blue", "royalblue" => "blue", "blue" => "blue", "darkblue" => "blue", "orange" => "red", "orangered" => "red", "crimson" => "red", "red" => "lightred", "firebrick" => "red", "darkred" => "red", "green" => "green", "limegreen" => "green", "seagreen" => "green", "darkgreen" => "green", "deeppink" => "magenta", "tomato" => "red", "coral" => "cyan", "purple" => "purple", "indigo" => "blue", "burlywood" => "red", "sandybrown"=> "red", "sierra" => "sierra", "chocolate" => "brown", "teal" => "teal", "silver" => "white", "black" => "black", "yellow" => "yellow", "magenta" => "magenta", "cyan" => "cyan", "white" => "white" } ## ANSInames => BBCode LUT ANSINAME2BBCODE = { "bold" => "B", "underline" => "U", "reverse" => "I", "red" => "COLOR=red", "blue" => "COLOR=blue", "green" => "COLOR=green", "cyan" => "COLOR=cyan", "magenta"=> "COLOR=deeppink", "purple" => "COLOR=purple", "black" => "COLOR=black", "white" => "COLOR=white", "yellow" => "COLOR=yellow", "brown" => "COLOR=chocolate" } ## Needed for alignments @@width = 80 # --------------------------- # Returns the ANSI sequence for given color, if existant def BBCode.ansi(colorname) colorname.strip! return ANSINAME2CODE[ colorname.downcase ] end # --- strip_bbcode( string ) # Will strip any BBCode tags from the given string. def BBCode.strip_bbcode(string) string.strip! return string.gsub(/\[[A-Za-z0-9\/=]+\]/, "") end # Returns the string with all ansi escape sequences converted to BBCodes def BBCode.ansi_to_bbcode(string) return "" if string.nil? || string.to_s.strip.empty? result = "" tagstack = [] ## Iterate over input lines string.split("\n").each do |line| ansi = line.scan(/\e\[[0-9;]+m/) continue if ansi.nil? || ansi.empty? ## Iterate over found ansi sequences ansi.each do |seq| ansiname = ANSINAME2CODE.invert["#{seq}"] ## Pop last tag and form closing tag if ansiname == "reset" lasttag = tagstack.pop bbname = "/" + String.new( lasttag.split("=")[0] ) ## Get corresponding BBCode tag + Push to stack else bbname = ANSINAME2BBCODE[ansiname] tagstack.push(bbname) end ## Replace ansi sequence by BBCode tag replace = sprintf("[%s]", bbname) line.sub!("#{Regexp.quote(seq)}", replace) end ## Append converted line result << sprintf("%s\n", line) end ## Some tags are unclosed while !tagstack.empty? result << sprintf("[/%s]", String.new(tagstack.pop.split("=")[0]) ) end return result end # Converts a BBCode string to one with ANSI sequences. # Returns the string with all formatting instructions in BBCodes converted # to ANSI code sequences / aligned with spaces to specified width. def BBCode.bbcode_to_ansi(string, usecolors = true) return "" if string.nil? || string.to_s.strip.empty? result = "" return BBCode.strip_bbcode(string) if !usecolors ## Iterate over lines string.split("\n").each do |line| ## TODO: stacking? other styles! ANSINAME2BBCODE.each do |key,val| line.gsub!(/\[#{val}\]/, ANSINAME2CODE[key]) line.gsub!(/\[\/#{val}\]/, ANSINAME2CODE["reset"]) end ## Fonttypes and sizes not available line.gsub!(/\[SIZE=\d\]/, "") line.gsub!(/\[\/SIZE\]/, "") line.gsub!(/\[FONT=[^\]]*\]/, "") line.gsub!(/\[\/FONT\]/, "") ## Color-mapping colors = line.scan(/\[COLOR=(.*?)\]/i) colors = colors.collect{|s| s[0].to_s} if !colors.nil? colors.each do |col| name = BBCOLOR2ANSI[col.downcase] name = BBCOLOR2ANSI["white"] if name.nil? code = ANSINAME2CODE[name] line.gsub!(/\[COLOR=#{col}\]/i, code) end line.gsub!(/\[\/COLOR\]/, ANSINAME2CODE["reset"]) ## TODO: Alignment ## TODO: IMGs ## TODO: EMAILs ## TODO: URLs ## TODO: QUOTEs ## TODO: LISTs result << sprintf("%s\n", line) end return result end # Converts a HTML string into one with BBCode markup (TODO) # Returns the (X)HTML markup string as BBCode def BBCode.html_to_bbcode(string) return "" if string.nil? || string.to_s.strip.empty? result = "" ## Iterate over lines string.split(/
/i).each do |line| styles = { "strong" => "b", "b" => "b", "em" => "i", "i" => "i", "u" => "u" } ## preserve B, I, U styles.each do |html,code| line.gsub!(/<#{html}>/i, "[#{code.upcase}]") line.gsub!(/<\/#{html}>/i, "[/#{code.upcase}]") end ## TODO: COLORs ## TODO: SIZEs ## TODO: FONTs ## EMAIL line.gsub!(/.*?<\/a>/i, "[EMAIL]\\1[/EMAIL]") ## URL line.gsub!(/(.*?)<\/a>/i, "[URL=\\1]\\2[/URL]") ## Other refs + closing tags => throw away line.gsub!(//i, "") line.gsub!(/<\/a>/i, "") ## IMG line.gsub!(//i, "[IMG=\\1]") ## CENTER (right/left??) line.gsub!(/
/i, "[ALIGN=center]") line.gsub!(/<\/center>/i, "[/ALIGN]") ## QUOTE line.gsub!(/<(?:xmp|pre)>/i, "[QUOTE]") line.gsub!(/<\/(?:xmp|pre)>/i, "[/QUOTE]") ## LIST line.gsub!(/